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    Usa "crash into" in una frase

    crash into frasi di esempio

    crash into

    1. looked liked they would crash into each other, but having

    2. the wagon to cartwheel and crash into the ditch

    3. The approaching vessel was now visible, moving so rapidly it seemed as if it would crash into her craft

    4. And what if you succeeded? What would happen to the stolen car? May it perhaps crash into the innocent public? That is another reason to take out the driver before he reaches town or built up areas

    5. “So he isn’t going to crash into the sun,” said Brendan, and then it was time for a few routine checks

    6. Decorated veteran officers Miguel Sanchez, age 41 and Jamal Harris, age 44 sustained gunfire from the vehicle which caused their police cruiser to crash into an abandoned building on West Kinney Street

    7. Mackeller and his copilot watched the wave crash into the tsunami breakwater wall on the

    8. As the planes land, travelers get the sensation that it is going to crash into one of the most marvelous views of an incalculable number of tall and elegant buildings

    9. Henry stopped suddenly, causing Zoe to nearly crash into his broad back

    10. Bleeding now, I was leaving a trail so thick I thought I heard one of them slip and crash into the wall as they tried to regain their footing

    11. to crash into her face, she suddenly cowered away from him,

    12. I laughed when I felt his small body crash into mine

    13. Another fifty paces and they would crash into the uneven Kushite ranks, which stood motionless, spears lifted

    14. crash into the back of Harold’s seat while he ended up banging his

    15. “A fly,” said Patrick, “A fly is about to crash into the

    16. has obstacles and you want to beat them, not crash into them and then turn back

    17. The truck will come, and the pedestrians who do not listen will have it crash into them

    18. Another crash into the wood

    19. As a superb pilot himself, he believed that a crash into the sea was only moments away

    20. the other side to crash into the hillside

    21. It could only end one way, a crash into the sea

    22. It appeared that its weight would carry it over the edge of the tower to crash into the streets below, but instead it smashed into the turret

    23. knees; we would crash into each other, blows were coming at us

    24. They crash into the hotel room, ordering food as Marjorie puts the Pill back in its case

    25. Why, isn’t it clear that I can’t seduce her by appealing to her mind? I should find a soft spot in her heart to gatecrash into her bed

    26. The ship is about to crash into the nearest object of dangerous proportions

    27. I turned around and saw that a spaceship was about to crash into the planet

    28. The goblin kept charging, a mace held high above his head, poised to crash into her skull

    29. As they run to one of their small cabins together they pass the wife, the boyfriend, but they hurry past pulling each other’s clothes off as they crash into the cabin

    30. planet could take a spiraling course to crash into their star as far as they

    31. The last thing he need now was for it to crash into

    32. He tried it out and she followed, but he paused when he should have kept going, causing her to crash into his chest

    33. At Than’s request, Pegasus went into a canter across the golden-paved plaza and then, just as Therese thought they would crash into the chariot shed, he lifted up into the sky

    34. Dodging to the left, Michael heard the sword crash into the stone altar, the echo bounced off the

    35. I was almost certain we were going to crash into the runway, but slowly the plane leveled itself

    36. The two crash into an empty store front, flattening it completely

    37. Fox leaped for Silas, snapping with his jaws, but came up short, hesitant to crash into his macabre collection

    38. He could see from his rear mirror that if he didn’t up his speed too, it was going to crash into him

    39. and a skier--it's two guys who crash into each other

    40. Willie braces for a crash into the painted rocks just as the

    41. He was suddenly struck by that giddy dizziness that comes when low blood sugar and stress crash into one another

    42. just because the moon will never crash into the earth or the earth crash into the sun

    43. He kicked the door in and felt the door crash into

    44. crash into the woods, wondering at the cause

    45. It exploded terrifically, as all the ordinance it had been carrying with it went up in the blast of its crash into the rocks

    46. “Or cause us to crash into the surface of our planet, which could be disastrous given some of the properties that this ship is made of and contains

    47. The missile was streaking head on with the bar-Seth and would crash into it within seconds

    48. He fell forward, slumped over the window sill, as his rifle plummeted four stories to harmlessly crash into the sidewalk below

    49. reflected brightly as they curled to crash into a flurry of foam and sound and I paused to

    50. Both men enjoyed watching the occasional forceful wave crash into a natural

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