Many social, economic, cultural or religious differences are not tolerated by us instead we want God not to create such people at all
She was afraid of the cultural shift she could feel coming
4 light years and those cultural differences were enough to separate them from the ancient hatreds of Earth's ethnic groups
cultural expectations, which may include a variety of things,
She’d been amazed by the overabundance of cleaning materials that she had correctly guessed would be stored in the cupboard under the sink – some things defy cultural differences! Kneeling on the floor, all the better to examine the various spray containers and bottles piled in there, her amazement turned into confusion … there were plastic spray bottles for limescale removal, disinfecting the worktops … apparently killing 99% of all known germs - though that did raise the question of what danger the remaining 1% presented if it was so vital to get rid of the things … bottles of cream for cleaning the sink and another, lavender scented, for polishing wood, a big bottle of bleach that at least smelt familiar, and noxious substances for cleaning the oven that had signs warning of danger plastered all over them … it was an education
People naturally settle at about a thousand to the square mile because that gives them plenty of cropland but keeps them surrounded by other gardens to help keep the pests down and give them enough social and cultural opportunities
I move on into the warm blue morning and the tingling tiredness after no sleep and I realise that travelling for over twenty-four hours makes you hallucinate so, disregarding my psychotic episode in the flea market, I interest myself in a cultural visit instead
'As I say, some time ago Pantelis got wind of what was going on and over a period of time he collected his evidence: names, numbers, times, photographs, dates, recordings; a comprehensive list of villains, including prominent public figures, involved one way or another in the smuggling and acquisition of priceless cultural objects
'They suggest we present the village as having the most technologically advanced displays of cultural and historical interest in Greece,' said Theo
Access to the grounds of the villa is via a pair of wrought iron gates which look very impressive but to be honest the place is slightly run down in the way that Mediterranean properties tend to be – I don’t know if it is the heat or just a cultural difference but they don’t take the pride in their properties that the English do
She wondered if she had fallen into some cultural trap like maybe if she asked him to bathe, it was her duty to bathe him
unless the person had for a lifetime blended into the cultural cocktail of the
“Yes, I understand, money is nice,” Matt said, “However the Nevermore Forest holds important cultural significance to the villagers of Trouble Valley, and they are against you chopping down all the trees
Her minimum estimate for the population of that cultural zone was six billion
Before long she came to admire the man for his intellect, for his patience and for his sensitivity to the cultural gulf between them, and most of all for his ability to understand the meaning of what she told him about Angel society
Maybe Alan's cultural background was still a little thin, but he was still very young wasn't he? And he'd had a heavy dose of cultural background in the last decade
history of humanity, cultural catastrophes had negative
taken in view, but the cultural dimension
consideration, but the cultural dimension
Events organised by the Cultural Society
what to do, from the cultural point of view I have
the cultural degree, the Greeks have given up
The cultural ones are more
She had the same prejudices and 'reasonable' exceptions to her inherent and trained cultural biases as any other living woman
Choose your cultural destiny
If we hypothetically imagine a German working for an Israeli company making a presentation in English to a Japanese audience in Korea, we can see that there are even more possibilities for cultural misunderstanding
You should try to learn about any particular cultural matters that may affect your audience
Cultural differences can also be seen in body language, which we have just discussed
within the cultural meme set, you can create your
The State of Pennsylvania took over its care for a few years until it was unable to maintain historical and cultural sites in the State
Cultural similarities have divided the world, but water, which is in short supply, may unite it
The US and Canadian governments viewed this as defiant of what was considered these days to be the cultural norms of a settled and contented (mostly) society
Whether it’s due to cultural conservatism or whatever, there’s a fear of rejection when you make a SOI (Statement of
different cultural background that’s alien to the women that they are gaming, they themselves truly have a determination to succeed and step outside of their comfort zone (I mean, they are living in a foreign or newly adopted country after all)
I understand the need of immigrants to bring to this country their cultural heritage
A nonsense concept that says, in effect, that college or high school classroom learning will be enhanced, provided only that those of mixed races and cultural heritages will be in the same room
Ask any anthropologist, whether cultural or physical
Societies used to religious or cultural strictures became disordered and its people lived in fear of others in the same city rather than the authority’s law
There could be no point in denying the threat when, in its people’s eyes, their nation was the cultural and political focal point of the world
It was too simplistic, agreed the majority of sociologists, to make such absolute divisions according to cultural or religious beliefs
It was a controversial idea in a world where the absence of war had been viewed as part of cultural evolution
Though, when it concerned someone young, society had no way to incorporate such a tragedy into any cultural context
His mother listened patiently, pleased for her son but not so sure about this cross cultural stuff
