Usa "civilisation" in una frase
civilisation frasi di esempio
1. bare legs was a breath of civilisation, a small memento of his humanity
2. She’s a nice young woman; she’d be an asset to any civilisation
3. The scurrying of sharp little claws on flagstones was a reminder of life and the slightest feather touch of frayed rags on his bare legs was a breath of civilisation, a small memento of his humanity
4. They should keep us going until this evening by which time we should have reached civilisation … or at any rate what passes for civilisation in this neck of the woods
5. civilisation after another charred and burned on the branch
6. How long it would be before Ozzie and Chrissie noticed he had done a flit? What would they do? If they had any sense, they would get out and make for civilisation
7. ‘You could wander around there for days without hitting civilisation
8. bunch of maggots in the bread of civilisation
9. As the others celebrated being amongst civilisation
10. Although Seth had assured him that the humans were experiencing some sort of meltdown in their civilisation it was obvious from the mage’s other stories of Earth’s history that the humans had, at one stage, been unbelievably powerful
11. civilisation, with which it is tightly connected
12. glitter, but a part of the history of civilisation, because,
13. about the progress of our civilisation, but it is not sure
14. that our so called modern civilisation represented a
15. In this way, civilisation
16. The actual house contained treasures from a previous civilisation
17. There were conspiracy theorists who believed Earth had once been colonised and then ‘saved’ by benevolent aliens of an advanced civilisation
18. This was still a remote enough part of Exmoor that he would struggle to find anything resembling civilisation on foot
19. But this place was so removed in every way from earthly civilisation
20. Now he was seeing them as they truly were: a civilisation perhaps a millennia ahead of humans, yet still flesh and blood; fearful, paranoid about their perceived threats from humanoid races displaying a potential for galactic spread
21. It meant we could not intervene to rescue a less advanced civilisation
22. Could you at least tell me where we are? You know, in relation to the rest of civilisation?”
23. Was a man ever meant to be monogamous, or is it merely a culturally imposed state, part of the conditioning which kept society in order; the foundation for civilisation?
24. He told of how his civilisation used their mastery of time travelling for the purposes of observation until the rules governing this changed
25. ‘This is information which cannot be privy to your Civilisation for risk---’ He hesitated
26. These were blips in the history of a planet which would ultimately, the Council believed, lead to an improved, more enlightened civilisation
27. The other two had access to technical knowledge of a civilisation over a hundred years in advance of Earth's; both of their existences based on such technology (despite his self being the initial designer of L-Seven-Six), and now they seemed to have the key to unraveling knowledge from perhaps millennia beyond even that
28. ‘We have always believed the human race would progress and evolve successfully without intervention, that the secrets of the universe were there to be revealed by discovery rather than imparted by a higher civilisation
29. At midday clothes might go; the natives were to be envied; and the noblesse oblige of civilisation, in dress at least, was to be lamented
30. His opinions were widely known and he had often described members of the press as; “an intolerable nuisance, liars, mischief makers, a reproach to civilisation, and a blemish upon the profession they pretend to follow
31. I shut my eyes, and my mind drifts to a pristine and primordial place, before man and his civilisation
32. For this condensed information might be used by an advanced alien civilisation to recreate Earth life
33. And situated at the eastern-most point of the Occidental Union, this is the cemetery at the end of the world—the cemetery secluded from the rest of civilisation
34. After mulling over my question for several seconds, the Administrator replies, "We are allowed to answer your question, for civilisation and life are perishing
35. Once the desert was crowded with their homes and communities, but now there is nothing left, their civilisation destroyed by the mind-wars
36. As a civilisation they would have government, political
37. Daniel writes about civilisation, and where we might have gone wrong, and he’s become a major influence on my thinking
38. After the setback, when all life was destroyed during the Flood, they went furiously to work in undermining the structure of civilisation
39. When the planet settled itself, not a trace was left of civilisation
40. ‗I hate the idea of civilisation and other people
41. ‗I sometimes wonder,‘ he continued, ‗if this modern ‗modesty‘ signals the end of civilisation
42. ‘Those evil, inhuman creations of godless fools conceived in sin, are everywhere organising themselves, converting the weak, plotting against civilisation, and subverting God’s plans
43. Rumble and Ngem had considered that they, and the other inhabitants could be in the cavern for the remainder of their lives, so they all worked towards being totally self sufficient and to create a new civilisation in this age of uncertainty
44. They intended to create a new civilisation from the ashes of the old
45. (2) towards urban civilisation that sowed the seeds for the emergence of a more
46. What evidence we have of life in early communities suggests a much greater respect for nature, and less materialistic attitudes than is found in modern civilisation
47. Some of the evidence for this is archaeological, but we can also get a good idea of how our ancestors may have lived by looking at various contemporary indigenous cultures that have not yet been overly influenced by contact with western civilisation (the Kogi of Colombia, the Bushmen of the Kalahari and the Penan in Malaysia)
48. How is it that a thirteen year old girl can figure out how to get air from ice while a civilisation that can create a space craft
49. Controlling the humanoid's was becoming a regular and expensive time consuming process, and one which was slowly draining the wealth of the Arct civilisation
50. The thought of them being equal to humans in intelligence had never entered their heads during their entire civilisation