"And didn't know what it was for," she confessed
When we met in secret, he confessed to me that Sarah did not want him to associate with me anymore
"That's what this is about," Yorthops confessed
"Some of both," Ava confessed
However, he is clearly infatuated with Mandy, he has even confessed his love for her to me, although she has a relationship with another man and she doesn't like Dimitri
“I’ve often thought the same,” Alan confessed
Earlier, whilst waiting for the Delfini, I'd confessed I was an old-fashioned dreamy coward who had almost flown away only a few hours earlier but for the last minute flash of awareness that brought me to my senses
He actually confessed that he’d fancied me right from the start but didn’t do anything about it because of Kevin
’ I confessed, aware that this sounds decidedly suspect
“Well, yes,” he confessed, “There is something worrying me
He confessed that he was still uncertain of some of the information contained in no few of the texts, as he had not completely memorized those sections, yet
He confessed to supplying Tdeshi, as Hyondahi had told him, but said he had none when she left for the city
Later in bed, he confessed his error and its
I confessed my regrets and made known I had only used what persuasions any one in my own place might have used and as consolation left him with the trophy of that unfortunate encounter---a rather well designed and cared for tradesman's folding knife of about half a foot in length
Harry smiled and confessed, “Samuel you wear a musk cologne, Harold smells slightly of sandalwood, Olivia is roses and chamomile, Chloe is roses and chamomile also but with a faint scent of sandalwood, for obvious reasons
That night, Jean finally confessed his crime to his three
"I missed all that," he confessed
‘He says that you confessed a crime, and that you
“I did confess, but I confessed a lie
I confessed That I might absolution; but now that falsehood Lies heavier at my heart than all my other sins
"I do," she confessed
“You’ve all but confessed that you’re the King of Thieves
Yes, and some of them even attended church, confessed their love for the
Sobbing her disappointment to the Lord, she confessed she had been too eager to have a relationship
“They interrogated me and, although I never actually confessed, I was thrown straight into a cell in Amethyst Tower without a trial
“We all thought her crazy then,” he confessed
confessed, trying to sound as though she had anticipated this
We were all somewhat worried about the chap until he confessed to the chess club during a moment of madness that he had found one of the nurses (even thought she was as old as his mother) attractive, and a natural endorsement so to speak of his feelings had shown itself
Yes, I am He, who is spoken of through the mouth of My prophets, and preached of in the I am that which The Father has confessed concerning Me
And have confessed a good confession before men
He shows beginnings of cooperation and limits it to destroying little by little some 120 Al-Samud rockets, which he originally denied he had, but not long ago has confessed he possessed
His owners confessed that a very
“Other than that, we just don’t know,” confessed the junior conspirator
And insulted, because they have my name confessed
terrified Babaji Pant confessed to have lied and prayed for the pardon
Paul had confessed to me in a moment of personal reflection, of a “thorn” that he had felt incapable of removing
This isn’t the Wild West) - Takuapa District Police are on the lookout for two former cemetery workers who allegedly confessed to stealing eleven aluminium coffins which were intended for Tsunami victims
Bosco had a party in there dealing coolers, claimed the guy confessed to it, that the guy was doing it because Bosco was helping him through college
This is the problem that William Dever, one of the scholars in the interview mentioned earlier, has confessed to
“And after you’ve confessed to Zeke,” she says, “I think it would help if you leave him alone for as long as he wants to be left alone
I confessed to Tobias, soon after that, that I had lost my entire family
3 Then the king examined the two eunuchs, and after that they had confessed it, they were strangled
1 Now when Ezra had prayed, and when he had confessed, weeping and casting himself down before the house of God, there
2 And the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniquities of
another fourth part they confessed, and worshipped the Lord their God
“If Angie confessed to you that she was doing it, would you tell me?”
