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    Usa "cristal" in una frase

    cristal frasi di esempio


    1. Cristal shook her head

    2. "They're doing a head count," he said, staring back at Cristal

    3. He spoke but did not stop staring at Cristal

    4. “Why isn't it the right time or place, Harry?” Cristal heard Kerim’s voice

    5. Harry motioned to Cristal to walk with him by nodding his head towards the building

    6. Cristal noticed his other hand clenched into a fist

    7. Out of all the professors, Cristal always thought Dr

    8. Cristal was sitting on a stool in the first row of lab tables at the front

    9. Cristal entertained the thought of reaching over and smacking the back of her head

    10. Cristal was eager to hear what Rinaldo had to say

    11. Cristal had to hold back a giggle

    12. Cristal squinted and could see an image where the lightening streaks were crossing each other

    13. "Cristal, this is Dr

    14. If she could have lifted herself up, Cristal would have gone over and slapped the witch in the face

    15. Cristal heard the sincerity in his voice

    16. Cristal had to step closer to hear him

    17. Cristal could feel her face burn red

    18. Cristal looked straight into his eyes

    19. Cristal reached out for his hand

    20. Cristal walked over and closed the shutters, which were made out of flimsy aluminum, the white paint peeling on the edges

    21. He found an ex-military friend who lived nearby the hotel, leaving Cristal by herself in her miserable room

    22. Cristal couldn't believe how they could ignore her own child who obviously was frightened and uncomfortable

    23. Although, Cristal couldn’t understand what they were saying, she knew Kerim was doing what he was good at, charming the lady and making her giggle like a school girl

    24. Kerim pointed towards Cristal and said something that caused the lady to burst out into peals of laughter

    25. “What was that all about?” Cristal asked, nodding her head towards the direction the lady had waddled off to

    26. DURING HER FIRST YEAR AS AN UNDERGRAD at GN University, Cristal had decided to take a class in introductory Spanish hoping to help improve her communication skills with gamers in Spanish-speaking countries like Mexico and Spain

    27. Cristal was grateful and accepted her offer willingly

    28. Cruz had to admit that there was no hope for Cristal

    29. Cristal never mentioned this to anyone

    30. "It just started when you had your eyes closed earlier, Cristal," his voice in her head said

    31. During the day, she and Harry were supposedly restoring the server networks at GN but in reality they were downloading data for Cristal to decode

    32. “There are things I wish I could share with you,” he said, searching her eyes, hoping to see the old Cristal, the one who used to be willing to listen

    33. “I think that Cristal was responsible for starting the earthquake that happened in different countries all over the world

    34. “The weird thing was Cristal and Kerim were staring at each other

    35. CRISTAL COULD SEE A COUPLE OF tourists at the hotel counter arguing with the concierge

    36. “Yes?” Cristal turned, expecting to see one of the hotel staff

    37. Cristal nodded her head slowly

    38. Cristal glanced over to the hotel entrance relieved to see Harry walking in

    39. Cristal noticed that Harry was much taller than the agent

    40. She eyed Harry suspiciously and then shifted her attention to Cristal

    41. They spoke with each other for a few minutes while Cristal stood and watched

    42. Cristal frowned, “I still don’t know what the issue is

    43. “So, can you please answer my questions?” she asked, facing Cristal

    44. Cristal choked back her laughter

    45. He is providing security for Cristal and myself and the staff at the GN office in Haifa

    46. Cristal does not know much about him as I was the one who hired him

    47. Okay, Cristal? Until we find out more about him, consider him a hostile

    48. Cristal couldn’t believe her ears

    49. “An agent was here asking questions about you,” Cristal said

    50. He gave Cristal a look

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