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    Usa "clasping" in una frase

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    1. Instinctively, I reach out as though to take it … drawing my hand back swiftly as I realise what I am doing, and clasping it with my other hand as though it had been burned

    2. ’ He said, his hand firmly clasping Jacqui’s

    3. At some stage during that time, she manages to tell Caderl the news about their marriage and I witness him having a quiet, if enthusiastic word with Berndt, clasping him by his injured arm in his excitement and then having to apologise speedily as a result of being a little too excited

    4. Clasping my hand, she leads me over to a two-seater sofa and sits down with me

    5. Solo Ki hesitated only briefly before clasping the mage's hand

    6. “Oh, child…” He in turn shook his head sorrowfully, stepping past her and clasping his hands behind his back in gloomy rumination

    7. Helez sat in one of the comfortable chairs, her head against the high back and her eyes closed, clasping her hands together in her lap as her mind spun in turmoil

    8. clasping his hand in hers

    9. ” He began his proposal, clasping his hands together as he

    10. Holland twisted his features and sat back, clasping his hands over his stomach

    11. She clung to it, almost crying, clasping it with both of her own, bringing it to her face, kissing it

    12. Clasping my hands together, I closed my eyes and prayed

    13. While she was unconscious, unaware of his presence, he dipped his head and closed his lips over hers, drawing her up and into him, clasping his strong arms around her small shoulders

    14. Having done all she could, Macey backed away and slid down the wall, clasping her hands around her legs, hugging her knees to her chest

    15. ” he mumbled, clasping at the wall, dragging himself up

    16. clasping his hands together

    17. neatly in a ponytail, and her hand still clasping a teddy bear

    18. While I fed on Zacchaeus I could see Adrinius clasping his bleeding neck with his hands bent at the knees howling from the pain

    19. I awoke with a start, clasping the window pane as my body hurled towards gravity

    20. Ishvara drew my eyes to him by clasping my chin and directing me to look at him

    21. clasping sheaves of wheat to my bosom--became my guidebook to all that was

    22. about, clasping and unclasping their hands, wiggling their toes, not sure what to think

    23. I twirled in front of Tess and she jumped out of her chair clasping her hands together in appreciation

    24. ” She said clasping her hands in anticipation

    25. I hurry over to the other side and find him on the ground, his back resting on the front wheel of his car with hands clasping his right ankle

    26. are besieged by a wall of approving aunties, clasping their

    27. An explosion of light and pain overcomes him, and Sloth cries out, hands clasping at his head, trying to rid himself of the invasion

    28. “So what's going to happen to us now?” Benjamin squirmed, clasping his hands around his

    29. The first of them who is clasping her hands is called Faith

    30. closely cut grass, clasping each other with arms that seemed stiff

    31. "Do you remember when Lucas had to warn the British airmen that the Germans were trying to find them?" Father Haralambos sat down and pulled Zoe down with him, clasping his hands over hers

    32. “Have I told you how proud I am of you? I still do not know how those two akhs of yours were my ebn’s with the horrible success rate they had in combat and torture, but you, my dear,” he said, reaching over and clasping her hand, squeezing it and smiling at her, “you make an abb proud

    33. Cold showers took thirty seconds, then clasping each other tightly they stepped onto an enseemat and a nanosecond later were plunging their feet into the deep-pile of a gruesome red carpet in the huge and hideously decorated apartment belonging to the Chief Mage

    34. Her smile broadens, and she stands clasping my hands in her wrinkled ones

    35. They were drowning and clasping at the lasts straws they could find

    36. At the thought her legs refused to support her, and she collapsed in a shuddering heap, clasping Conan's knees and mingling incoherent pleas for mercy and protection with piteous protestations of her innocence of any malign intention

    37. She faltered promises of explicit obedience, clasping his corded neck as if seeking security from the contact

    38. Flat on her back, her well kept hands clasping the wine glass poised on her stomach, she talked into the night sky

    39. "How bad is the damage?" asked Travis, warming his hands by clasping the enamel mug

    40. somewhat vertical, I was still clasping the key

    41. He gasped and doubled up, clasping his face with both hands

    42. ” Freda during all this time had kept hold of her friends hand and was now clasping it so hard that Annie had to shake her hand to get the circulation going through it again

    43. “What?” Joey said, clasping his head

    44. He remembered a garbled conversation, then him and Fishmael clasping hands and shaking firmly, after the bloody signing of the contract

    45. His father quickly scurried around the vehicle, clasping his arm around the woman as they entered the hotel

    46. Astoundingly calm, Mitchell emerged near the surface, pulling off the fins, before clasping the ladder

    47. Seconds later he sat up, clasping his left hand around the back of Travis's neck

    48. She was clasping a small gold clutch,

    49. said Jil clasping her hands together in anticipation

    50. ” Said Tony clasping his hands over his beach ball

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