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    Usa "dazzled" in una frase

    dazzled frasi di esempio


    1. In his confused state the man lurched forward in surprise, still dazzled by the glittering kitchen, and tripped over the open oven door

    2. And so we trudged, arm in arm, dazzled by the breathtaking beauty contrasting with the pointless tragedy that had invaded our lives

    3. “He is probably so dazzled by my report that he"s speechless! He"s probably worried that I"ll end up being promoted to HIS job! Maybe he realizes now that he can"t afford to pay me the millions of dollars a year that I"m worth

    4. The child grew lustily and quite dazzled

    5. surprise, still dazzled by the glittering kitchen, and tripped over the

    6. that only hate for Christianity dazzled Lenin, making

    7. When Scott reached the bottom he was momentarily dazzled by the suddenly activated light

    8. The Elusivers had once seemed like gods to him; dazzled and possessed by their preternatural powers, which they ensured appeared limitless

    9. Porge and Dumpus were dazzled that Bosco had befriended one of the race of Men

    10. The bright flash of colours under Jimmy's hat-brim dazzled his eyes,

    11. there were so many that they fairly dazzled the eyes; and the gold and

    12. James slapped Ethan hard across the face, the shock from the hit leaving him dazzled for a while

    13. Now it was the Greek heirs of Alexander who seemed more dazzled by the riches of their newly acquired eastern provinces to notice, until it was too late

    14. could see no future, just bleakness, as much as the island dazzled like a jewel in the South Pacific it didn’t help his predicament

    15. Besides, this flash dazzled him, they don’t make cameras like these Zeniths anymore!”

    16. 18 And she said to him, How beautiful are your eyes, with which you have dazzled all the inhabitants of Egypt, men and women; and he said to her, How beautiful they are while we are alive, but should you see them in the grave, surely you would move away from them

    17. 42 And the king was sitting on his royal throne in a princely dress girt around with a golden ephod, and the fine gold which was on it sparkled, and the carbuncle and the ruby and the emerald, together with all the precious stones that were on the king's head, dazzled the eye, and Joseph wondered greatly at the king

    18. 18 And she said to him How beautiful are your eyes with which you have dazzled all the inhabitants of Egypt men and women; and he said to her How beautiful they are while we are alive but should you see them in the grave surely you would move away from them

    19. 42 And the king was sitting on his royal throne in a princely dress girt around with a golden ephod and the fine gold which was on it sparkled and the carbuncle and the ruby and the emerald together with all the precious stones that were on the king's head dazzled the eye and Joseph wondered greatly at the king

    20. And when he did open his eyes, he saw a vast tract of sky, with the sun a kinder companion than that of the desert but which still dazzled him

    21. clear and bright, the city dazzled the eye

    22. Dazzled by his own eloquence, he paused and looked at Sheila, almost expecting to see tears in her eyes

    23. Yet men standing almost within reach of the victim had not suffered except to be dazzled and half blinded by the sudden flare

    24. He was inside the lashing arms and driving his sword deep in the monster's belly—felt the arms lock about him and the talons ripping the mail from his back as they sought his vitals—he was lapped and dazzled by blue flame that was chill as ice—then he had torn fiercely away from the weakening arms and his sword cut the air in a tremendous swipe

    25. Where Conan beat down opposition by the sheer weight and power of his blows, breaking spears, splitting skulls and cleaving bosoms to the breast-bone, Valeria brought into action a finesse of sword-play that dazzled and bewildered her antagonists before it slew them

    26. The whole plain shook to the rumbling avalanche of hoofs, and the shimmer of gold and steel dazzled the watchers on the towers of Shamar

    27. The glare of the gem dazzled their eyes, so that they could not be sure of what they saw; but with a splintering crash, the carven lid of the sarcophagus burst outward as if from some irresistible pressure applied from within, and the four men, bending eagerly forward, saw the occupant—a huddled, withered, wizened shape, with dried brown limbs like dead wood showing through moldering bandages

    28. Conan was caught off guard, his eyes dazzled, his brain dazed by the blaze of the great gem

    29. DAZZLED BY SO MANY and such marvelous in-ventions, the people of Macondo did not know where their amazement began

    30. Soon afterwards I saw something that dazzled me! It appeared out

    31. Dazzled and his questionable law practice

    32. It is widely held that the snows of Kilimanjaro were first revealed to European eyes when Rebman looked up from the plains in 1848 to be dazzled by equatorial glacis

    33. So who was this enigmatic 20th century dictator and what was his role, particularly in the Second World War? In an attempt to come to terms with this it should be understood that from the beginning Mussolini, considered himself to be a self-styled modern day Caesar who in 1940 became dazzled with the prospect of quick and easy victories

    34. And in the east direction, the twilight of Sun, rising in the midst of two hills; and its golden rays dazzled my eyes; I felt the romantic sensation of tender touch of eternal love

    35. ‘What did the Prince say to you?’ The Texas girl was still dazzled by the

    36. This glamorous beautiful woman instantly dazzled him with her beauty like

    37. caused Di Yang who had been dazzled by her beauty to unconsciously intimidate

    38. If you enter any health club, you maybe dazzled (and possibly intimidated) by the myriad numbers of seemingly sophisticated workout machines littering the gym

    39. the rhetoric, the public image and the charisma that has dazzled the

    40. The amount of pearls and precious stones dazzled and startled Nangong Ping

    41. He opened his eyes slowly and the burning ray of the sun dazzled him

    42. ” a sparkler dazzled in the corner of her eyes no matter which way she turned her head

    43. ” the Cloud flickered transparent and streams of light beads spilled in every direction, a starburst brightness with a camera flash brevity briefly dazzled her eyes

    44. However, despite the pomp and circumstance which had so dazzled the German experts and countless other onlookers, there was one observer who took no interest in the display, and actually paid it no attention whatsoever: this was the inspector general, who was, in fact, in charge of evaluating the parade

    45. ” he twirled the coin between his fingers, dazzled by the brilliance of the never tarnishing gold

    46. was momentarily dazzled by the brilliance, but when the glare faded, she saw the radiant vision was only me, the thief, holding her Key, that which granted Permission to use the PermissionMaker

    47. The noble verse denotes that watching the wonders avails man nothing so long as he does not seek the truth truthfully when God says: "If We opened for the unbelievers a gate in heaven and they ascended through it higher and higher, still they would say: our eyes were dazzled; truly, we must have been bewitched

    48. The early October sunshine dazzled him

    49. He has a pen behind his ear--I know, because we were taken to gaze upon him between two museums--and wears a black coat on weekdays as well as on Sundays, which greatly dazzled my step-mother, who was with us

    50. 'But influence as I may Vicki has given up wearing those starched shirts with the high linen collars and neat ties in which she first dazzled me, and has gone into nondescript woollen clothes something like mine

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