Usa "daunting" in una frase
daunting frasi di esempio
1. This fact had been borne on me when I was looking for the job at the school … it is a daunting realisation
2. ‘The daunting thing is that one doesn’t use half of all that stuff most of the time
3. I’d love to see him, but the thought of him bouncing on the bed, is rather daunting
4. I just hope you are not finding it too daunting a task
5. It is a daunting thought that so much weighs on my shoulders
6. He repacked his texts in his trunk and picked up the daunting stack of correspondence, orders, and status logs which Mr
7. daunting task for a group of mercenaries that was either in it just for the pay or had
8. looked at the stranger’s daunting companion and
9. would have gone weak in his keens, faced with such a daunting
10. The task of re-writing the book from scratch was daunting
11. Our vet gave us a daunting ultimatum
12. Were humans even meant to live for centuries? It seemed a daunting prospect
13. The thought of downloading just the level-two database, alone, would have been a daunting enough to send a shiver of fear down his spine
14. Softer skills in the field of information, commercial and industrial technology, computer and software designs, among others, are gradually replacing the diminishing demands for unskilled labor (especially) among manufacturing and factory workers whose positions are facing daunting challenges from computer-based technologies
15. The airport always seemed such a daunting place to me
16. Writing on a variety of subject matters is a difficult, if not daunting task for any journalist of limited scope and talent
17. The US Navy also faced the daunting task trying to blockade over 3000 miles of coast, plus seizing the Mississippi River
18. But if US bombings lead to terrorism which leads to a US invasion, there is the daunting possibility of nuclear threats or even use to try and end that war
19. An aircraft up close and personal can be a daunting thing
20. The effort hadn’t been too daunting a task, however: there were but two pages in the entire file from which nothing was gleaned other than his personal data, pay records and favorable reviews
21. It was the thought or anticipation that was daunting
22. There it was an internationally recognized symbol of man‘s extraordinary ability to overcome the most daunting of challenges represented in the mighty span of concrete, steel and cable? How tragic that there were so many that unhappy
23. The bodies had to be identified, but it proved to be a daunting task because of the advanced state of decomposition of many of the bodies
24. This decision was not one taken lightly, and although it was a daunting task, I went ahead and resigned from the corporate world
25. You might find this process daunting, but remember that you are closing in on the
26. grateful for the insight, but the task ahead appeared more daunting than ever
27. was last to exit the car, greeted by the daunting sight of the Train
28. of lower Midgar daunting as he readied himself for the task
29. It has become a daunting task and I won’t even try to summarize it here
30. up, but there was a daunting predicament that kept us apart--we ran with two completely
31. To contemplate the work of such giants as Michelangelo, Beethoven, Mozart, Shakespeare, Confucius, Sophocles, Aristotle, Newton, or Einstein is a daunting, possibly depressing experience
32. everyday, but I know that the idea of writing that many emails is daunting
33. other things that are daunting for me
34. I also joined the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce and in that capacity found myself with a daunting task
35. hell, and often challenge each other to the daunting task called
36. Tackling the GMAT itself may sound daunting to prospective students who haven’t taken a traditional test in some time, but preparing for the test can help remove some of the anxiety
37. daunting responsibility, one that would have been far too serious
38. They watched as I began the daunting task of digging a large hole in the riverbank
39. It all was so very strange… the reflective effect was daunting and unnerving to say the least
40. and the Selected ones will help us in our daunting task
41. All of Gaea has faced daunting challenges of late
42. ‘The problems are daunting, but stimulating,’ Peteru said thoughtfully, itemising them on his fingers
43. Surely the angels have chosen the wrong man for such a daunting task! To recite the words of angels! Him?! Muhammad?!?!
44. The actual act of leaving, Matthew found out that day was far more daunting than all the planning or thinking about it
45. “Yes,” I was ashamed and he seized on it, making my predicament even more daunting
46. I passed old toys, reminders of my childhood when secret tunnels and adventure were not such daunting realities
47. We were her follow up and listening to a handful of parents pity clapping for Jenny was daunting
48. Don’t do a massive change, because it seems daunting
49. Even given the numbers of Marines thus diverted, the size of the force descending through the atmosphere was daunting
50. The enormity of the task was daunting