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    Usa "commit suicide" in una frase

    commit suicide frasi di esempio

    commit suicide

    1. ‘You were found on the point of death – frankly – trying to commit suicide, it would seem

    2. The man eventually tried to commit suicide until his program was reset along with his memory

    3. I still believe the Chaplain told the Colonel as the member had to make a confession on the Chaplain's urging (who thought he wanted to commit suicide)

    4. ―What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?‖ On a strictly material basis, however, wealth accumulation is considered the highest standard of success that partially explains why the stock market crash of (1929) caused many investors to commit suicide or why many of us grow despondent whenever our financial

    5. The Bridge had the dubious reputation for being the most popular place in the United States and the world for people to commit suicide

    6. Saul then commits suicide (or rather attempts to commit suicide)

    7. Jacques had been unwilling at the beginning; though his wife’s woeful letters had eventually sealed his fate, however, only at my word of not trying to commit suicide again

    8. The decedent had jumped from the top of a ten-story building intending to commit suicide

    9. More than one student of history has observed that civilizations are not murdered, they commit suicide

    10. "I didn't try to commit suicide," she said, covering one fist with the other and raising them to her chin

    11. Monica couldn't decide if she would like to go back into Point State Park where she had tried to commit suicide, but when her hands moved the wheels on the chair pushing her in the direction of the country setting, the scene enticed her

    12. One time she told him that the psychiatrist was going to take her, after her regular session, to a therapy session with a group of people “inclined to commit suicide” because she was going through a stage in her life when suicide was always in her mind

    13. She admitted that the psychiatrist was a homosexual psychiatrist and that the group she had told him was a group of people “inclined to commit suicide” was in fact a group of lesbians

    14. But even from the little I saw of her, it seems impossible that Dalia would commit suicide for so little provocation! That for every second of that fall, she could continue to choose to let herself impact and die because she had been jilted by her new lover!”

    15. Every year around 6,000 US veterans commit suicide as a result of psychological trauma of war and social pressures

    16. Their situation is so terrible that the burden of debt forces thousands of them to commit suicide every year

    17. As for Alistair, I wondered if he might commit suicide while imprisoned

    18. They wouldn’t hesitate to commit suicide if their leader ordered them to do so

    19. Unable to bear his daily regimen and to blackmail him back into his senses, she threatened to commit suicide

    20. Animals make no inquiry into the purposes of life; therefore they never worry, neither do they commit suicide

    21. Instead of wishing to commit suicide, the microchip altered his brain waves to have the reverse effect and make him want to live

    22. Bonnie Sue was shortly thereafter committed to a State Facility after she tried to commit suicide by mixing old prescriptions with vodka

    23. Often times, those who commit suicide are young souls; those who have not yet had many life experiences in a physical form, and this is something they must overcome in order to continue learning in the lifetimes through the human form

    24. I have known a couple of gamblers who were sober in the twelve-step program for a number of years but became addicted to gambling, and the mental anguish of losing everything led them to commit suicide

    25. In his mind the only option to him in handling his problem was to commit suicide

    26. likely to commit suicide, have heart attacks, have cirrhosis of the liver

    27. may commit suicide, swearing to not live with the shame

    28. sufferers have suicidal ideation, or try to commit suicide at

    29. • Youth are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than the

    30. In that episode, he claimed he was coming to the aid of his friend, Kramer, who was about to commit suicide

    31. Pastor Reverend James Harris attempted to commit suicide on

    32. to commit suicide in a psychiatric ward in her room

    33. If he plans to be nosey (patriotic), this becomes known to the conspirators and they have this man suffer an unfortunate accident, or commit suicide, (when he’s really murdered)

    34. Rear Admiral Moon was the highest-ranking American officer to commit suicide during World War II

    35. Camus said, "The only thing we have to decide is how to commit suicide!"

    36. tried to commit suicide

    37. only thing we have to decide is how to commit suicide!"

    38. On hearing of such a disaster, I expect many Japanese soldiers stuck on Pacific island garrisons to commit suicide

    39. I assure you, if that happens, she will commit suicide

    40. event created by a race who chose to commit suicide rather than be enslaved by the

    41. compulsion to commit suicide on reaching a socially designated age

    42. Normally, when people commit suicide, either they become ghosts or they return to Earth in exactly the same situation

    43. The only wounds that would be relevant to what they think happened are either cuts on her wrists showing she tried to commit suicide or marks on her neck

    44. And the youngest eventually went mad, too, after trying to commit suicide

    45. Won’t the callous politicians know that it’s in chasing the quick buck that these greedy guys bungle with their lives; why don’t they exhort farmers to part-opt for the cash crops to meet both ends? Moreover, it’s not as if the bankrupt traders and the insolvent others are not known to commit suicide but then, there is no political axe to grind over their deaths; it all boils down to lobbying, in the open as in the U

    46. culated that Hitler didn’t commit suicide but somehow made his

    47. immediately claimed that Hitler did not commit suicide but

    48. “I will immediately commit suicide in front of

    49. “Forget it!” He did not wish to fall into their hands and therefore he wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the ocean!

    50. She wasn’t going to commit suicide, but if death happened on its own, that wouldn’t be so bad

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