The ‘moksha’ has to be sought only in the fourth stage after completing all the duties of the three stages
When we first woke up we were receiving a message from the Kassikan welcoming us and asking us what help we could use in completing our journey
10 out of 10 for completing the wheel
Kate asked Lady Emily for help in completing this task and explained that she needed her to ask Queenie if she could ride her
The three white boys, while hell bent on completing their
She was moderately wealthy but more popular for her social smarts and sexuality while she was still completing her third decade
The Sportsman and his companions, after completing satisfactory negotiations and making due payment for rod and reel, went back to the Hasting's Equipment Store
The others were still in the throes of chewing their pencils and scratching through confused responses when the Livingson crew met outside the hall and walked to the ice cream parlor, having previously agreed that that was to be their just reward for at least completing the battery
Kaitlyn was just weeks away from completing the year's course of instruction at the Memorial Theater when she received an unexpected telegram from her father
For himself, Harry enrolled for the Summer Term at Malvern and set his mind to completing his education with that hallowed institution within the shortest time practicable, driven by an imperative which he could not satisfactorily define
He fled in fear of his own invention after completing only half of
Planet-born flesh calling to space-born? Planets slid into space as he should slide into her, completing the cycle and helping them unite in a circle of oneness as they became one beneath the smiling face of Kortrax and the frowning face of Gordon's Lamp
What I am trying to say is you are capable of completing any job for the network with Debra or without Debra! I proved that she can be split from you, but you still managed to access the power!’
Though completing the barrier between the city and the Rift was of the utmost importance, Drau'd had chosen to take command of the northern tower’s construction instead
completing the Bible in this way with several chapters
Instead of completing their attacks, they turned and faced one another and began to slap and swipe and bite
Now more than ever, the Golden Arrows could use a less intrusive way of completing their service
Then he thought of his own preservation, but leaving – apart from not completing his modifications – may even put himself in greater danger
How odd to think that it may have already been broadcast before he’d sent it; that was the paradoxical way of completing a temporal circle
He was focused on completing any mission
My office after completing it on property that my wife Nathakan “Nat” and I
That was the hardest job I ever did have, but I was intent on completing my six months so that I could then transfer to the maintenance shops
The certain sinking of the burning steamer in the tortuous channel of the harbour would have effectually barred out the navy, completing the work already attempted by the enemy
After completing their unexpected meal, Grey buried the remains, and the pair set out after the others
Brock understood at last that nothing could stop this cunning boar from completing his plans
Within a split second of each other, they all spoke without completing their individual statements
"Weeks," I said, completing his sentence yet again
I hadn’t been physically capable of completing the paperwork
Her plan had been to swing through after completing her business in Kentucky: Caroline had sold two more horses and Sylvia was scheduled to visit with the buyers and pick up their check
Colonel Harrington visited and was pleased, saying he looked forward to Zinsmann completing the repair of the Luftwaffe barracks for the Third Battalion
They were just completing their usual routine of setting up camp when Zaminoski walked up to join them
When Colling entered the office after completing sick call on the third day of his futile attempts to reach Quarles, Prinzman asked, “Colling, how many times you figure you’re going to try and reach this guy?”
I didn’t have time to establish his name (probably Dick!), nationality or the precise details of their relationship but I did notice that quite a few customers had left the Bank without completing their transactions
Nothing is worse than completing a one-hour presentation, then closing and hearing the words, “I will ask my boss next week when s/he is back from holiday!”
