Usa "condescension" in una frase
condescension frasi di esempio
1. Each desperate contestant was made to stand in front of the panel of judges on a spot marked with a silver star, and almost without fail the judges poured torrents of scorn and condescension down upon their heads
2. Investigator, with as much condescension as he could
3. “He is said to still live somewhere in the mountains north of us here!” he finished, waving his arm in that direction, as he beamed down upon them in fatherly condescension
4. I'm sorry for you"--Mary was past mistress of the gentle art of condescension
5. answered with a hint of condescension
6. In those dispensing government largess condescension toward their charges merges into contempt, then hatred
7. He is totally frustrated by his father’s intrusions and resents being kept in an infantile role, always the little boy in his father’s eyes, with the accompanying contempt, condescension and lack of confidence that characterize the father’s attitude
8. But this,” he added with a look bordering on condescension, “you must already know
9. “Where they have done this,” Ulun continued as a look of condescension momentarily
10. But this,” he added with a look bordering on condescension, “you must
11. miracles and for the condescension of Jesus who
12. With forced patience and condescension he replied, "I acknowledge a fuse is blown
13. The ribbons that artistically rocked in their resplendent hairs seemed to support themselves with special condescension and grace
14. I looked at the young man with the condescension of the one who has an ally in the spheres of power
15. He was sweetening the phrases with the condescension extended to those who are prompt to be deceased
16. Melvyn remained sitting, his hand still resting on my thigh as we gazed with benign condescension at all the unhealthy bodies containing unhealthy minds
17. Fifty years ago, the way they treated patients involved a great deal of condescension, even if unintentional
18. said jovially, but with a touch of condescension
19. The very close-knit club was not entirely receptive of strangers in their midst, especially nonmembers outsiders from the general population, and many of the members enjoying their fine-dining cuisine of lobster and other fresh seafood gave him a welcoming gaze filled with contempt and condescension
20. They were still on amicable terms though Gordon had an air of condescension about him much like his other friends here at the club
21. Wickland tilted his head back as if in condescension
22. Stick thought he detected a hint of condescension in the voice of the UPS, but he wasn't sure
23. In an aspirational, highly socially competitive India where there is growing rage against elite and entitled privilege and where sensitivities on ‘westernized’ condescension towards desi mores run high, Mani had just scored another self-goal for his beleaguered party
24. Oh, mighty condescension! Oh, wondrous liberality! We will let laymen do rough work which could not be clone at all without them, and which they have no need to ask the clergy's leave to do! If this is all that people mean when they talk of enlisting "lay co-operation," I am sorry for them
25. condescension, based on this reverence for Christ in Man
26. This is a great condescension from His Majesty for His creation
27. And when a cousin of hers came last week to stay a night, a female Dammerlitz on her way to a place rid of you, she presented me to her with pleasant condescension as the _kleine Engländerin_ engaged as her daughter's companion
28. Standing just outside the doorway, Aazuria gazed down at him with condescension
29. I stammered, shocked and a bit insulted by his condescension
30. And for her herself to descend and help in the eyes of all Kökensee would have been too great a condescension, besides involving her in difficulties with the wife of the forester, and the wife of the Glambeck schoolmaster, who was also the postman, both of whom were of the same social standing as the younger Frau Dremmel and would jealously resent the least mark of what they would interpret as
31. The condescension infuriated Silas
32. In the beginning Kate was treated with a tolerant condescension, but the attitude quickly changed to a wary respect
33. Despite all their flaws and condescension, she missed her brothers a great deal
34. Bob kept smiling, but had a truly inquisitive look on his face, with no hint of condescension
35. Eilidh could see Shela’s mouth twitch in frustration, probably with the condescension lacing the word young
36. (c) For the appointing of the Redeemer, and God’s gracious condescension to deal with man upon new terms, receding from the demands of the broken covenant of innocency
37. Unite all thy ministers and people together in the truth, and in true love one to another; pour out a healing spirit upon them, a spirit of love and charity, mutual forbearance and condescension, that with one shoulder and with one consent all may study to promote the common interests of our great Master, and the common salvation of precious souls
38. O Lord, my God and my Father in Jesus Christ, I can never sufficiently admire the condescension of thy grace to me; what is man that thou dost thus magnify him, and the son of man that thou visitest him! Who am I? and what is my house that thou hast brought me hitherto; hast brought me into thy banqueting house, and thy banner over me hath been love? I have reason to say, That a day in thy courts, an hour at thy table, is better, far better, than a thousand days, than ten thousand hours elsewhere; it is good for me to draw near to God
39. (c) For the appointing of the Redeemer, and God�s gracious condescension to deal with man upon new terms, receding from the demands of the broken covenant of innocency
40. Often after such visits, especially when Brigitta was with him, Cosmatos complained to me that they were treated by the Raissis with condescension
41. She was as white as white can be and yet she looked at me in the eye without any condescension of any kind
42. He was saying the affectionate word, however, with a far more grudging condescension and patronage than he could have shown if their relative merits and positions had been reversed (which is invariably the case, all the world over), when Mr
43. Here was a girl of pride, character, virtue, of education and breeding superior to his own (he felt that), and this creature would be slavishly grateful all her life for his heroic condescension, and would humble herself in the dust before him, and he would have absolute, unbounded power over her!
44. "Have you anything interesting there?" asked Meg, with condescension
45. beg your majesty to have the condescension to tell me what the vizir said to King
46. condescension with my maid, where there was not half the temptation, in
47. I looked at her with a hint of condescension
48. Various rumors were afloat to the effect that the owners of the Pharaon had promised to attend the nuptial feast; but all seemed unanimous in doubting that an act of such rare and exceeding condescension could possibly be intended
49. But Morrel, disappointed in his expectations of exciting fear, was conscious only of the other's condescension
50. He did not then think of the Carnival, for in spite of his condescension and touching kindness, one cannot incline one's self without awe before the venerable and noble old man called Gregory XVI