Even though the flesh she currently inhabited was born on this world, and she had lived here in this flesh a complete mortal lifetime, her mind was still not used to one sleep period of every week being brilliant daylight
It was forty two hours till daylight and the temperature would probably drop sixty degrees from its current seventy one or so
In broad daylight
It is the triumph of humanity to have hope, and here, across a continent, sitting on a plain wooden chair in rare daylight, I heard a new word: ‘over’
Looking out at the skyline through a narrow slit of window left unboarded in his room so that he could have a little natural daylight, he thought that he recognised the hills of Bath
It was nearly Noonsleep, that sleep in broad daylight, when he looked at the instruments in his room again and saw other disturbing news from the direction of the Al-Harron
When daylight came Son rose with new strength, mounted his horse and
The old hunter suggested that they wait until daylight before going to the
Once daylight returned he used the scope and several remotes to comb the whole area Alan could have run to by that time
By the end of daylight it had turned up seven possible matches for the girls, all were alone and miles apart
Nothing but a probe could recognize Alan by firelight, there weren't enough probes to examine all of those campfires before daylight came again
He'd at least seen the forest in daylight before he had to spend a night in it and even then he was only a few hundred yards away from human habitation
Was the brush he was sitting in infecting him with poison or disease? Were there deadly diseases in the water? Much of the water had splashed over his foot, would the wound be full of worms if he survived til daylight?
They would probably consider it pointless because he was likely to be eaten by something before daylight anyway
Now that it was daylight he thought they might look for him, but they had no way of knowing where he was, so there was little chance of finding him in all this wilderness
Waves, counting time through daylight hours,
This was the first time he'd seen her nude in daylight
He wants to get as much distance under his keel as possible while the daylight lasts
and daylight robbery is a full on stress thing
that comes with daylight,
There, in broad daylight, Ruby was trying to light a really old and very large gas oven with a lighter so that she could boil the kettle
Conifers crowd in, making the lane very dark, even though it is broad daylight
‘Can you find your way to the Gotteshouse? Daylight prayers will be in about half an hour – they keep late hours here for the sake of the pilgrims
As dawn broke they staggered wearily out into the early morning daylight for a well deserved cigarette on the Embankment
It’s scary going into the tunnel – the apparent lack of any form of propulsion which didn’t worry me in daylight, suddenly takes on a very different aspect as we go into the darkness of the tunnel
sewing crafts that will cause harm and corruption in the daylight
It was still daylight when she got back to the home in the vale
There, in broad daylight, Ruby was trying to
just what was that all about? It sounds creepy now, in broad daylight
broke they staggered wearily out into the early morning daylight
Everything seems so much more bearable in daylight
This was well below street level, daylight would penetrate at no time of the week into the depths where they were going
job in daylight that was near to impossible at night
He snaps his head away from the view, changes gear, accelerates slowly and pulls into a small car park in the woods, the sort of place frequented by dog walkers in daylight and hurried lovers by night
He begins to see daylight
I only get to see daylight properly at the weekends and feel like a pit pony at times, but the real bonus on those mornings when there is no cloud, is that I get to see the most wonderful sunrises as I travel along the railway line
Her face has haunted my nightmares until your face came into my daylight
I should probably get going though, there’s still a lot of daylight left and I want to get off this hill before I camp
“If I can, I’ll be back with daylight,” he said, “Maybe I’ll be able to fit a little knowledge of that in then
Sometimes it would rise to a full daylight for sports, sometimes it would become full night for romance
Anything left of this theirops would be taken with daylight by anyone who came by who could use it
There is no security with daylight
It's thirty stories below daylight under the main heights of the upper Karthuum
Now there were finally some glimpses of daylight down the streets that ran off of this khume
back into the daylight, it was as if a great weight had
"I understand," Viktor said, "That is traditional for you natives to sleep now around the middle of your daylight hours
This highly animated thought form is a shape shifter and can even appear to the observer as something physical and also during the daylight
She couldn’t help thinking that evil might lurk in its dark niches, that black stains of gore might be splattered on the walls, that she might never reemerge into daylight
The daylight was of great assistance as she DRAFT
The daylight still had several more hours to stretch on and he intended to make very good use of it