After completing this impressive circuit and standing at the doorway to his son’s room, Nick wondered where his son came from
The apparent impasse about my husband completing his thesis was getting on my father’s nerves
Description: Receipt Hog rewards you with coins for submitting photos of you grocery receipts and completing surveys
But, not on only the intention of completing the exams
Since completing his child psychiatry training at Yale, he has been
for completing its task for the day
that the cost of completing construction in Sector4 and
I was completing my doctorate at the time, and I thought it was because I was studying too hard
Mituri began her career as a print journalist while in school and continued to work as one while completing her university education in journalism, writing for a variety of local papers, university publications, online materials and glossy magazines
Monica wheeled herself down the hall to the office occupied by Miss Orin and after completing the necessary forms, Miss Orin
Beers quit after completing our term
Her response to my question about completing the task was that she didn't feel like doing it
The percentage of students not completing high school is over 50% in some areas
” I said completing the idea
completing two installations, and had
Roger entered the Museum and after completing his visit, he handed a small paper with that information to the gentleman that had talked to him
While Indian girl students needed secure and protective lovemaking, taking one step after another; not going the whole way; not too far; and definitely not too soon—the learning he got while teaching at the college, after completing the foreign conquests, white women were easier
areas as mutually exclusive, and by the early 1980s -especially considering the weakness of the American left, came to see themselves as complementary, completing a formal merger in 1983
thus completing the birth/re-birth cycle within
into completing it on time in the best way that you can
Having a meaning for completing a job will not
tension, such as the effort required to divert attention away from an object with large attentional rest mass, the effort of maintaining a particular object as selected, the effort required to open up to an intentional source, and the effort expended in completing tasks in general
fill the space with symbols, completing the model
What a contrast to Nehemiah, who received his vision and idea and could almost immediately set about achieving it, building and completing the wall in 52 days
Hegel fled, just as he was completing The Phenomenology of
Toward the completing
After completing his transactions, and being
“The contestants arrived here only minutes ago, after completing their warm-ups and final preparations in their own countries, and they have been supplied with the schedule of events
“You can be a great teacher after completing the Executive MBA because you can share and teach what you have learned
After completing the program, Torrez transitioned into his current position at the hospital
The past two years have been hectic – and filled with great outcomes, such as helping lead his company through down times, completing his EMBA Program, passing the Level I CFA exam, traveling to Chile and China as part of the program, growing his family with three new additions, and managing his own investments to pay for his tuition
The application package and the interview all are part of the larger admissions process, which for prospective students usually begins with preparing for application requirements and completing application materials
Warren Peace from completing his bid to pacify Afghanistan and squelch any plans to pacify the rest of the Muslim world
After completing their calculations the major phoned them to the Pentagon and was told to report to nearby Hanscom Air Force base to work out the details with the base commander
His strong room had burly guards and protective magic seals to hold them tight, (a fellow magician had tipped Zerch off after completing the assigned work for an extra sum)
He threw back his crimson cloak drawing his two distinctive Su-Katii blades, and with a war cry he charged into the decimated Tanarians’ fulfilling his bloodlust and completing his betrayal
to choose the correct option for safely completing the flight
I have a task that urgently needs completing it will take you to the nest of the enemy and I need your help
She knew all too well that the Acolytes were about an hour away from completing their magical preparations that would teleport the crystal back to Bellack
without saying that I would go with him but just two months shy of completing the course I
Completing this exercise will cause a profound change in your life, and will give you an amazing insight into exactly what you should be doing
I realized just how far ahead of schedule I am, as far as completing the course and getting the diploma/certificate
Fear of completing a search with no meaning
On our way back to the US, after completing our six months in Okinawa, we stopped over in Saipan, an Island in the Mariana group in the Pacific, north of Guam, where there was a position available in the Government Hospital
In Australia and New Zealand, as in the United Kingdom, a doctor who wishes to become a specialist applies for a position as registrar (equivalent to resident in the USA) after completing his required years as house officer
The visiting specialist offered him a position in the training program at his medical school and after completing his required three year fellowship, he himself became a gynecologic
After completing the year of training, the brave was sent away to experience other cultures for a year before returning
committed to undertaking and completing the following:
are committed to undertaking and completing the following:
Bjorn Roundtree and his new-found friends were just completing their battle with the gorgons
After saying his lines, if I dried he’d turn his back to the audience and hiss mine, completing the speech if I stumbled, as if the lines were his own… I was sweating and dry-mouthed within seconds
In addition to these new units, the new structure provided a coherent clustering of units completing the core process work of IT
I did a little research and when I found out that it cost absolutely nothing to list a book for sale on Amazon, I stopped wasting time on query letters (all of which always got rejected anyway) and shifted my focus to completing the book
Finally she nears completing the problem and…
Using the bedroom telephone extension, Violet had eavesdropped on Stephen’s nightly calls to the camp, and learned that instead of being taught a lesson, Zeno was completing his studies and assisting Jarek Schwartz, who had left Bindi Hussey in the lurch after promising marriage!
For example, are addresses complete? Did you omit any foreign travel or contacts? That will help us in completing our inquiries in an expeditious manner and not have to waste your valuable time by coming back to you with questions
I also understand what a checkered record DS has for completing such investigations in a timely manner and resolving so-called derogatory information
Without the negrav chutes they’d have been old and infirm before completing their task
from completing his sentence
completing a PhD that she was struggling to finish and has
He smiled to himself as the thought of completing the Fuhrers plan was about to happen
And in the midst of this chaos, the Cimmerians swept down from their hills, completing the ruin
After completing his repairs, he wrapped the tools in a canvas bag, checked the stables then waved to Travis to follow him back to the house