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    Usa "centuries" in una frase

    centuries frasi di esempio


    1. Any one woman in flesh sitting with him now would be better than all the might-have-beens in the centuries of memories in his mind

    2. Two thousand years of foot traffic had worn the floors to rolling hills, the glass in the windows had sagged and the marble plumbing fixtures were heavily eroded, though they were just replaced a few centuries ago

    3. She knew it said, 'Let all who's way is eased give thanks to those who's centuries of toil have joined our basins in peace and brotherhood

    4. "If we decide to enhance the individual, as has been the dominant theme on this planet for twenty centuries now, we will not evolve in that direction

    5. It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

    6. Before the starship age, one paid copper to get into the only eye room in the city and he had been in there only twice in all those centuries

    7. story of one of God’s generals at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries

    8. breaking of the taboos that had dogged her line down the centuries gave her a strength

    9. It was now known that the Kassikan had been secretly influencing Earth for centuries, nearly taking over America in the 1970's, Europe in the 1990's, completely taking over Brazil by 2350

    10. Bahkmar was born in 2312, unnoticed because the two hundredth anniversary of Talstan's founding by Qaida, the Prophet of Holy War, was the year before, but he was able to consider himself two centuries younger than the nation all his life

    11. " That was no doubt a dusty pitted hulk for it was over two and a half centuries old by now, built of bulk aluminum and steel using big bolts

    12. Obliterate that and then claim some land for themselves, plant their seed and begin their advance across the planet, as they had done across Asia in the preceding centuries

    13. Now it was a voyage of centuries to communicate with home

    14. "You would take the Lula, an unarmed apartment building with a big burner on it, out to protect us from a warship built two centuries in our future?" He continued howling

    15. I've lost one crewman in five centuries on this river and that was to a spheelunge and even then he was too pig-headed drunk to get out of the water when the lookout yelled to him

    16. Luray remembered how they met, it was about five centuries ago when Knume stumbled home from Zhlindu

    17. In all her centuries in this basin Vyinga had never picked up the habit of always having a cup with her and always shared Nlara's

    18. Only a couple centuries later, Constantine made Christianity the religion of Rome

    19. The oldest surviving ones are from the end of the 41st century, but I've copied over some that go back four centuries farther than that

    20. In previous centuries, there were forced conversions, and the possibility that you could identify yourself as German instead of Jewish

    21. The late 34th century in these parts was literate, peaceful and prosperous actually, compared to the centuries that lead up to it

    22. Nlara obviously didn't want to chat, what was there left to say after the centuries they'd shared? Having Kalaz and Dencah back, along with Gardir, was fanning the current flare-up in her addiction to the hormone high

    23. Somehow, over the centuries, man has lost the knowledge of what to do

    24. There hasn't been much wilderness in this style for a couple centuries, it's been soil-mined out for those mechanized farms

    25. "The oldest were born as flesh more than one of your centuries ago

    26. Luray was silent awhile, then said, "I think I've had two children of this body in my life, the one with Knume at the beginning of the 52nd, and another one back in the 41st, fourteen centuries ago

    27. The tooth it threw was huge with a wicked straight-edge point, one like he hadn't seen in thirty centuries

    28. But, if I had not gone to get it when I did, it may well have been buried for centuries as the original ancient town had been

    29. in wisps of smoke that echo centuries

    30. Of course the Shempala Lakes Tourist Council that had published these highly symbolic maps four centuries ago could have exaggerated the size of the lakes by a whole lot and the lakes might really be thirty eight and twenty nine miles long instead of the hundred ten and seventy that was shown on this map

    31. This must have been abandoned for many centuries

    32. ‘It’s nearly three centuries, isn’t it?’ Joris replied, turning to Berndt

    33. Why has this particular process of chemical interaction been walking around so long, centuries past any usefulness

    34. That had been in the 43rd, some centuries before her idyll with Knume

    35. She knew they wouldn't remember any details from three hundred centuries ago, but knew their behavior patterns were based on the successful patterns from all the ages of their lives

    36. "Those herdsman's villages aren't as permanent as towns like Yoonbarla, after four centuries they could have come and gone several times

    37. Two centuries and more I have sat here, waiting for mists to clear,

    38. Thirty centuries later, her beauty was still as magnificent as in the legends, and the simple elegance of her robes even more so

    39. We just know that with chemical explosives and sun sails the centuries involved are not practical

    40. People have lived ten centuries with the Instinct now, no one could cope with even the threat of violence

    41. Luray knew that a lot of these people were the descendants of the villagers that had tried to roast her twenty one centuries ago

    42. For centuries those vicious teeth have ripped apart hundreds of ships and drowned over a thousand people

    43. To go off that far, now, with someone this sad, was that what she really wanted? This was an interlude she needed, but should it become a way of life? "I've come to care a lot about you, but I have a home here, I haven't left this basin in twenty centuries

    44. " Reading speed was a modification he'd made to himself centuries ago, he flipped the page, there were three more repetitions of the same tale, as told by different members of that crew to different newsmen

    45. She brought his mind back over twenty centuries to the ancient lands he once called home

    46. She beamed with joy because the enhancements he'd made to himself over the centuries insured that no woman would ever fail to find fulfillment in his bed again

    47. Desa had a yaag problem when she first lived in her house in Dos and no doubt she would have that problem several times again before she was twenty two centuries old

    48. This is rural Greece, secluded mountain farming not much changed for centuries

    49. It still took centuries to reach the more isolated basins

    50. Nevertheless, centuries of fine and proper blood were coursing through her adrenalin swollen arteries, and with her unwavering sense of indignation on behalf of underdogs everywhere, she steeled herself for the physical punishment that was about to pour forth upon her head

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