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    Usa "come at" in una frase

    come at frasi di esempio

    come at

    1. The greatest mystery of all, Persephone's 21st birthday party yesterday: First of all, she didn't want me to come at the same time as her other friends

    2. He would have to come at this from another direction

    3. However, Issa will fall on him and probably terrify the poor lad with her more than likely tearful welcome at Abery

    4. Not only does the Messiah come at their final return, but they shall also know the Lord their God

    5. We have received a portion as a down payment, if you will, but there is a pouring out of that Spirit to come at the end of the age that will eclipse what we see and understand now

    6. That Nightday was made rather miserable by the fact that it rained for hours, a couple times hard enough to drown the fire and cover the sound of anything large that might come at them

    7. how terrified I become at the sound of a strange voice,

    8. There they waited, as they knew the dragon would come at sunset looking for food

    9. Tarak had seen the young man attack and kill the Scather that had come at Rayne’s back

    10. “I’m sorry, I should have messaged you to come at your convenience

    11. He will come at six

    12. Tara was overcome at the honor, “My Queen, I am honored by your trust in me and my abilities

    13. A group of the footballers in the front row stand on their chairs and chant, "You're not welcome at the bar…you're not welcome at the bar!"

    14. Cars come at me for all directions, and they all seem to know where they are going … unlike me … getting into the right lane is complicated as all the markings are painted on the road and the cars are covering them

    15. That man is as stubborn as they come at times

    16. The moment had come at last

    17. said she was reluctant to come at all, but he managed to

    18. because an end will still come at the

    19. end, for it will still come at the

    20. There is a great harvest that will come at the end of the age, and God is preparing his people for it

    21. Though late to the party, their arrival couldn’t have come at a better time

    22. Oh, the pocket watch is not for sale and burglary is not welcome at my place!

    23. ‘They’ll come at night,’ said Axel

    24. Internet) of ered himself to come at the hotel

    25. He was using what was left of Brontes as bait, goading the group to come at him

    26. It turned to come at her, but Nerissa drove it off with a stone flung square into its nose

    27. It couldn’t have come at a better moment

    28. However, adopting an attitude that death could come at any time can send a message to your mind to preserve its focus, and let go of trifles

    29. However, inevitably, you become attached to thoughts and desires associated with being happy, and these attachments make you want to do specific things to become happy

    30. When you focus on only your ego and its related desires and aversions, you become attached to it, and at its mercy

    31. Now, she was waiting for him to show up at her apartment and er nervous glances Hi the clock on the wall indicated she was somewhat fearful he might not come at all

    32. The price had, it seems, before the tax, been a monopoly price ; and the arguments adduced to show that sugar was an improper subject of taxation, demonstrated perhaps that it was a proper one ; the gains of monopolists, whenever they can be come at, being certainly of all subjects the most proper

    33. “Yes I think you are right it looks like they are about to come at us in force

    34. Captain Stewart went in alone and told the King he must come at once, or he would take him by force

    35. What was happening out there? Maybe the police had come at last, she wondered hopefully

    36. If, when the soldiers have become attached to you, punishments are not enforced, they will still be unless

    37. Why had he come at all, why would he do this to her??

    38. At that point I checked for unwelcome attention from other fighters by rolling and snapping as I re-oriented myself to find the western horizon

    39. It definitely had not occurred to him that his death might not come at the hands of an enemy by spear, sword, rock, arrow or fire, but because of failing to meet production quotas

    40. “At first we become attached to Cain

    41. The end of the first millennium would either come at AD 100 or it would be at AD 1000

    42. “We all support cleaner air, but here's where the Obama EPA and I disagree: it shouldn't come at the

    43. If there are any spare parts for this model left in the world I’m sure they are a rare commodity and come at premium prices

    44. “She didn’t have to come at you like that bruh

    45. But it has come at a cost

    46. It doesn’t matter that the next time I see my parents, on Visiting Day, they will barely recognize me—if they come at all

    47. Why had he come at all?

    48. Pantheism can become atheist -atheistic pantheism-; but not panentheism, which is a more complex understanding of God, the divinity, as one, omnipresent and omniscient

    49. c- They may have difficulty with self-generated imagination, but become attached to an imagination generated by others or things such as electronic games and shows

    50. should never be biased in research or objective opinion, therefore, the subjects to be presented in the future may carry certain overtones that have become attached throughout the ages, but it is the essence and objective truth that will be presented when dealing with concepts and principles, these Universal facts of Life

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