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    Usa "cavalryman" in una frase

    cavalryman frasi di esempio


    1. “Its true Haig’s a General but he’s a cavalryman and no cavalryman has ever been any good to the poor bloody infantry

    2. An Aristrian cavalryman galloped in from the side

    3. Nathan Bedford Forest (founder of the KKK) was a cavalryman

    4. That only made the leading cavalryman scoff at her

    5. ” Why should she thank these thieves for returning her own property to her? She held the sword against her while the little cavalryman argued and wrangled with the sergeant

    6. If! If! The soft drawling voices quickened with an old excitement as they talked in the when life was ever at high tide, recalling the fierce heat of their midsummer in this quiet darkness—infantryman, cavalryman, cannoneer, evoking memories of the days forlorn sunset of their winter

    7. ‘Well, young cavalryman, how is my Rook behaving?’ he asked

    8. ‘Forward, with God!’ said Bagration, in a resolute, sonorous voice, turning for a moment to the front line, and slightly swinging his arms, he went forward uneasily over the rough field with the awkward gait of a cavalryman

    9. The landowner to whom Nicholas went was a bachelor, an old cavalryman, a horse fancier, a sportsman, the possessor of some century-old brandy and some old Hungarian wine, who had a snuggery where he smoked, and who owned some splendid horses

    10. An elderly warrior, again, is strutting about in the surplice of a deacon; a cavalryman is masquerading as a monk, with his shako adorned with a red plume; a soldier of the line is promenading in a woman’s skirt

    11. “Well, young cavalryman, how is my Rook behaving?” he asked

    12. “Forward, with God!” said Bagratión, in a resolute, sonorous voice, turning for a moment to the front line, and slightly swinging his arms, he went forward uneasily over the rough field with the awkward gait of a cavalryman

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