Usa "couch" in una frase
couch frasi di esempio
1. Action will get you off the couch
2. ” He motioned to the couch in the outer room
3. John awakens on the couch in his living room
4. Suddenly, Leonora felt the need for sleep come over her, and she sank down onto the couch and passed out even before her head hit the pillow
5. Taking a deep breath, she got up from the couch as silently as she could, tip-toed to the front door, slowly opened it with a sense of relief when it didn't squeak, and then hurried outside and up the street
6. home on the couch
7. happily sat with it on the couch entranced by its
8. Seeing the look of fear on her face he was quickly off the couch and at her side
9. “Seriously, if you’d like to curl up next to me on the couch, we can put in another movie and chain smoke the night away
10. ” He was smiling at her patting his end of the couch, trying to put her at ease
11. ERICK sits on the couch
12. ERICK: We were lying on the couch during most of the movie
13. She took me by the arm, 'Come and sit on the couch, there's something you have to know
14. She hadn't moved from the couch
15. She sits down on the couch with her steaming cup of tea and
16. Kelvin sank back down to the couch
17. She lead him over to his couch, she stood by the back of it and drew him close, he followed like a lamb to slaughter, still sweating in fear of that tungsten
18. She leaned back over the back of the couch and drew his hands to her once again
19. " She leaned back over the back of the couch
20. I sat down on the couch
21. ‘You don’t have to go along with the idea, Sarah, this is not a casting couch type of suggestion
22. She had him in a scissors hold across the back of his couch
23. Her head was down on the seat of the couch
24. Without Yellelle supporting him he immediately dropped to the floor behind the couch with his pants down
25. “Did you hear how it happened?” By this time Enjteen had lead her to a couch and poured them each a cup of tea
26. She hated walking on a floor she couldn’t see, and sitting on a couch she could hardly see
27. her clothes off the floor and couch
28. while you’re snuggled up on the couch eating popcorn and watching When a Man
29. She put her bundles down on the sitting room table and backed into the corner of the couch with her feet up, staring at the door
30. couch and fell more than sat
31. Roman was still on the couch reading when Heather awoke
32. Gina Hawthorne sat on the new ten thousand dollar couch that she bought
33. into the living room and sat close to each other on the couch
34. ” Directly in front of us where the couch used to sit, in
35. Heather helped me to the couch
36. Carl laid me down on the couch and then bent down to his knees
37. Heather walked around to the end of the couch, and put both hands on the
38. Roman, still grasping Heather’s hand, led her over to the couch
39. bookshelf overturned, the cushions on the couch hanging out, and my father
40. The living room had a couch
41. the couch and a small TV was positioned so you could see it from either seating
42. intoxicated, falling asleep on the couch next to Ed’s chair
43. over the couch and myself
44. table in front of the couch
45. Ed lay passed out on the couch, already through his first bottle at
46. He looked at the clock and then at me on the couch
47. As he entered the lounge, he saw his younger brother, Wiremu, lying on the couch reading comic books
48. Heather sat on the couch as Roman changed out of his gray janitor suit
49. Roman sat down on the couch and took her hand in his
50. the couch next to the agent
1. Most of it was just a long formal list of who got how much return on the graft that went into making up this expedition, but there were a few paragraphs near the end called the 'Haad Directives,' couched in dense theologian
2. always couched in polite terms, but it was clear that they were
3. Jo laughed and explained that the invitation was couched in very formal terms inviting the Lady Josephine Symons to join the Ladies Katie and Abigail for an al fresco entertainment
4. He’d couched his insistence on returning her as a matter of
5. 9 Judah is a lion's whelp: from the prey, my son, you have gone up: he stooped down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
6. 9 He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he who blesses you, and cursed is he who curses you
7. down, he couched as a lion, and as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?
8. How good it felt to hear the great bird speak again, even though his language was couched in the images of his race
9. 2 for if I write unto you concerning the things that are at hand or the things that will be hereafter you all would not be able to understand them because they are couched in parables
10. Could it be the unstated policy of the Delhi operatives as well, he suspected, but, couched by the pretentious unsuitability labels!