Neither could be sure where the sound originated from until they saw the dragon’s form eclipse the brilliant daylight
He had remained at the edge of the pool, turning all recent events over in his mind and also wondering how likely it would be that they would see daylight again
But just as the daylight of her dream gave way to utter darkness and fire, she was ultimately caught and stopped by a concerned Carius
“There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity
The daylight had been piercingly bright then, despite the sooty clouds of war that had already begun to roll into the countryside
We have a lot of daylight left
In the dying daylight hours, he spent time going through the pictures of the house and finding out all the information he could on the old couple that had lived here
They had already lost the first half of the eight-and-a-half hours of weak daylight and found nothing suitable
Upon my return I decided to devote the remaining daylight to placing the other cannon up on an elevated ledge, and once this was accomplished, I called it a day
The temperature within the ship was still not much below normal daylight temperature and he was not about to let all that heat escape any faster than could be helped
Lucy and I should get a proper look at the outside of the ship, see the full extent of the damage in daylight
The only illumination in the chamber, apart from a trace of daylight from the ramp, was provided by Mark’s portable lantern, standing on the ground near his feet
darkness the night before, with different thoughts in his head, now in daylight
Walls of the palace surrounded the churchyard though the walls were raked levels to allow hours of daylight to penetrate the stain glass windows of the church
Now they are banished to the South Lands where they can walk in the daylight due to the dark clouds that cover the skies from the eruptions of Kerak’Otozi
The man agreed though Wil suspected his reasoning was that it was better not to get on the bad side of vampire that can walk in daylight
international date line and it probably was broad daylight for her, so she didn’t think about what time it would be in Mexico’s Baja
The daylight filtering through the windows waned, and the property lines grew squiggly before Amaranthe’s eyes
She knew it must be early because the darkness still held the daylight at bay and a full moon flooded through her window, reflecting from the TV screen at the end of her bed
The army worked far into the night entrenching, and then sank supperless in their muddy trenches to wait for daylight
The firing died away with the daylight, and having secured my horse, I started to ride toward Caney, hoping to aid Creelman
We’ll have to wait until daylight
daylight since they were buried
short daylight hours in the dry, cold air of the Dakota winter, were
She carefully turned her head, looking back to where he stood in the half light of the incoming daylight
They should hurry: bus tickets, she knew, sold out quickly, soon it would be daylight and there were still Herminia’s bandages to change
“It burns,” she told them, referring to the increasing daylight
It would be good to dry off in the morning sun, out in the bright world, where she could look at the stone in daylight
“Of course,” he nodded, aware that we rarely attempted such things in daylight
A wave was sufficient in daylight
I mean in daylight, that is
It was full daylight when I entered the clearing of the hide-
It was daylight and a few beams of sunshine found their way in, yet the lights were a necessity
“Not during the daylight hours
She decided to remain in her current location until the daylight returned
She would lose valuable time and distance from the searching villagers but at least in the daylight, she could avoid circular routes through the forest
These despicable beasts have to return to the tunnel before the daylight breaks; the light will scorch them
She's filled with hatred and evil, she wanders the forest in the daylight and at night
Wounded Snaggles would become trapped above ground, to face a fiery death as daylight broke
As daylight broke, the sounds had changed to the moans of the wounded and the screams of the beasts being scolded by the rays of the Sun
The daylight is our safe time, but only from the underworld beasts
We all have a deep-rooted fear that they'll cast more spells; they intend to keep us busy with fighting during the daylight hours
“Rather he would sleep through the daylight hours and then he would plant his seeds by the light of a new moon
One of them was that there were remnants of daylight when Jenny picked up her husband at about 4
Or I’ll be dusting off those old arrest warrants, and you and your mates won’t see daylight in this state again for a long time
Pretty soon, daylight became too bright for the naked eye to handle but where the stone lay, it was pleasantly dusky, and one could actually close his eyes and fall asleep with ease
Daylight would reveal the true extent of damage to Cantabrian’s lives
The dull remains of daylight gave an eerie creepy feeling
At some point, he must have dozed off more soundly, because he was awakened by a combination of daylight pouring through the train carriage window and Pankovski’s prodding his shoulder, announcing loudly that they were in Krakow
Carefully, she turned her head towards the daylight that mercilessly shone through the row of windows