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    Usa "catgut" in una frase

    catgut frasi di esempio


    1. Catgut – This is a tough thin cord made out of natural fiber from the

    2. Catgut has been used as strings for

    3. Why does catgut, whatever that is, come from sheep and horses?

    4. The doctor cleansed the wound and then used a scalpel to remove shreds of flesh to gain access to the arteries that he tied off with catgut to permanently stop the bleeding

    5. She showed herself, as she often was in life, a devil to me! And, since then, sometimes more and sometimes less, I've been the sport of that intolerable torture! Infernal! keeping my nerves at such a stretch, that, if they had not resembled catgut, they would long ago have relaxed to the feebleness of Linton's

    6. I can well imagine Erik dragging the body, in order to get rid of it, to the scene from the Roi de Lahore, and hanging it there as an example, or to increase the superstitious terror that was to help him in guarding the approaches to his lair! Then, upon reflection, Erik went back to fetch the Punjab lasso, which is very curiously made out of catgut, and which might have set an examining magistrate thinking

    7. Over this skin he tied a string of catgut, which was fastened at the middle to another similar string passing through the whole length of the tabour

    8. She showed herself, as she often was in life, a devil to me! And, since then, sometimes more and sometimes less, I’ve been the sport of that intolerable torture! Infernal! keeping my nerves at such a stretch that, if they had not resembled catgut, they would long ago have relaxed to the feebleness of Linton’s

    9. Simultaneously, the jockeys sat down to ride—there was the cruel swish of catgut, the crueler prodding of steel

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