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    Usa "cyclist" in una frase

    cyclist frasi di esempio


    1. Tom’s shot had hit the leading cyclist in the shoulder

    2. This was a terrible junction for a cyclist

    3. This is another cyclists-only chapter, relating some things I’ve learned in my long career as a mediocre cyclist

    4. rains that sweep central asia every year In the same way that a cyclist gets

    5. Jezzabell stood and watched the cyclist

    6. Tell him he showed enormous presence of mind in swinging the car round, dodging the cyclist and not careering down the hill to both your dooms

    7. The object of this event was to be the last cyclist standing

    8. approached by a cyclist who tried to revive him but could

    9. and started to push I saw another cyclist coming down the hill towards me

    10. surroundings," said the cyclist

    11. A forty four year old motor cyclist lost his life on State Highway 3 north of Palmerston North when his machine failed to take a bend and collided with a tree

    12. A cyclist out for a trek stopped at the curb so as not to cross between the two

    13. A cyclist with an orange shirt zoomed passed them

    14. PC Stout was completely flummoxed when a cyclist he had stopped for (allegedly) running a red light in London turned on him and asked on what basis he was being challenged

    15. When asked the pretty obvious question by the cyclist, which law have I broken, or on what basis are you stopping me, the officer could not accurately give a response

    16. Rather like the cyclist in the story

    17. As a cyclist approached, a car door would open, an arm reach out,

    18. cyclist has a cap with badges and emblems all over it

    19. Or what about Lance Armstrong? He beat stage three Cancer, and then went onto win the Tour de France seven times, the most victories in the Tour de France of any cyclist in history

    20. I wasn’t able to continue with high school education but I remained a good cyclist, fine artist and intermediate English speaker

    21. It was strange that a practising trick cyclist didn't realise that, to Rafferty, the opulent office acted more as a red rag to a bull than a reminder that respectful deference was the required response

    22. horseshoe poster over the gate of college park: cyclist doubled up like a cod in a pot

    23. A crowd gathered and the Socialists held a meeting, two speeches being delivered before the crowd recovered from their surprise at the temerity of these other Britishers who apparently had not sense enough to understand that they had been finally defeated and obliterated last Tuesday evening: and when the cyclist with the bandaged head got up on the hillock some of the crowd actually joined in the hand-clapping with which the Socialists greeted him

    24. The others laughed, and Harlow was about to make some reply but at that moment a cyclist appeared coming down the hill from the direction of the job

    25. For this reason I will now lay before the reader the facts connected with Miss Violet Smith, the solitary cyclist of Charlington, and the curious sequel of our investigation, which culminated in unexpected tragedy

    26. A quarter of an hour passed and then a second cyclist appeared

    27. If he is an elderly man he is not this active cyclist who sprints away from that athletic young lady's pursuit

    28. That there is a connection between the cyclist and the Hall

    29. A solitary cyclist was coming towards us

    30. "When in your report you said that you had seen the cyclist as you thought arrange his necktie in the shrubbery, that alone should have told me all

    31. "A good cyclist does not need a high road

    32. We had turned off the road, and were making our way up the hill, when, looking in the direction of Holdernesse Hall, I saw a cyclist coming swiftly along

    33. The permanent pall of smoke cast by the coking ovens and blast furnaces gave the air an acrid, sinus-stinging edge and the noise level and sheer, hurtling energy level were both daunting to the uninitiated and more than enough to impose caution on any cyclist trying to make his way through it

    34. Adrenaline has spiked through my body, from the near miss with the cyclist or the heady proximity to Christian, leaving me wired and weak

    35. “I was nearly knocked over by a cyclist

    36. With everything going on in my head, and the steep early morning sun in my eyes, I very nearly hit a cyclist pedaling furiously along the shoulder of the road

    37. Veteran cyclist Alexander Vinokourov (Kazakhstan) claimed his second Olympic road race medal by winning the 250 km endurance event at the London 2012 Olympic Games

    38. I'm a cyclist, so I knew and liked the product


    40. A quarter of an hour passed, and then a second cyclist appeared

    41. If he is an elderly man he is not this active cyclist who sprints away from that young lady's athletic pursuit

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