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    Usa "chocolate-brown" in una frase

    chocolate-brown frasi di esempio


    1. She was beautiful of course, attractively thin with nice thick lips curled into a smile under shining chocolate-brown eyes

    2. Dave stood there in a nice chocolate-brown button-down

    3. chocolate-brown skin, a bald scalp, and a neatly trimmed goatee

    4. deprived of its rich, chocolate-brown color, was now thin and wiry

    5. that expertly complemented his chocolate-brown and cream pinstriped

    6. He looked into her beautiful brown eyes and suddenly it reminded him of the deliciously brown espn trees on his home planet with their long, spreading branches coming off the dark brown trunk and the light brown leaves fluttering from the smaller branches and the delectable chocolate-brown fruit hanging from the branches in clumps

    7. ” And with those words he spun his forepaws in a deceptively simple pattern, and a half dozen chocolate-brown boxers materialized, their chests emblazoned with crests of pure white and likewise their snowy paws

    8. Her olive skin and chocolate-brown eyes hinted at European heritage

    9. Its deep chocolate-brown eyes were happy, its tongue lolling as it panted

    10. "Luke!" A stunning woman with hair the same chocolate-brown shade as his rushes over to envelope Luke in a hug

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