11. She did not at once reply; it was a new experience for a man to speak so forthrightly to her, his words not couched in courtier phrases
12. There was more of it—some of it couched in eloquence that made Valeria stare, in spite of her profane education among the seafarers
13. ―That bad, huh?‖ Can couched his comment as a question but Elise could not mistake the tone in his statement
14. That status had however been couched on paper in rather vague or encompassing terms more than a century ago, leaving politicians and lawyers from all sides plenty of leeway to debate those constitutional powers both in public and in court
15. The way she’d couched this invitation, instantly and accurately conveyed to all, exactly where she would like to have this nightcap - in bed with Joel
16. “Surely there is some humanity couched within,” he would muse, “however deeply it might be buried
17. But when it came to the positive question it was couched in cumbersome terminology, so the democrats claimed, that was either the result of ineptitude on the part of the professional company contracted by the survey office, or intentionally designed to confuse in order to arrive at an answer that suited those not in favour of an early introduction of direct elections
18. In order to hide this obvious fact: scientists have couched their ramblings in arcane, complex, mysterious gibberish, that even they cannot explain to their own fellow scientists… simply to keep their sacred, specialized knowledge from being exposed as a complete fraud
19. All are couched in their own cultural limitations
20. Anything that has to be couched n sugar coated lies to be sold: is hiding poison inside it
21. They are all lies, couched in cunning hyperboles and sneaky suggestions
22. Except it is couched in modern consumer terms
23. prophecies couched in the same language style, and even using the same metaphors, Mt
24. If the Bible is allowed to be its own interpreter, when read in the light of the prophecies couched in the same language style, and even using the same metaphors, Mt
25. It is well known that there are natural drugs that lie couched in the human brain;
26. When he lay couched in the ominous horse,
27. I took and read the letter, which was couched in terms so flattering that even I myself felt it would be wrong in my father not to comply with the request the duke made in it, which was that he would send me immediately to him, as he wished me to become the companion, not servant, of his eldest son, and would take upon himself the charge of placing me in a position
28. William had written out a letter of application, couched in admirable business language, which Paul copied, with variations
29. It did seem kinda strange that they couched
30. "My friends," I said, "to a question couched in these terms, our answer can be taken for granted
31. I couched my pitch to Hopkins in terms of my surprise discovery
32. They read to Noirtier the formal copy of a will, in order to give him an idea of the terms in which such documents are generally couched; then, in order to test the capacity of the testator, the first notary said, turning towards him,—"When an individual makes his will, it is generally in favor or in prejudice of some person
33. A couched spear of acuminated granite rested by him while at his feet reposed a savage animal of the canine tribe whose stertorous gasps announced that he was sunk in uneasy slumber, a supposition confirmed by hoarse growls and spasmodic movements which his master repressed from time to time by tranquilising blows of a mighty cudgel rudely fashioned out of paleolithic stone
34. He says this, a censor of morals, a very pelican in his piety, who did not scruple, oblivious of the ties of nature, to attempt illicit intercourse with a female domestic drawn from the lowest strata of society! Nay, had the hussy's scouringbrush not been her tutelary angel, it had gone with her as hard as with Hagar, the Egyptian! In the question of the grazing lands his peevish asperity is notorious and in Mr Cuffe's hearing brought upon him from an indignant rancher a scathing retort couched in terms as straightforward as they were bucolic
35. At the same time it is couched in so unfortunate a manner, and certain phrases in it are of so provocative a character, that its publication would undoubtedly lead to a most dangerous state of feeling in this country
36. That was fortunate, for if she could have Indignation at being misunderstood mingled with Scarlett’s forlorn feeling of being out spoken she would have cried out truths couched in Gerald’s forthright words
37. It was not the first letter of the kind which she had received, but she never had one couched in such threatening terms
38. Only, a rather obscure note was found among the Bishop's papers, which may bear some relation to this matter, and which is couched in these terms, "The question is, to decide whether this should be turned over to the cathedral or to the hospital
39. One day she received from the Thenardiers a letter couched in the following terms: "Cosette is ill with a malady which is going the rounds of the neighborhood
40. ” I’m not sure about you guys, but I’m leery of worthless risky advice couched in cute alliteration
