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    Usa "cuddling" in una frase

    cuddling frasi di esempio


    1. She began to stir and rolled over, cuddling up next to him, her hand on his chest

    2. Knowing my cat, this will have involved a fair amount of cuddling

    3. "I'd love to have you stay here and I'll certainly be agreeable to continue cuddling with you, but I'm pretty full from the feast I had up there

    4. Much, much later within the following hours, you couldn’t go by day or night as by this time it was irrelevant, when Nathan and Esther were safely at home, relatively straight and cuddling up in bed, Nathan opened the rest of the mysterious little packages, still left in the envelope

    5. She should have a child not me, I thought as I looked at her cuddling Keela to her bosom and immediately falling in love with her

    6. conspicuously absent whenever Westerners are mistreated? For what reason our obsessive concern over Saddam Hussein receiving three square meals and proper medical attention or that Afghan detainees at Guantanamo Bay should be issued copies of the Koran and provided legal counsel although nary a peep over the public executions of (American/European) soldiers/civilians that have become common throughout the Middle East and other parts of the world? This consistent pattern of cuddling up to our nation‘s enemies by liberal activists has been well chronicled over the years following the Vietnam War when tears were seldom shed for the many brave young men and women who courageously served their nation in the cause of Freedom

    7. Apart from the knife and tape, they might have been any ordinary couple cuddling up in a big, soft armchair, ready to watch their favourite film

    8. After checking in, Red and Kat walked away from the others and sat, arms around each other, cuddling up and being passionate

    9. stood cuddling, while the unfortunate knelt weeping

    10. asleep cuddling their favourite toys for comfort

    11. Later that same day, after a nice dinner together, we were cuddling in bed, Adrian

    12. ” She says while cuddling underneath him as she falls asleep in his arms

    13. And how are they doing?” he asked as he lightly hugged her and enjoyed her affectionate cuddling

    14. I awoke with a start as I realized that I was cuddling up with a cougar

    15. ‘How so,’ asked Athene cuddling up to his chest

    16. I rested there, in the dark, cuddling

    17. I like cuddling, chatting, stroking, intimate cosiness

    18. clear that she would not be cuddling me as I went through my dark

    19. This was the bed that Raekwon and her made love in, had their child conceived in and spent hours just talking and cuddling

    20. ‗Well, that was easy,‘ Con said softly, cuddling Guapo in his arms

    21. cuddling, there would be unrest and confusion at work

    22. First up – please know that not all affection and attention that your partner shows to you, ie if she's cuddling up with you in bed on a morning, will mean that she wants sex with you, if you are taking each of these interactions as “my partner wants a cuddle this must mean that she wants sex” then stop it - because if you keep trying to initiate sex each time she cuddles in, for example, then all you are going to condition her to do is to stop cuddling in with you, because she knows that it will only mean one thing - that you'll try and initiate sex

    23. Actually, he was cuddling me in his arms and singing me a Planet

    24. “Dad, just for this time, can you keep cuddling me in your

    25. Not playing or cuddling with the baby

    26. Nancy, who had taken the baby in her arms and was cuddling him, thought about that for a moment

    27. He leaves the room and returns cuddling the baby

    28. She agreed to the movie and I could see she was now torn between keeping her feet on my lap and cuddling up to me

    29. My parents raised us to be clean, proper, and with manners, but they didn’t have that loving, cuddling, or closeness to us

    30. "Still out there," said D'Oliya cuddling the worried little guy

    31. “You know,” he said softly, cuddling her, “‘that I didn’t mean it that way

    32. ‘Longing for this moment,’ she said cuddling him, ‘how I became an urchin of love

    33. ‘To be honest with you, I could never love him the way I dreamt of loving the male,’ she said, cuddling herself in his embrace

    34. ‘Why, haven’t you taken all my cum?’ he said, cuddling her in his embrace

    35. When Roopa reached the threshold, she found Raja Rao cuddling his kid, even as Sandhya caressed his head

    36. Cuddling up to Tom, she prized

    37. Aaron visits Chuck and his new girlfriend cuddling on a floor mattress watching Star Trek

    38. Candy and Flower responded by cuddling themselves closer and nuzzling themselves deeper into his chest, aware of the warmth, of the heart beat, and of the finite duration of Byron's mind

    39. still on the Yongala, cuddling up to divers

    40. Aazuria knew that he was still half-asleep—she did not want to bother him with conversation or cuddling, although she had been starved for both

    41. When he lay with Ju, just holding and cuddling her and his child, he felt complete joy and peace with the world

    42. He rocked back and forth, his slight body cuddling the large one that grotesquely lay in his small arms

    43. A man was cuddling his dear baby boy in his lap

    44. It ended cuddling together and hugging each other for warmth when it was cold

    45. We parked the car and walked to the building holding hands; the early exchange of cuddling and touching of bodies and lips and tongues foiled when another man entered the elevator with us, and our flirtation turned ethereal, just looks and smiles

    46. 'He was always cuddling her, as fathers do, there was nothing in it, but Linda got it into her head he'd done something wrong and told me he—did things to her

    47. The question was unanswered, Nole knew they were cuddling each other

    48. Roddy is past the constant cuddling stage and she needs something to physically get

    49. I don’t mean raging erections throbbing against my thigh, either, but the touching and stroking has a more sexual message to it than just comfort cuddling

    50. ” I said cuddling his face with my fingers, which was like an antidote to my burning skin

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