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    Usa "chancellery" in una frase

    chancellery frasi di esempio


    1. They’re common and reliable, manufactured by the wizard’s guild for the Chancellery of Immigration and Tourism

    2. chancellery buildings in Berlin

    3. firing within the vicinity of and at the Chancellery

    4. Have we tried even once to bomb Hitler’s ‘Eagle’s Nest’ in the Austrian Alps? No! Have we tried to do a pinpoint bombing of Hitler’s Chancellery in Berlin, or of the Gestapo headquarters? No and no! They certainly would be more legitimate targets than simple residential areas

    5. Before the war, the life of Reinhold von Rumpel was pleasant enough: he was a gemologist who ran an appraisal business out of a second-story shop behind Stuttgart’s old chancellery

    6. Joe Louis would reign as heavyweight champion of the world from 1937 to 1949, long after Joseph Goebbels’s charred body had been pulled out of the smoldering rubble of the Reich Chancellery in Berlin and laid next to those of Magda and their children

    7. "40 Diplomatic ciphers are slang; the pontifical chancellery by using 26 for Rome, grkztntgzyal for despatch, and abfxustgrnogrkzu tu XI

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