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    Usa "center of gravity" in una frase

    center of gravity frasi di esempio

    center of gravity

    1. Vinnie pushed the glasses back firmly onto his nose and shifted his center of gravity back a bit

    2. It absorbed one of the two empires that had exhausted themselves warring against each other for generations, and then, renewed its assault upon the remaining eastern lands of the survivor, whose capital Constantinople was observed by its founder to be the cultural and economic center of gravity of the whole Roman Empire

    3. Was John of Revelation able to see all the “wars and rumors of war” that the world has never been without clearly enough to make a short reference to it? Or had he relied on his Master’s’ teachings that he had heard firsthand? There would be many wars in the eighth century (AD 700) after the initial sorting out of the seventh, as the Christian “center of gravity” shifted toward the northwest

    4. The center of gravity of the remaining Christian/Roman lands shifted inexorably west as additional shearings took place

    5. Sequential photos of binary star systems were used to teach students how all heavenly bodies were swung around a common center of gravity, how everything in the universe

    6. His newly purchased (with proceeds from the Montville Constable Salmon insurance settlement) Jeep Wrangler had a high center of gravity and rolled at least three times, apparently ejecting Mike on the initial impact because he was left helplessly dangling between the upper and middle wire strands of the “guard rail

    7. As he moved his right leg back again over the pipe, the momentum carried his center of gravity to the right side

    8. In cosmic space, if a cloud of gas does not have a center of gravity to condense

    9. There is no set model for how this center of gravity can be expressed

    10. We only need to pick the ship up near its center of gravity

    11. Bonobo center of gravity is lower than that of Chimpanzees

    12. provided a center of gravity for other disenchanted program-

    13. A great commotion immobilized her in her center of gravity, planted her in her place, and her defensive will was demolished by the irresistible anxiety to discover what the orange whistles and the invisible globes on the other side of death were like

    14. He was still trying to get his center of gravity under him so that he could move when the carving knife struck him deep into his leg

    15. With his height, he felt like you needed a lower center of gravity to snowboard

    16. He wanted, he sensed with his gut if not his mind, to have the lowest possible center of gravity

    17. The variation is due to a wobble in their center of gravity caused by a shared center of mass

    18. The mech loses its center of gravity and begins spinning

    19. said, “Deviations in the body’s center of gravity causes poor posture,

    20. Caught between the onshore embarrassment and the offshore predicament, as Sandhya stepped into the boat as though she were slipping into the river itself, Raja Rao, having jumped into it earlier like a habitual, tended his perplexed bride tenderly into it, and once in, she reached for a cross plank seemingly considering the center of gravity of that which was afloat

    21. This is a center of the human and it practically coincides with the center of gravity, both in the physical and the geometrical sense

    22. “Because you move the center of gravity while they follow the center of gravity

    23. Running is a series of jumps from one leg to another with a corresponding shift of weight of the body and the center of gravity

    24. In other words, everyone is teaching the general rules of moving the center of gravity

    25. Because in order to increase speed and to teach the body to move, one needs to learn, first of all, to move the center of gravity

    26. There is an elementary technique to shift your center of gravity

    27. And the most important thing is to feel this place, to feel in particular your center of gravity

    28. With the power of your will, you move this center of gravity, and everything follows it

    29. You can accelerate just with the exhale, in other words, with the power of your thought pushing forward the center of gravity

    30. It is the same: you should freely move your center of gravity by mentally sending it an order

    31. And when you learn to move your center of gravity at the speed of thought, you will be able to move as quickly as your physical condition will permit

    32. You’ll only need to have time for your body to catch up with your center of gravity

    33. raising his arms was enough to move his center of gravity and his feet

    34. Somebody else stands in front of him, and this person plays an important part in steering, as he can determine the sledge's center of gravity better than the driver at the rear

    35. A huge blast of wind comes, suddenly shifting the goat's center of gravity, and, inch by inch, it slowly turns towards the chasm until it topples in and falls to the bottom, bouncing against the rock wall several times as it goes

    36. The center of gravity lodged squarely in the heart of Manhattan’s most fashionable and wealthy district and that’s exactly why the media couldn’t know

    37. The wheel tipped towards her, slowly at first but gaining more speed as its center of gravity shifted

    38. changes the center of gravity in your body, and your baby bump causes your muscles to work harder to

    39. Aerobic walking itself requires one to hold the head high and in line with the body's center of gravity, which further contributes to posture

    40. Hybrids are innovative types of woods that blend the “straight hitting” feature of irons and the “low center of gravity” attributes of woods with higher lofts

    41. "When an iceberg is eroded at the base by warmer waters or by repeated collisions, its center of gravity rises

    42. He went on with his work, but he felt now that the center of gravity of his attention had passed to something else, and that consequently he looked at his work quite differently and more clearly

    43. I knew the Expedition would have plenty of power, but I worried about its higher center of gravity, which could be a problem with any SUV

    44. This means that there has been a definite lowering of the “center of gravity” of production costs for the entire industry

    45. In practical matters Pierre unexpectedly felt within himself a center of gravity he had previously lacked

    46. The center of gravity was not in her hips as it should have been in a human female

    47. The dominant cycle is extracted from the spectral estimate in the next block of code using a center of gravity (CG) algorithm

    48. But even in these conjunctions the center of gravity always lies in one of the two productions, so that it is one of them that produces the artistic impression while the other remains unregarded

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