She had confessed to him about Daniel’s phone call, and how she had finally called Daniel back and told him she didn’t want to try again
Four vampires sat around a large grey office table, including Elizabeth—one of them she had already met when she confessed
These be those who have put off the mortal clothing, and put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God: now are they
hands? 47 So he answered and said to me, It is the Son of God, whom they have confessed in the world; Then began I greatly to
and how far they have sinned before you, who have existed and not confessed you as their Creator
He put them all in different chambers and he had even tried to convince some that others have confessed so it would be better for them to speak the truth as only that would bring them a reduced sentence, but none would crack
Hitto confessed that Sira died so fast because she is a weak titan, but Elena would die slower as her strong energy would last longer until it would be consumed by the original energy
When Iliria was still alive, she confessed to Zeus that she had long loved Enisei
Long before Enisei had confessed to Iliria about the woman and the child, she knew and she had loved him even longer than that
The coal industry, Obama confessed in an interview for the San Francisco Chronicle during the campaign of 2008, is to be driven out of business by “emissions control
(They confessed up to their mistake in 1999
Jerri confessed that she had always found it impossible to be organized
” He confessed that they'd
It was with a matter of pride, and some trepidation, that she confessed this to Marilee at the next function, but to her surprise, Marilee accepted her docile role in their lives
“She confessed everything to me that night, I told her to tell the police but she disagreed saying it was no use
At the trial, the student confessed the untruth of her
Glenda confessed that she was in the party looking for some action with a cute boy she talked to a couple of times
“Actually, I'm afraid that she’ll hit on you,” I confessed
Later, she confessed she had adjusted the timing of her taking garbage to the dumpster to coincide with my grilling
I confessed that, yes, I had severed abused children from their birth parents so that they could be put up for adoption
When I asked Sean what it was that made this pint different, he confessed that he added some white blood, but refused to tell me where he got it
” I confessed to her that I did not buy into the doctrine of pre-destination, that it was unfair, we were either among the elect or not from birth, and nothing we did in this life would change our fate
He was a tall, relatively handsome man who later confessed
never confessed, leaving the village to hate the gamers even more
I confessed to my therapist, and, true to her word, she dropped me, suggesting that going forward I stick to male therapists with EB’s EAP whose offices were just outside of the shipyard
’As always,’ David confessed
few if the rumours he hadn’t confessed to were in any way accurate
Here I am, a self confessed thief, and your only reaction is to offer to repay the money
And they were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth
happily confessed to her cigarette habit, pulled her
44 So I asked the angel and said Sir what are thesee 45 He answered and said to me These be those who have put off the mortal clothing and put on the immortal and have confessed the name of God: now are they crowned and receive palms
46 Then I said to the angel What young person is it that crowns them and gives them palms in their hands? 47 So he answered and said to me It is the Son of God whom they have confessed in the world; Then began I greatly to commend them that stood so stiffly for the name of the Lord
Ainura confessed to me that she had had no idea that such a place
46 For you did of old command the dust to produce Adam and you know the number of those who are born from him and how far they have sinned before you who have existed and not confessed you as their Creator
22 Then they confessed the great and wonderful works of God and how the angel of the Lord had appeared to them
1 If then the seven brethren despised troubles even to death; it is confessed on all sides that righteous reasoning is absolute master over the passions
There will be questioned of Adam's race those nations both the Greek and those who have believed in idols and in the sun and in the stars and those who have defiled the faith by heresy and who have not believed the holy resurrection and who have not confessed the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; then will I send them away into Hades as the prophet David foretold Let the sinners be turned into Hades and all the nations that forget God; And again he said: They were put in Hades like sheep; death shall be their shepherd
I wish I had been there at your side when the Chair Maker confessed
If he confessed his crimes against humanity, he would receive the lenient treatment given by Ho Chi Minh to all who confessed and were truly repentant of their sins
2 And this is the witness of John when the Jews sent to him from Jerusalem priests 3 and Levites to ask him Who are you? And he acknowledged and denied not; 4 and he confessed that he was not the Messiah; And they asked him again What then? Are you Elijah? And he said I am not he
1 But on the Lord's day after that you have assembled together break bread and give thanks having in addition confessed your sins that your sacrifice may be pure
But on coming back to myself and calling to mind the glory of God I took courage bent my knees and again confessed my sins to God as I had done before
Whereupon the old woman approached accompanied by six young men whom I had also seen before; and she stood behind me and listened to me as I prayed and confessed my sins to the Lord
Later, Solvi confessed to her father that she had been involved
that glory, Peter confessed his own sinfulness and unworthiness
She confessed to never having deployed a raft of this kind in
As he drove, Roger chuckled and confessed to his passenger: How he"d been
Squeezing Billy"s strong, warm hand , he confessed how he desperately needed someone to fill the void
Finally, the general confessed to making a suggestion someone should eliminate Dr
Loring had confessed
I have to check,” I confessed and dug into the bag I had kept it in
We sat together on the couch, where I finally came clean and confessed the details of