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    Usa "close again" in una frase

    close again frasi di esempio

    close again

    1. Better than that, she got close again

    2. He sat close against her on the mattress

    3. If he’d pulled her close against his chest, she wouldn’t have been able to resist

    4. He pulled her close again and kissed her lovingly

    5. He pulled her close again and tried to kiss her full on

    6. Rex motioned her close again

    7. Jack' eyes were threatening to close again

    8. “Why not?” He pulled her close again and leaned down, softly brushing her lips with his

    9. She screamed and darted for the door, but he caught her and pulled her close again

    10. She was pressed close against his chest

    11. When he’d reached the limit his none too long arm would allow, he pulled his body in close against the ladder behind him and quickly transferred his grip to the next lower rung

    12. If he could stay, he could help his mother pull his father together and they would grow close again, but he couldn’t so there were things that needed saying

    13. The thought of her father being so close again allowed her to slowly drift off into a dream-filled sleep

    14. He grabbed her and pulled her close again

    15. But once there, the portal did not close again

    16. With eyes that would never close again

    17. I hope the others weren't too upset with me but I couldn't bring myself to be upset at that moment because Chris had me in his arms and our bodies were so close again

    18. as he pushed himself close against the side of the shack

    19. He waited for the doors to close again before he spoke

    20. Ceder picked up Astray and held the cub close against her body to dry him off

    21. At a respectful invitation from Hadrathus he seated himself on an ivory chair, and motioned Albiona to another, but she preferred to sit on a golden stool at his feet, pressing close against his thigh, as if seeking security in the contact

    22. It will close again to engulf those who pursue

    23. Sir Richard will never let you that close again!”

    24. He regained his footing and came close again,

    25. He stepped into the wormhole just as the wall came to a full close against his back…

    26. They had been so close again; he had lifted her in his arms and for a moment had stared into her eyes with such concern

    27. “Nathaniel and I are close again for the one reason

    28. Becky and Diane slide close against his body

    29. Years ago he had come close to losing Abby, and now he was close again, albeit in a much different manner

    30. He pulled her to a stop beside the fountain, keeping her tucked close against his side

    31. “Darek?” Azura put her ear up close against the wall and soon

    32. His eyes close again and Amy says to the wolf

    33. She snuggled her head close against his chest and breathed in deeply

    34. “It’s not helping!” My eyes were still shut, and I leaned my head close against his shoulder

    35. What she said next was, 'Haven't we been silly,'--and, more familiarity, she put one arm round his knees and held them close against her face

    36. "Eugene!" She shoves him away, and rolls over in an exaggerated huff, while he laughs and pulls her close again, her back against his chest, her head tucked against his shoulder, their fingers intertwined

    37. She heard the door open and then close again

    38. Shiva pulled her close again, eyes closed, taking pleasure in his family’s loving touch,

    39. She wondered if she would see this land again or was she now only to live upon this floating metal cage? Would her feet set foot on her beloved clan's soil? Would she ever run through Elanclose again?

    40. She wanted to feel his stubbly beard against her face as he held her close against his chest

    41. I put my arms around him and held him close against me

    42. Eventually he gave up and pulled up the nearest fold, holding it close against the desk and shielding it with his body

    43. “You say that like it’s a bad thing,” she said as he pulled her close again

    44. She leaned in close again and I thought she was going to kiss me, but she diverted to my ear to whisper directly into it, “I would not want you as a mate if you did

    45. got situated with her body curled close against his

    46. Donovan pulled her close again and rested his chin atop her

    47. You seldom see any shadows in Holbein's drawings; he seems to have put his sitters near a wide window, close against which he worked

    48. Emily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled close against him,

    49. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited just to have you this close again

    50. ” Nolan was standing too close again

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