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    Usa "decorated" in una frase

    decorated frasi di esempio


    1. As they pulled closer they could see that the opening of the tunnel was decorated with flowing curves, giving the impression of continuous bodies intertwined

    2. It was a big liner, longer than the Brothers Formidable and with better appointed but tighter cabins decorated in a 52nd century theme and hung with great reproductions of some classic photographs from that era

    3. Topher had decorated his house with sweet, delicious knowledge

    4. scabbard for which was decorated with the most ornate scroll work

    5. Another reception area … this one tastefully decorated with palm trees

    6. It was not by the help of people whose houses I had decorated

    7. ' It was decorated to look as much like one as possible, and possessed of sensitive eyes and ears

    8. It was almost magical, but it was only slightly less decorated than a self-filling hack

    9. In the middle there is a picturesque pond full of goldfish; it is decorated with a wooden bridge, stone banks and a green islet with a palm-tree on top

    10. Carlton would not enjoy Jalloo because she was a flowery romantic in her private life with everything frilly and decorated

    11. Even the new products using technology from Earth were often decorated to look like their ancient artifacts so the terminal was a crystal ball that you panned and zoomed by looking from a different angle and distance

    12. A sprinkling of intricately decorated blue and white houses and chapels that seemed to graze upon the saddle between the peaks of two mountains was laid out before us

    13. Sir John Gladstone went to the rather tastefully decorated office where the two word-smiths were beavering away at their task, and as he perused page after page of the report he became more and more agitated

    14. Hand-embroidered bed covers, chair covers, head covers, shirts and blouses of the national costume all decorated the yard, set off by a backdrop of rolling sea on one side and rolling hills on the other

    15. Then he made them a gift of a beautifully decorated, modern semi detached house on a quiet new estate in a local seaside town

    16. It was decorated as a corporate officer's office back in his days on mortal Earth, high on a tower overlooking a smokey city-scape with huge screens that could be levitated around the room, all driven from his phone display

    17. About how dear Maria and Manolis were flown to Athens for her to be decorated with the Order of the Honour-Grand Cross by the President of the Hellenic Republic and how we were all their guests of honour there that day

    18. He decorated his as a small tablet device

    19. ” Kelvin looked at his virtual paperwork again, thru the half-glasses he decorated his personification with today

    20. They took a wide stairway up a flight where the old woman was greeted by three younger women who were puzzling over a decorated board with some piles of nested chips on it

    21. For everyday the skirts had plain leather belts, but for the ceremony they would have wide and decorated belts shaped to resemble the bronze corsets and almost as tight

    22. walls were decorated with faded prints and horse brasses

    23. walls decorated by climbing or creeping plants that Tom did not

    24. There was plenty of smoke inside, but not enough to obscure the college banners that decorated the walls

    25. Stone statues and urns decorated the garden here and there, looking a

    26. hunt by the very creature whose head now decorated the fireplace

    27. The goblets and glasses were crystal, and the cups and saucers matched the china plates, all decorated with the Railway's own designs

    28. before the War, together with being a decorated war hero, meant that

    29. would’ve decorated, but it suits me

    30. A quick glance around the warmly decorated kitchen and she was able to confirm her suspicions by the clock hanging over the sink

    31. careful attention to the rings that decorated his face

    32. Before dinner, as they divested their luggage of the presents prepared for the upcoming occasions, they each found opportunity to secretly sneak them beneath the lovely decorated tree in the Drawing Room

    33. decorated three weeks before

    34. tree was still decorated, and it was lit

    35. "What! You think I've been shirking my duties" his loud voice rang through the sparsely decorated room, as did the sound of the chair when it hit the floor

    36. decorated the structure, pots in every row of every aisle, and flowers wrapped

    37. 19The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of

    38. He shared an old one-bedroom sparsely decorated mould encrusted apartment with Sue, a 31-year old flight attendant

    39. uncovered more of the tattoo that decorated it, like the excavation of a relic

    40. The other house's had been decorated a day or two earlier

    41. evergreen that months ago she’d decorated with the spirit of Christmas

    42. "You said these universes are self-unfolding, which I would imagine means that the fractals which define the decorated skeleton aren't evaluated until someone looks in that direction

    43. they found it liberally decorated with stars and rosaries

    44. For as far as Alec could see there was a landscape of green sparsely decorated with leaves of orange and gold

    45. Most houses had little decorated courtyards in front of them

    46. Its exterior could also be decorated as a backdrop to the comedies and tragedies

    47. original decorated, most with tables taken out, in

    48. were decorated with paintings (not whitewashed)

    49. Somehow, I expected her to be coated in slime, but instead she her skin was decorated with a golden sheen

    50. Each door was decorated with golden images of flying lions, finely polished to give off a warm glow as the sunlight bounced off the surface in the early hours of the morning

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