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    Usa "claustrophobia" in una frase

    claustrophobia frasi di esempio


    1. There was claustrophobia within these

    2. The stone room felt like it was crushing him, and claustrophobia shook his senses

    3. Raven’s heart thumped and claustrophobia closed in on him

    4. Fighting my panic and newfound claustrophobia, I tried to calm myself

    5. `Like who you love, who you hate, what you would give the world to have and more so the simplest of fears such as hydrophobia, claustrophobia, xenophobia and the rest

    6. His mood was flipping between desperate sobbing grief for the death of his sibling, fear and panic brought on by his claustrophobia, and violent rage at the people he thought responsible

    7. I had never felt scared of the dark before, but now I could sense how the claustrophobia tightened its cold hands around my neck

    8. Claustrophobia wrapped around her and squeezed

    9. mother, she was overburdened with a feeling of claustrophobia

    10. She felt a small bit of near-panic as a mini-wave of claustrophobia swept over her

    11. Claustrophobia is not one of my problems

    12. Some major fears are agoraphobia, fear of being in public places, and claustrophobia, fear of confinement or crowded places

    13. A cloud of claustrophobia suddenly took the air from the room, the beer no doubt a factor

    14. As the truck rumbled along, Sam’s claustrophobia kicked into high gear

    15. I’ve always hated being underground but my interment in Mallucé’s lair beneath the Burren escalated dislike to near claustrophobia

    16. During this time, I endured boredom, bad food, claustrophobia, and the nonstop screaming of my fellow inmates, also in solitary, many of whom were having full-on nervous breakdowns

    17. Tricosas stared around the cramped radio room and felt a rush of claustrophobia tighten his chest

    18. It’s not the claustrophobia

    19. Rapp had suffered from mild claustrophobia since he was a kid

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