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    Usa "crutch" in una frase

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    1. He didn't go farther in that direction, once he'd carved himself a crutch maybe

    2. Before he did that he would have to wrap his foot and make a crutch

    3. Even so the crutch was ready before he was

    4. He could hop around the area on the crutch, but he couldn't get to his feet with the pack on

    5. Whatever it was, he should get ready for it so he reached for the knife and the crutch

    6. The end of the crutch wasn't real blunt and it was heavy enough to put force behind

    7. "I wish I'd taken the time to use the crutch right," he said as he tried to ease his foot back into a comfortable position

    8. Alan splashed across the stream on his crutch and sat next to her, not wanting a loud conversation to get Desa up before she was ready

    9. Not that he could jump after it on this crutch

    10. Once they were about twenty feet away from the water Alan hauled himself up with the crutch

    11. Alan let his foot heal as much as he could and stumped around on the crutch only enough to keep the campsite's air fresh

    12. He was walking without a limp when they left and walked without using the crutch, but he kept it just in case

    13. ’ He replied, his hand moving round to the front of her denims and probing her crutch

    14. No longer able to stand on her own legs, she utilized the bridge's rusted iron railing as a crutch, and with whatever strength she had left she dragged herself across

    15. We are so lucky to have such a friendship of love between us!” Rex tucked his crutch deep under his arm and placed his arm around her

    16. I moved back over to Sam and dressed his wounds giving him one of the precious morphine tablets and finding him a rifle that he used as a crutch

    17. a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame!

    18. His active little crutch was heard upon the floor, and back came Tiny

    19. “Christ on a crutch Mia,” I muttered as I staggered uncertainly in an attempt to stay upright

    20. Once inside the Pack’n’Save, LP grabbed a trolley to use as a crutch

    21. Bob is hit in the chest and in the crutch by at least three bullets

    22. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a ‘religious crutch

    23. use food as a crutch and why they must stop

    24. But it was Noah, standing there in the hall, using a broomstick for a crutch and holding the doorframe with the other hand

    25. Maggie rubbed her stiff arms and yawned, picking up the wooden crutch she had brought from the house of the Ploughman

    26. She sat down on a fallen log and strapped the sword on while the men finished their own preparations, then stood and practiced hobbling around on her crutch

    27. Having just healed a foot fracture, Ramasamy would lean on his crutch and walk slowly; and Meenu would synchronize her steps with him

    28. I threw the crutch away in a day, and had the stitches out in a week

    29. He swayed at first, unsteady on his feet, until Yngvild handed him a spear to use as a crutch

    30. statement, the opposition grabbed onto this one crutch and slung a lot of mud as they

    31. He limped back into the trees with his AK as a crutch

    32. How could it be that time is an anachronism? How could things function? We need a model to use as a crutch

    33. He hoists himself up onto his crutch and hobbles toward the outer edge of the village

    34. He takes up his satchel of four throwing spears and his pike and limps away into the night with the aid of his crutch, thinking he may never return, but knowing deep in his heart that he must

    35. Why does this kind of shit always have to happen to him? He picks up his satchel of throwing spears and his crutch and starts to limp back to the village

    36. “Pain is a crutch

    37. who the Hell are YOU?…’ and brought her coiled leg upwards with tremendous force kicking him solidly in the crutch

    38. He discarded his crutch and started to build something with saplings that he cut down with his knife

    39. He stared at the woman, unsure whether to return the blast with another verbal onslaught, or accept the fact that he had used the Rome bomb, the scar, and the terror of death as a crutch

    40. With proper bandaging he could manage without a crutch and the pain had all but abated but not wanting to lose the nurse, he became a pretender

    41. Since Roscoe‘s education greatly exceeded his intelligence he never wavered in his feelings and this adulation become a balm, if not a crutch, for the sheriff‘s bent psyche

    42. By the time he stopped he knew: The captives had been free when they reached skull hammock: The rancher was lame, using a crutch: The renegade cornered them several hours before Sam‘s arrival: The devastating storm had missed this area: The fiendish Indian had taken Elise with him, heading west into the innards of skull hammock: That a boar hog was in the stinking pen and the rancher with him—dead

    43. Spirituality was fine for those who needed a crutch to help them hobble their way

    44. He was holding a crutch and was deep into

    45. Do you desire something simply based on the value others have placed on it? What does it give you? Why is the desire for those gifts in your life? Does the desire exist in order to fulfill or make up for some lack in your life? Do you feel devalued and worthless, needing someone or something admired by many people to compensate for those feelings? If this is true, you are using the superficial thing as a crutch to lean on, instead of addressing the lack in yourself or beginning to love the part of yourself which you don't like