41. The lawyer had, accordingly, begun with an explanation as to the theft of the apples,—an awkward matter couched in fine style; but Benigne Bossuet himself was obliged to allude to a chicken in the midst of a funeral oration, and he extricated himself from the situation in stately fashion
42. The order of arrest, signed by the district-attorney, was couched in these words: "Inspector Javert will apprehend the body of the Sieur Madeleine, mayor of M
43. Uttering a wild whoop, Felipe couched his spear like a lance and booted his unhappy strider to a charge
44. When the White River Legion rode into the midst of the stream and was fully engaged with von Augenfelsen’s men, we couched our lances and charged Karyl’s monsters
45. A knight with the lower half of his unfashionably antique great helm painted red with a series of semicircles for an upper border and the top enameled white attacked Jaume at the sprint with his lance couched
46. Like the others, he couched a spear in lieu of a longer, less wieldy lance
47. This invitation to drink, couched, as it was, in such informal terms, came very strangely from Nastasia Philipovna
48. Pavel Pavlovitch had written a short note couched in very polite and correct phraseology, and thanking Claudia Petrovna sincerely “for her great kindness to the orphan—kindness for which heaven alone could recompense her
49. Not satisfied with seeing that individual prohibited the exercise of his official character, we are invited to pursue him with the joint terrors of legislative wrath, couched in terms selected to convey opprobrium and infix a stigma
50. In his letter of the 17th of May, to the Secretary of State, speaking of the order, he says, "the note is couched in terms of restraint, and professes to extend the blockade further than it has heretofore done, nevertheless it takes it from many ports already blockaded, indeed all east of Ostend and west of the Seine, except in articles contraband of war and enemy's property, which are seizable without blockade; and in like form of exception, considering every enemy as one power, it admits the trade of neutrals within the same limits to be free, in the productions of enemy's colonies, in every but the direct route between the colony and parent country
1. They had brought in a couple of leather couches, and created a sitting area for them
2. We spent time together and eventually ended up in one of the uncomfortable lounge couches making out
3. We sat on couches in the cashier waiting area and played cards after dinner
4. couches where they reclined
5. Instead of a low table and couches, there was a high, square table and chairs with legs
6. and cured olives, Nerissa saw four men reclining on the banquet hall’s couches
7. them bend over the couches
8. One o'er the couches painted carpets threw,
9. When his mother eventually calmed down and stopped sobbing, Zarko led her to the waiting room and made her sit down on one of the couches
10. }, of some triclinaria, a sort of woollen pillows or cushions made use of to lean upon as they reclined upon their couches at table, passes all credibility; some of them being said to have cost more than £30,000, others more than £300,000
11. ' The room was a clutter of old stuffed couches and armchairs, and everywhere there were piles of books and stacks of classical records
12. was no guarantee all the crew would have immediate access to crash couches
13. As the knock cut across her thoughts, Sheena told Booker to enter and he came into her office with a smile on his face, waiting by the door until she had invited him to sit opposite her on one of the couches
14. She started kissing me and I her, and we were making love gently on the sofa as men walked amongst the couches and picked their whores
15. “Hey, Rob,” she said after seeing him sitting on one of the couches
16. “Hey guys,” he said, sitting down on one of the sofa couches
17. I had had them rip out almost all the walls on the floor and put in couches, recliners, and other comfortable seating
18. of violence to come near; 4 Who lie on beds of ivory, and stretch themselves on their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and
19. She could see Tom Thompson, seated on one of the comfortable leather couches, flanked by Greatchen and Norm
20. I sat next to him on the couches; he had his shoulders hunched and his forearms resting on his knees, staring off into nowhere
21. 13 And of Joseph he said, Blessed of the Lord be his land, for the precious things of heaven, for the dew, and for the deep that couches beneath,
22. mattresses, the couches that were in the living room,
23. bed, Lucy sat on one of her new couches and tried to
24. They don't eat when they come from the marketplace unless they bathe themselves and there are many other things which they have received to hold to: washings of cups pitchers bronze vessels and couches