Perhaps guilt has triggered our indifference or resignation to devolving social and cultural standards that have assumed a life of their own
Provided ample opportunities to self-destruct, that child soon acquires disagreeable habits that, reinforced by common attitudes, establishes the rocky foundations of a society populated by lingering, single-minded adolescents who, guided by their own (―exceptional‖) rules of conduct, acquire self-centered and perhaps anti-social points of view devolving into a collection of interchangeable parts reflecting the questionable character of that society‘s lowest forms that must negatively impact its social, cultural and political institutions including schools, churches, political organizations, judicial system, the news media, corporations, all! A free and open society should never impose arbitrary limits or draw uncertain conclusions as to how an individual should (otherwise) think or act however eccentric or unconventional such attitudes may appear; although that society, by example, should seek to broaden exemplary manners and customs essential to the maintenance of proper form if that society hopes to function effectively
That certain ethnic or racial groups have historically outperformed others in a variety of different fields including sports, medicine, arts and sciences, literature or education in general, should not astonish critics skeptical of the underlying differences owing to cultural and (natural) agents that predispose achievement
Such distinctions, until quite recently, where common among certain cultures (or groups) who, for centuries, acquired cultural and intellectual sustenance from homogenous gene pools
―diversity‖ into America‘s cultural landscape
immigration policies are compromising the quality of life in areas where poverty, congestion, disease, drugs, crime, substandard housing and decaying infrastructures are demoralizing (complex) social and cultural arrangements (and civility) as an alarming number of our citizens are feeling alienated from mainstream conventions that no longer seem to provide any meaning
evolutionary standards of (moral) decency! At some indeterminate juncture, having (nearly) exhausted its loftiest social, cultural and intellectual ideals, a society begins striking diminishing or marginal returns, also understood as the ―law of relative increasing costs
The transitioning from one form of social and cultural expression to another may properly conclude a chapter in that society‘s historical progression however not the end of that society, per se, although it may very well mark the end of that society as it was formerly understood
The sixties injected narrow and intolerant viewpoints, uninformed ideologies that sought shatter core-values and social customs by discrediting traditional conventions, unlike preceding generations that sought to establish their own unique identity within the conventional framework of existing social and cultural traditions
A nation that is unwilling to preserve the inviolability of its (own) language and customs or the foundations of its cultural and social traditions and, having renounced its national character and historical mandate, is not properly positioned to defend its (own) borders!
A society is defined by its formal as well as its informal social and cultural institutions
A society in the throes of a Cultural War (or a War of Ideas), whose socially transmitted customs are under assault, is never quite apparent to the uninitiated, (unlike the attendant violence of civil wars, for example, whose apparent destruction of person and property, not to mention its deleterious effect on the economy, are much easier to assess), and whose consequential impact on that society‘s traditions (usually) take longer for an non-engaging or morally indifferent society to absorb
A Cultural War waged by determined ideas is a much more subtle, deceptive and formidable form of warfare inasmuch as it craftily conceals its (unstated) purpose; a social and cultural conversion cutting at the (very) heart of a society‘s traditional belief system; a gradual, however determined process that oftentimes goes unchecked until an awakening society (roused from its slumbers) suddenly finds itself in the midst of altered customs and norms no longer consonant with that society‘s accustomed practices
Machiavelli correctly argued that internal revolutions that seek to transform a society‘s social and political cultural must (necessarily) retain that society‘s material forms in order to convey a semblance of continuity without seemingly undermining their essential character, notwithstanding its altering of prevailing customs and practices that would otherwise promote resentment among its citizens
Addendum to the above: Historically, (impressionable) fertile young minds, the conduits for social and cultural change, have been their traditional catalysts as many are generally (considered) more adaptable to revolutionary thinking
The EEC‘s Socialist Agenda has been constructed in a manner that seeks to eliminate (grassroots) autonomy altogether by gradually abolishing (national) social and cultural customs, imposing criminal sanctions against forms of behavior considered inappropriate or incompatible with standards of political correctness, superseding local political and legal authority with supranational (political) bodies and international courts, and (surprise!) imposing membership requirements mandating that each participating nation legalize abortion on demand, to mention few of its initiatives
The Cultural Revolution and its liberating impact on society altered the social dynamics of our schools and universities in a manner that encouraged its more radical members to step out of the (ideological) closet and freely pursue its anti-Western/ traditional mainstream agenda
I am referring to a lowering of moral, cultural and intellectual standards in relation to material ones and casual rejection of the religious, social and cultural traditions that made America (remarkably) unique
Such characterizations are merely a matter of convenient expression within the social and cultural context of a particular group
A variety of cultures broadly applied runs the risk of creating a Cultural Vacuum!