    46. She supported herself with a crutch on her left side

    47. Nancy stopped then, with Tatiana still using her as a crutch, and gave her a sad look

    48. He used the rifle as a crutch to straighten up and managed to stand though his knees quaked uncontrollably and fell down again as cramp took control in both calves

    49. In addition, while this method may work as a temporary crutch, it is at odds with other key advice in this book: namely, that waking up in the morning should not be something that you dread, but rather something that excites you

    50. And quite simply, that was the basis for religion; invented as a crutch for minds unable to come to grips with reality

    1. "On this day of the year, long before you were born, this heap of decay," stabbing with her crutched stick at the pile of cobwebs on the table, but not touching it, "was brought here

    1. Couldn’t walk without crutches

    2. with the aid of crutches, and found himself sitting around in the

    3. It needed the upper branch-and-bubble penthouses that had grown around it as crutches now, to keep these old piles up

    4. The rest of the defenders seemed to move like lead, ambling to the portal, their jewel encrusted weapons reduced to crutches in their feeble hands

    5. But when they left the compound he conceded to make use of support crutches

    6. He was on crutches

    7. Last time he visited, Mush met him at the door on crutches

    8. on the twin crutches of fable and human credulity

    9. I learned to walk without crutches

    10. A prosthesis was made so he could walk short distances with crutches

    11. ing, you have to abandon the crutches that only attempt to wean you off nicotine

    12. and just be happier and letting go of the imaginary crutches that I

    13. They returned home several hours later with Noah leaning on a pair of crutches, his fractured foot shielded in a proper cast

    14. He had swapped his crutches for a cane, and now he leaned on it and asked her, “Are you okay?”

    15. Pat was behind them on crutches, and Mrs

    16. legs and no crutches to aid you and He still tells you

    17. Larry, my downstairs neighbor, is hopping around on crutches waiting for Medicare to kick in so he can have a hip replacement in June

    18. Inside, they found a seat next to the door, and John leaned his crutches against an empty chair

    19. Using the crutches, he stood on his left foot and lifted his right hand to the sky as tears of joy rolled down his cheeks

    20. He hobbled back to the house on his crutches

    21. When that one’s treatment was finished and his bed returned to its place, Hilsith turned to the old giant with the crutches

    22. After two days, Rick was discharged from the clinic, and although still on crutches, was ready to leave on one of his private jets

    23. “I think we have some crutches that he can use,” said Bill

    24. I saw Kyle leaning on one of his crutches

    25. Luckily, he no longer required crutches

    26. I would be old, toothless, bald and bent over, have a thousand infirmities and walk with crutches by the time I could see a round sun again

    27. Included in all this were at least 30 stainless steel bed pans and emesis basins (now replaced in most hospitals by plastic); boxes full of glass syringes of all sizes with needles; at least 50 wooden crutches of all kinds; boxes full of rubber catheters; colostomy bags; birth control pills; boxes of antiseptic solutions and more

    28. I got the same response about a number of other items including the crutches

    29. We took the assortment of crutches with us on a trip to Juneau and donated them to the local Salvation Army

    30. Zoe turned around to see Henry had hobbled over on crutches

    31. Zoe watched Henry hobble away on his crutches

    32. Balancing on crutches, he looked down and saw the nurse, writhing as she bled

    33. I think it will be Carl based on the fact he’s on crutches and couldn’t keep up with you on the walk down

    34. 2 crutches supported Carl’s massive frame, cheap metal ones with grey plastic arm supports

    35. Tighes rehabilitation had been slow and painful and hobbled around on crutches

    36. Seven stood and balanced himself on his crutches

    37. house she had begun to use the crutches Joe borrowed from one of

    38. Even with her crutches and one hand

    39. He could manage on crutches and he believed he would regain full use of the leg

    40. The first patient who came to her was a small boy of about six who walked with a pair of crutches

    41. More exclamations came out when little Jacob, transported with joy, got up without the help of his crutches and hugged Nancy happily

    42. His fragile back now hurting after sitting for hours on the benches of the House, John Kennedy slowly got up, grimacing with pain, then returned slowly to his office to go get his crutches

    43. Ivan Kozhedub, who still had one leg in a big cast and walked with crutches, nodded his head in satisfaction when Lydia Litvyak translated Ingrid’s words in Russian for his benefit

    44. She was on crutches today because she had sprained her ankle at work slipping on liquid detergent in the hotel laundry room

    45. Appeals to patriotism and religion are the crutches of the weak and hateful, whereas good policy can stand by itself

    46. She crooked both aluminum crutches into her armpits and tried to keep

    47. She handed her crutches to Blake to hold

    48. up his seat to a lady on crutches

    49. own joke and pretending to use imaginary crutches to imitate Cathy

    50. The aluminum crutches quickly

    1. He’d tried to picture himself crutching his way down that grainy and nearly vertical driveway to check the mail

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