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    component part

    1. In the price of commodities, therefore, the profits of stock constitute a component part altogether different from the wages of labour, and regulated by quite different principles

    2. This portion, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of this portion, constitutes the rent of land, and in the price of the greater part of commodities, makes a third component part

    3. The real value of all the different component parts of price, it must be observed, is measured by the quantity of labour which they can, each of them, purchase or command

    4. In every society, the price of every commodity finally resolves itself into some one or other, or all of those three parts ; and in every improved society, all the three enter, more or less, as component parts, into the price of the far greater part of commodities

    5. The natural price itself varies with the natural rate of each of its component parts, of wages, profit, and rent; and in every society this rate varies according to their circumstances, according to their riches or poverty, their advancing, stationary, or declining condition

    6. It is the price which affords nothing to the landlord, of which rent makes not any component part, but which resolves itself altogether into wages and profit

    7. So in the preceding chapter, we’ve spoken about Squeeze Page design, including the component parts and what each part does

    8. An army is like a machine, and in the war with Spain the component parts were placed together for the first time, and the working lacked harmony

    9. God does not exist ―within‖ Nature; that is to say, God is not a constituent (or component part) of Nature

    10. 1 And then I made firm the Heavenly circle, and made that the lower water which is under Heaven collect itself together, into one whole, and that the chaos become dry, and it became so; 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard and big, and from the rock I piled up the dry, and the dry I called Earth, and the middle of the Earth I called abyss, that is to say the bottomless, I collected the sea in one place and bound it together with a yoke; 3 And I said to the sea: Look I give you your eternal limits, and you shall not break loose from your component parts; 4 So I made fast the firmament

    11. 13 And I appointed him a name, from the four component parts, from east, from west, from south, from north, and I appointed for him four special stars, and I called his name Adam, and showed him the two ways, the light and the darkness, and I told him: 14 This is good, and that bad, that I should learn whether he has love towards me, or hatred, that it be clear which in his race love me

    12. 1 And then I made firm the Heavenly circle and made that the lower water which is under Heaven collect itself together into one whole and that the chaos become dry and it became so; 2 Out of the waves I created rock hard and big and from the rock I piled up the dry and the dry I called Earth and the middle of the Earth I called abyss that is to say the bottomless I collected the sea in one place and bound it together with a yoke; 3 And I said to the sea: Look I give you your eternal limits and you shall not break loose from your component parts; 4 So I made fast the firmament

    13. 13 And I appointed him a name from the four component parts from east from west from south from north and I appointed for him four special stars and I called his name Adam and showed him the two ways the light and the darkness and I told him: 14 This is good and that bad that I should learn whether he has love towards me or hatred that it be clear which in his race love me

    14. According to Science Reporter J R Minkel, in his article ‘If the Universe Were a Computer,’ information theory says that every physical system, from a glass of water to a microchip, holds 1s and 0s in the states of its component particles

    15. their component parts) and reconstructing (reassembling the components in some more

    16. component parts of his system

    17. restated with its component parts

    18. When each ratio is broken into its component parts, % ∆ Sales for example, the investor starts to seek out more definitive reasons for the behavior of the ratio and the direction of risk

    19. them by an estimated amount of loss, but each component part is hypothetical and

    20. of the component parts be comprehensible

    21. improvements in ROE, both of these companies could have shifted component parts to find

    22. opinion is usually available for the component parts of this rate

    23. Within the component parts of the equation lies a wonderful financial logic that is

    24. between the component parts of each method is stable and will display changes in equity

    25. scenario would be the change in each component part of the comparative dynamic, % ∆

    26. The priority of individual component parts and products in terms of time has to be determined and analysed before available free facilities are loaded with the order for 100 pcs

    27. The activities to be considered in this model include the delivery, manufacturing and assembly of component parts required to make up the order for 100 pcs

    28. 6) that the latest possible to start assembly process is for product B3 – end of week 33, and there is a certain time gap after all other component parts and products have been completed

    29. This is due to the Forward loading technique used, which resulted in a high density loading forwards in time and orders for some specific component parts are complete much earlier that required

    30. Calculated weeks of starting and completing work on each individual sub-assembly and component part in product A are indicated in Table 17 along with dates of placing raw material orders

    31. Raw material RM2 is used to manufacture component parts C2 and E1

    32. 7) we can see that there are certain time gaps with free facilities in production departments D1 and G1, respectively, before the two component parts are manufactured

    33. ƒ starting and completion weeks for activities involved in the production of each individual assembly and component part comprising product A;

    34. has been carried out for the production of the remainder component parts

    35. Sparks had been flying between North and South Korea; China and Taiwan; England and Ireland; Israel and anyone who shared its borders; Bosnia and all its former component parts; and countless other countries, factions, neighborhoods around the orb, even before everyone’s future started to look equally grim

    36. Worlds, which are composed of forces, systems and cultures, collapse and/or ascend only to the lowest level of any of these three component parts, e

    37. It is because all these factors: NUU-VVU-Configurations that form the general dynamics of any “personality” Self-Consciousness, the dynamics of the Focus of Creative Activity (FCA + FDR), the biological “age” are just a few component parts of One Eternal energy-information Flow, which never disappears anywhere and is never irretrievably lost

    38. These differences in the Perception as if form “component parts” of the combined slloogrent dynamics of each SFUURMM-Form of any phenomenon and, in essence, form the objective informational integrity of each energy-information Formo-image that forms the basis of the holographous Conception of every Proto-Form in the TEC-dynamics of its Self-Consciousness

    39. These component parts of the Babylonian Red Dragon are all

    40. of a dollar bill) with component parts distributed throughout multiple entities and institutions to

    41. Three Parts–The three component parts that the Vatican is divided into symbolizes multiple things

    42. , System” was voluntarily dissolved into its component parts—an unusual development—and the United Drug Co

    43. In 1903, Henry Ford set up his motor company in Detroit and put his ideas to work: Instead of a small team of craftsmen making a car, he broke each task down into its component parts, engaged cheap unskilled workers to perform each little bit of the process, and sent the cars round to them on a conveyor belt system

    44. Portfolio theory: The study of the relationship of overall portfolio risk and return as a function of the risk, return, and correlation of its component parts

    45. They are settled so definitely that the process of the acquisition by man of impressions, sensations, concepts, ratiocinations, has been analyzed by them down to its minutest details, and the component parts of what we call the soul or the essence of man have been dissected and divided into parts by them, and that, too, in such a thorough manner that on this firm basis can go up the faultless structure of the science of pedagogy

    46. It may easily happen that the children will at once point out the decomposition of the number into component parts in order; even then the third exercise cannot be regarded as superfluous: Here we have formed four cubes of twos, of separate cubes, and of threes,—in what order had we best place the cubes on the board? With what shall the decomposition of the four cubes begin? With the decomposition into separate cubes

    47. "Paid orators, demagogues, taking advantage of the passions of the masses and of the simple-minded who are dazzled by high-sounding phrases, have so embittered national hatreds that to-morrow's war will decide the fate of a race: one of the component parts of the modern world is threatened; the vanquished nation will morally disappear; it matters not which chances to be the victim, a power will disappear (as though there had ever been one too many for the good)

    48. We were the component parts of it

    49. The identity that exists between the component parts of meteoric stones, and the elements that enter abundantly into the composition of our globe; and, by several other facts and arguments

    50. Speaker, I never can look—indeed, in my opinion, no American statesman ought ever to look—on any question touching the vital interests of this nation, or of any of its component parts, without keeping at all times in distinct view the nature of our political association, and the character of the independent sovereignties which compose it

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