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    Usa "chattel" in una frase

    chattel frasi di esempio


    1. Considered as a Royal chattel, they usually enjoyed royal protection…

    2. The farmer treats her as a chattel abusing her constantly

    3. The river’s chattel with his ankle in the wet

    4. Those who propose enacting abortion laws—or any law dictating to a woman how she can use her own body—are reverting to the “women are disposable chattel” concepts of ages thankfully past

    5. Those who propose enacting abortion laws—or any law dictating to a woman how she can use her own body—are reverting to the "women are disposable chattel" concepts of ages thankfully long past

    6. When they vanquished their foes, they would murder all the men, and take the women as chattel

    7. Chattel slavery and cheap labor an unwelcome introduction into capitalism…captured Africans stripped of all personality and humanity…a mechanism of an oppressive system of human sorrows…victims of avarice and self-appointed superiority…pregnant slaves shackled to fears, her naked breasts heavy with tears, her seed in jeopardy of annihilation in a nation that defended the enslavement of Africa’s babies because black skin made it so…no place to go but Heaven… with the connection to Africa stricken from the reach of her children… but the royalty that flows through the veins of her offspring has managed to elude the ad¬versary’s thievery…it remains unscathed, needing only recognition of its presence…the Transatlantic and watery graves, but those that survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    8. Chattel slavery and cheap labor an unwelcome introduction into capitalism…captured Africans stripped of all personality and humanity…a mechanism of an oppressive system of human sorrows…victims of avarice and self-appointed superiority…pregnant slaves shackled to fears, her naked breasts heavy with tears, her seed in jeopardy of annihilation in a nation that defended the enslavement of Africa’s babies because black skin made it so…no place to go but Heaven… with the connection to Africa stricken from the reach of her children… but the royalty that flows through the veins of her offspring has managed to elude the adversary’s thievery…it remains unscathed, needing only recognition of its presence…the Transatlantic and watery graves, but those that survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains

    9. She was about to become the chattel, the private whore of a depraved, unfeeling, disgusting pig

    10. They sold their own children off as chattel slaves when their potato bins did not have enough extra potatoes to make a profit that year

    11. The change from savagery and cannibalism when men used to devour the captives they took in war - to the beginning of chattel slavery, when the tribes or clans into which mankind were divided - whose social

    12. Then, after they siphoned off my money, my “feminist” parents let Nick bundle me off to Missouri like I was some piece of chattel, some mail-order bride, some property exchange

    13. I will be your chattel

    14. Quite the contrary, they thought they had every right, for Richard had been given to them as a chattel, and they did not even see the necessity of feeding him

    15. "What characterizes the slave is this, that he is in the hands of his master like a chattel, a tool, and no longer a man

    16. The slave was but a chattel; his level was the ox; he was like any other beast of burden, and his morals were not above his position

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    chattel movable personal chattel belongings goods assets wealth