25. For all of the Jews and the Pharisees if they wash not their hands thoroughly eat not; for they held to the ordinance of the elders; And they ate not what was bought from the market except they washed it; and many other things did they keep of what they had received such as the washing of cups and measures and vessels of brass and couches; And scribes and Pharisees asked him Why do your disciples not walk according to the ordinances of the elders but eat bread without washing their handse Jesus answered and said to them Why do you also overstep the command of God by reason of your ordinance?God said Honour your father and your mother; and whoever reviles his father and his mother shall surely die; But you say If a man say to his father or to his mother What you receivest from me is an offering and you suffer him not to do any- thing for his father or his mother; and you make void and reject the word of God by reason of the ordinance that you have ordained and commanded such as the wash- ing of cups and measures and what resembles that you do much; And you forsook the command of God and held to the ordinance of men
26. and couches made up the rest of the furnishings
27. noise, which came from a girl sat on one of the couches, laying
28. There were several couches and arm chairs resembling those they’d used in the theater
29. The group moved over to the couches and
30. took places on the couches and floor
31. Julian, Paul, and a few of the other guys were crashed on the couches,
32. plush col ection of couches and easy chairs, piles of books, buckets of
33. Upstairs you could often find a gymnasium, and at the rear, a Turkish bath replete with steam rooms, dry rooms with ‘Eastern’ style vaulted ceilings, plastic couches, massage room, cooling-off lounge and private cubicles
34. Leaving the sumptuous dining room we descended to the ‘dungeons’, where, reclining on low couches in the well-heated, blue-carpeted, dimly-lit cellar, clients were plied with cheap wine and entertained by the brutish copulation of the naked and hugely hung right-hand-man and his bejewelled Frau, which prompted in their enraptured audience a frantic abandonment of clothes and inhibitions in unconstrained orgiastic frenzy
35. I was over in this set of concrete couches and it was pretty dark even with the floodlights
36. Feeling somewhat awed by stone balustrades, broad steps and portico, he pressed the bell and was ushered into a lounge-room literally stuffed with deeply cushioned couches, arm chairs, small tables, oriental carpets, knickknacks, souvenirs and colourful daubs of minarets and camels silhouetted against desert sunsets
37. Brightly cushioned couches, low wooden tables and oriental rugs dotted the floor; paintings enlivened the walls
38. In her chamber whose ceiling was a lapis lazuli dome, whose marble floor was littered with rare furs, and whose walls were lavish with golden friezework, ten girls, daughters of nobles, their slender limbs weighted with gem-crusted armlets and anklets, slumbered on velvet couches about the royal bed with its golden dais and silken canopy
39. It was the custom of these Pharisees, when they provided a banquet for distinguished guests, to leave the doors of the house open so that even the street beggars might come in and, standing around the walls of the room behind the couches of the diners, be in position to receive portions of food which might be tossed to them by the banqueters
40. Without ceremony Techotl thrust the door open and ushered his friends into a broad chamber, where some thirty dark-skinned men and women lounging on satin-covered couches sprang up with exclamations of amazement
41. "But first aid us to lift the badly wounded on these couches where we may bandage their hurts
42. Dad wheeled me over to one of the plush couches, arranged me on it and sat next to me while he guzzled fragrant cups of coffee and ate French pastries
43. “We will sorely miss you,” Gerald patted his friend on the shoulder and then waved his arm towards the three huge red leather couches for his guests to sit down
44. Except for the end on which rested the bread and wine, this long table was surrounded by thirteen reclining couches, just such as would be provided for the celebration of the Passover in a well-to-do Jewish household
45. 1 As we approach the time of the resurrection of Jesus on this early Sunday morning, it should be recalled that the ten apostles were sojourning at the home of Elijah and Mary Mark, where they were asleep in the upper chamber, resting on the very couches whereon they reclined during the last supper with their Master
46. ” Ateina said as I ushered them into the living room and they sat down on the couches
47. “Would you like to watch a movie or something?” I said to them as they settled on the couches
48. “You seem to have quite a hang up on couches tonight
49. There were no chairs or couches in the living room, only pillows and rugs
50. low couches in a recess of the reception area and sat down
1. ‘Isn’t he trying to win my heart now by couching his lust with the sentiment of love?’
2. The result of this blunder was… the entire basis of modern Science for the past 100 years has been founded upon a set of completely false assumptions, and has been led on a wild goose chase ever since: searching for non-existent things which don’t exist like gravitons, using terms like mass and gravity and the speed of light as universal constants: couching scientific measurements in terms and quantities that are not only completely false and misleading, but entirely non-existent
3. He’s couching his murders in the MO of a hate crime