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    Usa "coat hanger" in una frase

    coat hanger frasi di esempio

    coat hanger

    1. abortions with coat hangers

    2. Inside Gary saw a row of coat hangers, where clean overalls were hung, and dirties left on the shelf underneath

    3. The corridor of the apartment wasn’t very big, furnished only with a shoe stand and a coat hanger

    4. using a coat hanger, in front of note-taking physicians

    5. As he picked them up, he noticed the wire coat hanger inside them, just what he wanted

    6. Shaking his head in discouragement, Hodges grabbed his old gabardine coat and hat from his office’s coat hanger and walked out, intent on going home, have supper and a shower, then enjoy at least eight hours of sleep

    7. Jazz rummaged around in the bathroom as he opened the wardrobe to be confronted by a double row of coat hangers as lonely as winter trees stripped of their growth

    8. Hedy went back to working on the coat hanger

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