Its cultural diversity (and social mobility), for that matter, has never prevented children from every walk of life from learning and achieving success
Can the cultural balkanization of America be right around the corner?
Most political, military, cultural and social experts on Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Mideast, predicted the failure of these two wars
These include the usual suspects like institutionalized racism, cultural biases and exclusionary practices in general
Had I been a Jew, (referring to Barry Stanton) I should have felt ―naked, mortified and outraged‖ over the insensitive comments made by an individual lacking cultural refinement
Buchanan recalls the Republican Party‘s national electoral achievements; winning presidential elections in 1968, 1972 (Landslide), 1980, 1984 (Landslide) and 1988 (Landslide) however losing ground in the Cultural War
Recent accusations have re-surfaced from the political-left suggesting that the United States Government was in some manner (indirectly) responsible for Saddam Huessin‘s systematic annihilation of targeted political and cultural groups by arming his government with conventional weapons as well as (purportedly) providing it with the technology needed to develop his nation‘s 159
Native Hawaiians continue to work for a return to independence, and can point to some victories, the end of the language ban, restoration of voting rights, Hawaiian language schools, and a cultural renaissance
She thought that perhaps a stroll through the Cultural Plaza followed by a slowly sipped espresso in the courtyard of the Grand Hotel was exactly what she needed
Cultural assimilation was the goal, and many missionaries had a poor understanding of the people they were theoretically there to help
Grant was largely unconcerned with cultural issues
) In its place came bilingual and bi cultural education that preserved Native cultures and taught self sufficiency on Native terms
Once the determination was made to deny us admission to the museum, I calmly spoke to them in Spanish and let them know how disappointed I was of the manner in which they administered that cultural center of such historic significance and that I was going to write an article to let the world know what I considered an “inconceivable administrative ineptitude”
I realized at the same time that this was imposing our cultural expectations on them and their planetary culture
It’s usually anger that starts cultural and social revolutions
there are still many cultural beliefs around disability
That was mostly cultural
The time has been allotted for your cultural briefing,” said Sim
He was aware of a couple, perhaps husband and wife or their cultural equivalents
He picked that up sitting in the cultural equivalent of a doughnut shop
The employee gave an imitation wave, which was something unknown in its own cultural sub-context, turned and went back towards the building with the vehicles parked in front
The more conservative evangelicals and the more liberal liberals were curiously united in their opposition to the new Statement – the former because it was a cultural step too far to cut loose from the Confession and the latter because there was no conscience clause to accompany the new Statement which, though relatively brief, was entirely orthodox
Just prior to that last and most catastrophic of punctuations, a long-remembered oral cultural history could have described the area as a huge garden where every kind of tree and plant grew, where two rivers that had joined in the middle of the plain and then separated again gave the appearance of four, within the “editing” of generational recitations
There is evidence of an ancient civilization that existed in a highland valley, east of the Zagros Mountains whose cultural heritage makes a claim to the biblical designation, “east of Eden
The “mark” has a long cultural history of its use to set aside or identify one who has killed (murdered) another
These are only some of the real-world cultural practices that the parable story of Cain and Abel might have been meant to depict as a way to help guide the casual wonderer to a better understanding of how they came to be
The door of the Director of Cultural Affairs office lay ajar
It absorbed one of the two empires that had exhausted themselves warring against each other for generations, and then, renewed its assault upon the remaining eastern lands of the survivor, whose capital Constantinople was observed by its founder to be the cultural and economic center of gravity of the whole Roman Empire
They will travel and bring more modern ideas and cultural experience back to Thailand
I would love to see the class system disappear and I see a great future for Thailand if old cultural taboos could be set aside and these young people are listened to but I fear it may take another generation or two and not in my lifetime
The Buddha is already Phuket’s most important cultural attraction, second only to the beaches, the views are unsurpassed and it’s not surprising that it has captured the imagination of so many
“There are also changes in the levels of knowledge, community organization, and cultural practices that prevent the successful reuse of static, traditional, unchanging solutions” they aver
Slowly, over the broad expanse of cultural time, an elevation of information both old and new began to be constructed
The alpha male and associates is the underlying structure of most all animal societies and plays out in all human societies as well, only in a much more complicated cultural ritual
The beginning of all cultural organization probably began at the level of family
in the ever-expanding buildup of cultural hierarchy