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    Usa "clear-sighted" in una frase

    clear-sighted frasi di esempio


    1. Obviously, such an innovation could not pass withoutopposition from clear-sighted men

    2. in clear-sighted trances -

    3. ingenious, and clear-sighted as the abbe might probably be able to solve the dark mystery of

    4. I know how clear-sighted your dreams are; I therefore purchased immediately as many shares as I could of the Haitian debt, and I gained 400,000 francs by it, of which 100,000 have been honestly paid to you

    5. But I am clear-sighted, and I shall not use that word to you, Antonia! I have no patriotic illusions

    6. Father Roman's clear-sightedness was served by an uninformed intelligence; but his heart, preserving its tenderness amongst scenes of carnage, spoliation, and violence, abhorred these calamities the more as his association with the victims was closer

    7. Endowed with the delicate perception which a solitary soul acquires through constant meditation, through the exquisite clear-sightedness with which a mind aloof from life fastens on all that falls within its sphere, Eugenie, taught by suffering and by her later education to divine thought, knew well that the president desired her death that he might step into possession of their immense fortune, augmented by the property of his uncle the notary and his uncle the abbe, whom it had lately pleased God to call to himself

    8. He had lost the faculty of working and of moving firmly towards any fixed goal, but he was endowed with more clear-sightedness and rectitude than ever

    9. It is the same in things pertaining purely to civilization; the instinct of the masses, clear-sighted to-day, may be troubled to-morrow

    10. In this way an unknown Florentino Ariza was revealed to her, one possessed of a clear-sightedness that in no way corresponded to the feverish love letters of his youth or to the somber conduct of his entire life

    11. " To begin with, it agitated Shatov, threw him out of his regular routine, and deprived him of his usual clear-sightedness and caution

    12. The proof of it was that they had already sat down to tea! And the old, it seems, are sometimes more clear-sighted than the young, even when the young are so exceptional

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