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    Usa "cosmetics" in una frase

    cosmetics frasi di esempio


    1. There was a small box with cute little ceramic vials of cosmetics and ointments

    2. His general purpose sniffer detected lubricating oil and lots of cosmetics and cleansers on the clothing

    3. Elizabeth"s almost unlined face was lightly dusted with cosmetics

    4. Jean had been looking for an assistant to help her expand her little business in natural cosmetics in Dublin, and Audrey had jumped at the opportunity to get back home

    5. Findings in Spanish Cave of Shells with holes indicates Neanderthal had ornaments, and other shells indicate he used paint or cosmetics

    6. ‘Darkening his skin with cosmetics, eating only Egyptian foods, copying many of our traditional mannerisms

    7. used cosmetics to hide that mark of their ancestry'

    8. All those perfumes and cosmetics were fascinating, and feeling suddenly reckless, she bought a well-known brand of expensive perfume

    9. about garage sales, cosmetics, cars, vacations

    10. Cigarettes, gasoline, television, junk food, cosmetics, perfume, automobiles… eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat

    11. Her cosmetics had been tossed everywhere, mirrors smashed, clothes trampled, shoes and hats broken

    12. he looked pale and dry without basic cosmetics such as

    13. I worked in a department store at the cosmetics counter for a while but that was going nowhere

    14. He had made a massive directional change in his mid thirties when he sold up completely and ploughed all his money into of all things a cosmetics company

    15. clothing, and trying out new cosmetics, hairstyles, and hair color

    16. It was a nondescript property, and apart from external cosmetics, was exactly the same design as all the other houses on either side of the street

    17. A cosmetics research laboratory was carrying out work on animals, mainly mice and rats, but some primates were involved

    18. The use of animals in the cosmetics industry includes eye

    19. found and the cosmetics industry has an overall appearance of

    20. He said the tower was a prop for cosmetics and convenience

    21. Meme’s room became filled with pumice-stone cushions to polish her nails with, hair curlers, tooth-brushes, drops to make her eyes languid, and so many and such new cosmetics and artifacts of beauty that every time Fernanda went into the room she was scan-dalized by the idea that her daughter’s dressing table must have been the same as those of the French ma-trons

    22. It’s found in ammonia, anesthetics, antihistamines, artificial limbs, artificial turf, antiseptics, aspirin, auto parts, awnings, balloons, ballpoint pens, bandages, beach umbrellas, boats, cameras, candles, car battery cases, carpets, caulking, combs, cortisones, cosmetics, crayons, credit cards, curtains, deodorants, detergents, dice, disposable diapers, dolls, dyes, eye glasses, electrical wiring insulation, faucet washers, fishing rods, fishing line, fishing lures, food preservatives, food packaging, garden hose, glue, hair coloring, hair curlers, hand lotion, hearing aids, heart valves, ink, insect repellant, insecticides, linoleum, lipstick, milk jugs, nail polish, oil filters, panty hose, perfume, petroleum jelly, rubber cement, rubbing alcohol, shampoo, shaving cream, shoes, toothpaste, trash bags, upholstery, vitamin capsules, water pipes and yarn

    23. Note that oil is in cosmetics, all kinds of products that we use for health care, food packaging as well as in our food

    24.  Go to the cosmetics counter of your local department store and indulge in a

    25. viewing a home are often attracted to the cosmetics of the space

    26. found in personal care products, cosmetics, children’s toys and water pipes

    27. on the label because the creams are legally regulated as cosmetics, not dietary

    28. Her face was also without flaw, betraying the best cosmetics that had lately been

    29. cosmetics, use water-based, oil-free foundations sparingly and wash off

    30. OURCES: still found in some cosmetics and food

    31. ” Servants carried assorted bowls filled with ointments and cosmetics into my room

    32. The trick is to learn to apply all your eye cosmetics accurately and skillfully; that you will make every stroke count, whether you need a one-minute miracle in the morning or whether you have 15 minutes to spare before a party

    33. It is best to avoid this technique if your eyes are very sensitive to cosmetics

    34. She was slim and would have been young-looking if she had not made such obvious efforts to imitate the healthy colour of the cheeks which she probably would have had if she had lived sensibly and left cosmetics alone

    35. While her stature suggested she was not the athletic type he saw that she was tanned so he suspected she might have recently returned from a holiday, or that it was from a salon or courtesy of expensive cosmetics she applied

    36. You may not have a load of great cosmetics, but you have

    37. With a face covered in cosmetics and that ridiculous

    38. What will you check out first? Your most frequent hang-outs are the cosmetics and

    39. You could look ten years older wearing those cosmetics

    40. Think about how the Body Shop's and Arbonne’s refusal to sell animal-tested cosmetics and soap has made that chain stand out

    41. Lana stared at the counter as she put all of her cosmetics back into a bag

    42. experimentation in the cosmetics and science laboratories of the big manufacturing

    43. He says he learned this from Mary Kay Ash of Mary Kay cosmetics nearly three decades ago

    44. Since some people have allergies to scents and colors in cosmetics, the body says that these two ingredients are not necessary

    45. Don Quixote and Sancho were overwhelmed with amazement, and the bystanders lost in astonishment, while the Trifaldi went on to say: "Thus did that malevolent villain Malambruno punish us, covering the tenderness and softness of our faces with these rough bristles! Would to heaven that he had swept off our heads with his enormous scimitar instead of obscuring the light of our countenances with these wool-combings that cover us! For if we look into the matter, sirs (and what I am now going to say I would say with eyes flowing like fountains, only that the thought of our misfortune and the oceans they have already wept, keep them as dry as barley spears, and so I say it without tears), where, I ask, can a duenna with a beard to to? What father or mother will feel pity for her? Who will help her? For, if even when she has a smooth skin, and a face tortured by a thousand kinds of washes and cosmetics, she can hardly get anybody to love her, what will she do when she shows a countenace turned into a thicket? Oh duennas, companions mine! it was an unlucky moment when we were born and an ill-starred hour when our fathers begot us!" And as she said this she showed signs of being about to faint

    46. eyebrows, and make cosmetics for the use of the women, but we, the duennas of my lady, would never let them in, for most of them have a flavour of agents that have ceased to be principals; and if we are not relieved by Senor Don Quixote we shall be carried to our graves with beards

    47. He put cosmetics on his moustache, and, like her, signed notes of hand

    48. My cosmetics and shower caddy are on another shelf

    49. I thought of your face, which from your infancy had the stamp of intelligence instead of that patient and resigned cast which appears when some political commotion tears down the veil of cosmetics and usage

    50. Here was a company with an excellent earnings record, but the earnings were derived from the popularity of a trade-marked line of cosmetics

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