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    Usa "coachman" in una frase

    coachman frasi di esempio


    1. He turned away and went thru the thick portal that his coachman held open

    2. Coachman Yarbeem waved the kedas out smartly and they clattered away

    3. reined and whipped on in haste by the sightless cadaver coachman,

    4. Allcock directed the coachman

    5. They had been collecting posters for services they might need the whole time they had been wandering around the city, and right now they needed a coach and coachman they could control

    6. "You are the coachman of this vehicle are you not?" he asked thru the android's mouth

    7. Even with the system able to plot the three-d maze, they could spend hours finding a coachman, even in a busy business district like that near the detective agency

    8. But what about the coachman? Then she remembered that Glenelle said they had other weapons that could kill to use on any other people who got in the way

    9. The coachman shrugged his shoulders and strolled off

    10. "He's advertised as the best long-haul coachman around," Alfred told them

    11. "I would guess the owner, when the coachman talked to him

    12. The coachman we hired saw how mortal we were, saw me carry Morg's dead android back home for arrangements

    13. The couple’s coachman fainted dead away the moment I stepped out of the woods, and the woman, in her mid-twenties, maybe younger, looks as if she’s about to faint, but her husband is putting on a brave face

    14. She said it several times a day, hugging it to herself as the weeks went on in much the same way that a coachman, growing cold on his box, hugs his chest, not having anything else to hug, at intervals to keep his circulation going; and particularly she said it on her way up to the attic after the administration of the good-night kiss

    15. Ingram had found a room in the village inn at Kökensee, a place so sordid, so entirely impossible as the next habitation after theirs for one who had been their guest, that the Baron and Baroness were concerned for what their servants must think when they heard him direct their coachman in the presence of their butler and footman, as he clambered nimbly into the dogcart, to take him to it

    16. Finally he led his nervous mother out of the house, and the coachman helped her into the coach without a comment

    17. Tom arrived at the stables of the Davidsons and greeted the farmhand who had been the coachman the evening before

    18. As the last of the day’s light vanished into the hills the coachman

    19. Alric let the woman go, and then she stepped back and watched as the coachman unloaded her bag

    20. An elegant carriage stood in the middle of the road with a pair of spirited grey horses; there was no one in it, and the coachman had got off his box and stood by; the horses were being held by the bridle

    21. The lady in the coach, amazed and terrified at what she saw, ordered the coachman to draw aside a little, and set herself to watch this severe struggle, in the course of which the Biscayan smote Don Quixote a mighty stroke on the shoulder over the top of his buckler, which, given to one without armour, would have cleft him to the waist

    22. The cook was bad-tempered, the old coachman was deaf, and Esther the only one who ever took any notice of the young lady

    23. All this, unexpectedly encountered, took Don Quixote somewhat aback, and struck terror into the heart of Sancho; but the next instant Don Quixote was glad of it, believing that some new perilous adventure was presenting itself to him, and under this impression, and with a spirit prepared to face any danger, he planted himself in front of the cart, and in a loud and menacing tone, exclaimed, "Carter, or coachman, or devil, or whatever thou art, tell me at once who thou art, whither thou art going, and who these folk are thou carriest in thy wagon, which looks more like Charon's boat than an ordinary cart

    24. His coachman, who was drunk, suddenly dozed off, and one could see from the distance, above the hood, between the two lanterns, the mass of his body, that swayed from right to left with the giving of the traces

    25. "Where to, sir?" asked the coachman

    26. The coachman wiped his brow, put his leather hat between his knees, and drove his carriage beyond the side alley by the meadow to the margin of the waters

    27. He went out only to give an order to the coachman, with Monsieur Canivet, who did not care either to have Emma die under his hands

    28. "Being answered in the negative, I bade him call me a coach, and collecting a few necessaries hastily together, with a little parcel of letters and papers which I had collected the preceding evening, I hurried into it, desiring the coachman to

    29. With such encouragement as this, was she dismissed on the present occasion, to her brother's carriage; which they were ready to enter five minutes after it stopped at the door, a punctuality not very agreeable to their sister-in-law, who had preceded them to the house of her acquaintance, and was there hoping for some delay on their part that might inconvenience either herself or her coachman

    30. The gardeners and coachman were there; but Linton was with them

    31. She insisted on my fulfilling her directions, before she would let me touch her; and not till after the coachman had been instructed to get ready, and a maid set to pack up some necessary attire, did I obtain her consent for binding the wound and helping to change her garments

    32. directions to be given to the coachman, I sent for him, not caring that his

    33. They returned to the hotel; at the door Franz ordered the coachman to be ready at eight

    34. You have told your coachman to leave the city by the Porta del

    35. "Well, what has this bandit to do with the order I have given the coachman to leave the city

    36. opened, and a coachman appeared

    37. Give orders to the coachman; and be in readiness on the stairs to conduct us to it

    38. He was in the full-dress livery of a coachman

    39. " All three descended; the coachman received his master's orders, and drove down the Via del Babuino

    40. In the meantime, dispose of my coachman, my carriage, and my servants

    41. " We have forgotten to mention, that the count's coachman was attired in a bear-skin, exactly resembling Odry's in "The Bear and the Pasha;" and the two footmen behind were dressed up as green monkeys, with spring masks, with which they made grimaces at every one who passed

    42. Franz and Albert were opposite the Via delle Maratte; the coachman, without saying a word, drove up it, passed along the Piazza di Spagni and the Rospoli Palace and stopped at the door of the hotel

    43. At half-past one they descended, the coachman and footman had put on their livery over their disguises, which gave them a more ridiculous appearance than ever, and which gained them the applause of Franz and Albert

    44. "It was he who drove, disguised as the coachman," replied Peppino

    45. You need not awaken the coachman; Ali will drive

    46. "Eh! Sir Coachman," cried Pinocchio to the little man, "here is an

    47. Even before the coachman had hailed the concierge, the massy gates rolled on their hinges—they had seen the Count coming, and at Paris, as everywhere else, he was served with the rapidity of lightning

    48. The coachman entered and traversed the half-circle without slackening his speed, and the gates were closed ere the wheels had ceased to sound on the gravel

    49. Then, throwing himself back in his carriage, Danglars called out to his coachman, in a

    50. "That when my coachman was about to harness the horses to my carriage, he discovered that they had been removed from the stables without his knowledge

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