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    Usa "critically" in una frase

    critically frasi di esempio


    1. ” She squinted at herself in the mirror critically

    2. Nearby was Jodie, unconscious - also critically ill

    3. For example, what you think is critically

    4. 6 So far it sounds like a good argument and quite plausible, but looking at some of the issues involved critically, some questions go unanswered

    5. The sepulchral tone answered critically, clearly annoyed

    6. The Huntress had been involved in a collision and was somewhat damaged, but not critically

    7. Regarding me critically with narrowed eyes

    8. It was too late to return her to the shelter; they would not accept a critically ill animal

    9. This brings to mind the question of how students can think critically if they have nothing to think with

    10. If ultimate reality is not consciousness but existence, rather, how could anyone be reasonably certain of his or her own existence if not for the capacity to reason and to think critically about oneself? ―I am consciously aware of myself therefore I am certain of my existence‖

    11. Therefore, it must necessarily follow that Humankind, at whatever stage of its spiritual development, was already predisposed to its eternal ―meaning‖ although its (ultimate) purpose may not have been critically apparent to most; that is to say, moved by the Word or Holy Spirit, prior to the moment Humankind began giving pause to gods or God in whatever primitive or formal manner

    12. Although certain forms of behavior or crimes are generally understood, their (underlying) motives or reasons (or Truth) are not always apparent; that is to say, not necessarily evident in themselves although they should be to critically minded individuals

    13. Although tax cuts promote investment, production and (economic) growth, not to mention spending, that fuels all of the above; and while such measures should be vigorously pursued whenever possible, the underlying crisis concerning most (critically minded) Americans is (correctly) understood as Moral rather than Economic; especially among social conservatives, the illegitimate offsprings of an Establishment Party who will not be easily swayed by the prospect of a few additional dollars in their wallets

    14. An individual cannot always control the currents of his or her own thoughts although it lies within that individual to critically examine the appropriateness of such thoughts or ideas that might otherwise influence his or her behavior in an unseemly manner

    15. The phenomenon of public opinion, or its volatility, I should say, is rooted, in part, in the (composite) uncertainties of a society‘s moral, spiritual and intellectual positions that are often unclear, if not incomprehensible to individuals who have never been properly instructed to learn or to think critically about what they have learned or make proper sense out of what they have learned; whose

    16. Let us hope, however, that whatever judgments the future may one day see fit to render, will be tempered by gratitude for others who, having participated in history, made it possible for them to critically examine its failures as well as its accomplishments in an open-minded manner that will hopefully provide objective standards of measurement

    17. The greatest (moral) ―tragedies‖ are oftentimes self-inflicted by individuals who choose to orchestrate their own disappointments by making ill-advised (decisions) without giving proper thought to the consequences of their actions, who are/were nevertheless capable of critically examining every aspect of such decisions; that is to say, their moral and rational dimensions, had they been properly inclined to do so and who, having suffered the unhappy effects of ―unexpected‖ outcomes, are wont to attribute their personal misfortunes to Chance rather than their own indomitable designs and indiscretions

    18. The former is oftentimes based on faulty (intellectual) assumptions or premises or an inability to think (critically); the latter, on deficient reasoning

    19. Addendum to the above: Insert Thinking for ―Thinking‖, for it is certain that many young students of my generation were not properly trained to Think (critically) but to ―Think‖ (―correctly‖), rather

    20. could only verify what little information she had other than the fact that Sharon was critically injured, on life support, and the doctors did not know at this point if she was going to live much longer

    21. He gazed at her critically for a moment, then reached out his hand, lightly touching a place just behind her right ear

    22. ’ Viewing humans as being critically defined, say, by a level of intelligence high enough to conceive of God, might eliminate the fighting between those believing in evolution and those believing in creation or intelligent design or whatever

    23. Critically connected to the blood system, it is located atop the bony spine in man and in the forefront in all other vertebrates

    24. I killed, and I killed, and I killed, inflicting as much suffering as I could before the kill, until one day I got critically wounded in an ambush, but I came out alive

    25. He was so obvious, however, that I began to have some doubts, and began looking at the others more critically

    26. correspond with the location for which a child specifically recalls being critically wounded in a

    27. Upon his return to the booster pump station, Ken found a note from the director of Port Operations stating that the tanker unloading was critically behind schedule

    28. “We were both on the verge of death at the end, but I had pre-cast spells that would activate in the event that I was critically injured or rendered unconscious, and ensure my escape

    29. Should they be able to critically judge a portion of the Word of God and call it unacceptable? Without actually saying these words! "Judge not lest you should be judged" is the relevant saying of Jesus Christ on this

    30. On entering the suite, Celia looked critically at Lorna’s smart shoes and shook her head

    31. When we reached her, she looked me over critically, like she was still thinking about how much I drooled

    32. courage of their convictions! When you’ve thought through something critically and come to

    33. ” She studied the sphere critically

    34. Years later that young woman became critically ill

    35. As the coil of Ghazahg’s self-ensnaring body reached a critically small circumference, the sea swelled up inside the loop, packed with more pressure than the space would permit

    36. Just before the police left the scene, a radio message was received by the vehicle radio operator, to let them know that the wounded security guard had recovered consciousness, before being taken in to the operating theatre and he had informed them that he had managed to seriously wound two of the “fake police” gang – a man with a stomach wound – and a woman with a chest wound - the woman being the one who was most seriously, probably critically, wounded

    37. May Lin was very upset and cried after being told that Jenni was badly, probably critically hurt…

    38. We have critically wounded

    39. This is the voice inside our heads that comments (often critically), on everything we do

    40. "I think I look good filled out like this," Chica said, but she looked down at herself a bit critically

    41. Somehow, he could not imagine an airport security officer attempting to detain the great Komadze, the agent-extraordinary, the spymaster given an assignment by Joseph Stalin over twenty-five years ago -- an assignment still valid, still critically important today

    42. They kidnapped a critically injured man at the Williams Lake hospital then killed him

    43. “We have 1,500 known dead or critically wounded we do not expect to live, 3,000 known survivors, some of whom are wounded and 500 missing

    44. There are those who have visions and experiences and as soon as they look at these events more critically, to go about the process of examining them deeper, they will see that this was not a random event or something that they can dismiss as a random event

    45. a few hundred left in the wild they’re listed as critically

    46. The South China Tiger is critically endangered or you could

    47. individuals and populations of critically endangered species

    48. They matter because in order to critically evaluate the findings of key studies you need

    49. The childrens’ parents all got critically ill and eventually died

    50. The IUCN has listed the BBS as Critically

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