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    Usa "count down" in una frase

    count down frasi di esempio

    count down

    1. count down will begin but the clock face may still whisper

    2. I started to count down from fifteen in my head

    3. “But Harry, there’s no point in sitting around watching the seconds count down on the clock, you need to be active as much as you can, what about the conference?”


    5. We must take a better account of what we are putting into our bodies if we want to count down on our waist lines

    6. signal for ten seconds and then continued to count down,

    7. This will count down how many players are left in the game

    8. Do we really have to count down loudly all those minutes or is it all just for show?”

    9. Kitara began a mental count down of when the torpedoes would explode, provided they didn’t hit something first

    10. He has started his one minute count down

    11. Before the launch, as Tammas watched the numbers decrease on his count down

    12. "Give me a count down from

    13. The velocity indicator started to count down slowly

    14. Nog waited another few seconds and then started to count down from three in a very slow and vigorous way

    15. Said he was allowing her to count down her death

    16. The gifts I give to you will count down one by one until eternity

    17. had their ten second count down to usher in the new year, but some how it

    18. The countdown to war… the count down to a play

    19. Finn was just starting to count down when Kyrin lunged at him

    20. They stood in mannered silence and watched the numbers count down

    21. In the end, it is a case of death by a thousand cuts that will slowly grind a trading account down to nothing

    22. About a week before closing, I sat and stared at my $150,000 trading account and wondered how it was going to affect me—psychologically—to take my account down to $120,000

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