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    Usa "deferred" in una frase

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    1. As the younger lot today is more focused on his/her career, marriage and having babies gets deferred to late 20s or early 30s vis-à-vis early 20s in the past

    2. Jerry was surprised that she had deferred to Daniel

    3. Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life

    4. He was asked his opinions on topics under discussion, deferred to in matters of a practical nature, and generally respected as an equal

    5. She deferred to Mr

    6. mountains, they all deferred to his judgement, and began

    7. They deferred to the Lieutenant, always a wise choice

    8. This judgment can be deduced from the Machiavellian principle that “war is not eluded: it’s only deferred with advantage to the others”

    9. Colling deferred to the Poles, so that he was the last to bathe

    10. Everyone had deferred to this one as they gabbled in their strange tongue

    11. deferred to her to drive when they took her car

    12. Both of us deferred to Audrey, a nursing sister now retired and devoted to “our babies

    13. Once-proud Friedle needed Ikati's permission to ceremonially scratch the rough trunk of any thorn tree; the other two cats had no problem since they deferred to his majesty without question

    14. He deferred reading the latest Harry Potter, to press his own conjurations

    15. but he who gathers by labour shall increase; hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life;

    16. The bug could be deferred or rejected based on its

    17. Deferred means that the bug is considered but the fix is made in the next sprint

    18. I sought the guidance I needed, but he deferred to Carlotta, who also finally appeared

    19. I told him that we often had princes along on campaign, but they usually deferred to the man appointed to lead the campaign, or they would have to answer to their father’s wrath if things went wrong

    20. 19 And the young man deferred not to do the thing, because he had delight in Jacob's daughter: and he was more honourable than all the house of his father

    21. Therefore, the hip replacement which finally occurred on Labor Day, was deferred and the cancerous one-half of Mike’s left kidney was removed in July

    22. Having driven to the IL state line on the 11th, I looked forward to a quick and easy drive to Naperville, but that did not come to fruition due to normal commuter traffic as well as deferred heavy maintenance being done to the interstates because it was still hot late summer

    23. 19 And the young man deferred not to do the thing, because he had delight in

    24. is that I have always deferred to them in the past because I always

    25. When Bill is in office and has to remain sort of clean, Hillary does the dirty work, such as the deferred $100,000 bride

    26. obviously of a higher rank by the way that the first ones deferred to him

    27. “That being said, had I known I was having triplets when I started, I would have deferred

    28. Deferred tax payments would allow the young investors to use their big cash clout to

    29. On graduation he was offered a position on the University staff working on a new project but this had to be deferred while he did his medical residency, so he spent as much time as he could allow working on the project at night and doing his rounds during the day

    30. Brian winked and deferred gracefully to his son

    31. bureaucracy thought it better to trust in the idea of a limitless resource base, and deferred

    32. They had questions but he deferred to the FBI spokesman and left the room

    33. But if every eye is to behold him, and if only spiritual eyes are to discern his presence, then must his advent be long deferred

    34. With a hand motion, Artemus deferred to Zelda

    35. A passionate writer, I have recently deferred a PhD in Developmental Molecular Biology to pursue my writing career

    36. My cold spot was intense as I let them in, so I deferred to it as a lesson in trust: I told them we had been put together for a reason, so let’s see what happens

    37. newer locations had been deferred in favor of a more traditional

    38. Teal only took a couple of seconds to weigh up the situation and deferred their arrest until later

    39. dignity carried lightly but self-consciously, and Kay liked how her eyes deferred away

    40. emerge when a firm can use leverage to its advantage; the mix of cash-flow, deferred taxes

    41. receiving deferred savings payments as promised to them

    42. I took charge and I should have deferred to you

    43. Hope deferred makes the heart sick

    44. Hope deferred makes the heart grow sick

    45. 13:12 - Hope deferred makes the heart sick – but when desire comes it is tree of life

    46. At the Goa meeting, Swaraj had suggested that any announcement on Modi as campaign chief be deferred because Advani was not present

    47. Only to be deferred on the agenda pending a later examination

    48. I’d have deferred enrollment and been right there with you, while I had my mother pulling every contact she had to get your mom in to see the best cancer specialists in the country, instead of just stopping with a few phone calls

    49. She looked away and deferred her answer, straightening her short linen skirt and playing for a moment with the straps of her roman sandals

    50. Standard of deferred payment – I don't have any need for your chickens today, but you can pay me ten dollars next Tuesday

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    Sinonimi per "deferred"

    charged partial indebted on credit funded delayed adjourned protracted retarded prolonged staved off