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    Usa "conjoined" in una frase

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    1. It is a fear conjoined with love and hope, and is therefore

    2. great or small the presence of these three conjoined factors may be at any time

    3. and sometimes fused and conjoined as a result of the art of the fusion of two or

    4. Athene’s eyes fixed on a pasty white face and contoured expression that revealed large conjoined translucent fangs

    5. Now inter-blessed, Our minds conjoined, exchanging quickly thoughts We had about the reasons We were there and why We had been thusly called: ‘twas just that instantaneous

    6. It slammed into the bottom of the bridge, sending Astray into the air, and then the bridge and the tree both shimmered at the same time and the tree grew up and the bridge grew with it, conjoined

    7. The old religion taught self-sacrifice; the new religion teaches only self-forgetfulness, enhanced self-realization in conjoined social service and universe comprehension

    8. And a few days later, men from other cities came and they conjoined together to stone Paul, and then dragged him from the city, supposing him to be dead

    9. conjoined Letters OE, which stand for none other

    10. Another example: Transiting Saturn conjoined TR’s natal moon and opposed his Mars between summer 1886 and late spring 1887, which augured a CHALLENGING

    11. Mars: Transiting Mars conjoined its natal place on 3/2/1879, bringing a FORCEFUL event: intense involvements with other people (though not necessarily conflictive) in which he had to take a position, stand up for himself, be willing to fully commit himself; the upshot of which brought him ADVANCEMENT: impelling him forward, motivating him with a sense of progress, accomplishment, and hope for the future

    12. conjoined TR’s natal Midheaven, auguring a DECISIVE, SOCIABLE event: one which calls for an exercise of will in which he had to follow his heart and stay his course; do what he felt was right; involving encounters, gatherings, or events which played upon his affections (note that sun and Venus form an intrinsically disharmonious combination so their conjunction is usually brings disagreement, conflict, tension in relationships)

    13. Then an extremely attractive (Leo rising), single, hard-working and dedicated, witchy Scorpio woman, whose natal moon precisely conjoined my natal sun and who fulfilled every image I had of what I wanted in a woman, moved into town

    14. he made himself at home on the couch, Jovet clinging to him like a conjoined twin

    15. conjoined with the special Tibetan understanding of what non-

    16. Power conjoined to aggression and justified in the "indestructible horns

    17. Kierd still had superiority of numbers, and the technologically superior Cluster ships were now functionally hampered by their conjoined cargo

    18. Human sacrifices when conjoined with life events it changes the thermometer reading from normal into boiling centigrade

    19. New York State through conjoined Europe and Greenland to

    20. alive in the sense of being conjoined with consciousness, we

    21. Twins could be born conjoined, creatures could die young, and entire ecosystems could collapse into themselves all because of human interaction, but nothing could compare to the unimaginable dream that stood in the clearing, watching Ray with eyes that glowed with the intensity of ten-thousand aurora borealises in the Northern hemisphere

    22. conjoined wings covered their faces, and they were standing on

    23. ) intimated the necessity of baptism for infant salvation, when He says, 'Except a man be born of water and the Spirit he cannot see the kingdom of God;’ for it might as reasonably be argued, that because elsewhere repentance and baptism are conjoined as essential to salvation, S

    24. The vital principle conjoined forever to the Divine Nature cannot pass away, but awaits in closest neighbourhood to Christ the hour of resurrection

    25. It is seen that as in man the physical and moral elements are conjoined, but so that the moral volition determines more than any other cause the course of physical phenomena, so it must be in relation to the universe and its Cause

    26. He should consider the bearing of all these things which have been mentioned severally and collectively upon virtue; he should know what the effect of beauty is when combined with poverty or wealth in a particular soul, and what are the good and evil consequences of noble and humble birth, of private and public station, of strength and weakness, of cleverness and dullness, and of all the natural and acquired gifts of the soul, and the operation of them when conjoined; he will then look at the nature of the soul, and from the consideration of all these qualities he will be able to determine which is the better and which is the worse; and so he will choose, giving the name of evil to the life which will make his soul more unjust, and good to the life which will make his soul more just; all else he will disregard

    27. "So then," he exclaimed, turning pale with anger, "seven conjoined and allied armies overthrew that man

    28. You, Sir, of all men whom I have known, are he whose body is the closest conjoined, and imbued, and identified, so to speak, with the spirit whereof it is the instrument

    29. Be the foregone evil what it might, how could they doubt that their earthly lives and future destinies were conjoined, when they beheld at once the material union, and the spiritual idea, in whom they met, and were to dwell immortally together? Thoughts like these—and perhaps other thoughts, which they did not acknowledge or define—threw an awe about the child, as she came onward

    30. The good old man addressed him with the paternal affection and patriarchal privilege, which his venerable age, his upright and holy character, and his station in the Church, entitled him to use; and, conjoined with this, the deep, almost worshipping respect, which the minister's professional and private claims alike demanded

    31. In glass cabinets stood wired skeletons of all sizes, adults and children, and in one, a pair of strangely conjoined twins, whose two spines curved from one pelvis

    32. Not a quarter kilometer west of here, the conjoined sewer systems of La Merced, the palace, and the great Sea Dragon base on the city’s eastern side emptied into the Channel, far beneath the surface

    33. In numerous other cases, far from self-fertilisation being favoured, there are special contrivances which effectually prevent the stigma receiving pollen from its own flower, as I could show from the works of Sprengel and others, as well as from my own observations: for instance, in Lobelia fulgens, there is a really beautiful and elaborate contrivance by which all the infinitely numerous pollen-granules are swept out of the conjoined anthers of each flower, before the stigma of that individual flower is ready to receive them; and as this flower is never visited, at least in my garden, by insects, it never sets a seed, though by placing pollen from one flower on the stigma of another, I raise plenty of seedlings

    34. South of the Amazon, Boue colours an area composed of rocks of this nature as equal to that of Spain, France, Italy, part of Germany, and the British Islands, all conjoined

    35. The pistil consists of a stigma supported on the style; but in some Compositae, the male florets, which of course cannot be fecundated, have a rudimentary pistil, for it is not crowned with a stigma; but the style remains well developed and is clothed in the usual manner with hairs, which serve to brush the pollen out of the surrounding and conjoined anthers

    36. That particular set time and place were conjoined in the one technical phrase—the Season-on-the-Line

    37. Nay, could grimly live and burn, while the common vitality to which it was conjoined, fled horror-stricken from the unbidden and unfathered birth

    38. Epictetus says: "From God have descended the seeds not only to my father and grandfather, but to all beings which are generated on the earth and are produced, and particularly to rational beings; for these only are by their nature formed to have communion with God, being by means of reason conjoined with him

    39. A trace of sentiment, conjoined to a deal of pride, had made him revive an old-time stake—the Far and Near

    40. We adopt them ready made and conjoined, we repeat them according to routine; we make use of them without considering their scope and without a nice appreciation of their sense; we only approximate to that which we would like to express

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