Usa "deformity" in una frase
deformity frasi di esempio
1. Gigantic stature, and the deformity of its aspect, More hideous than belongs to humanity,
2. Maybe he had some deformity, in addition to his blindness
3. (A flat nose is any deformity of the face
4. to hide her shame and the deformity of her abused face
5. Seconds later the familiar rushing of blood to loins had me glancing nervously down at six and a half firm inches, then across at Martha, whose eyes, like everyone else’s were looking everywhere except there, and I understood what it must be like to have a deformity
6. students, and to observe how seriously this deformity interfered with their
7. of deformity of which you weren’t aware
8. Liana’s first thought was that the odds of being born with such a deformity had to be small
9. ‘’What the…? This girl had a deformity to her left hand?’’
10. incorrectness of drawing attention to his deformity, but deciding instead to
11. A body size like Dinosaurs is a deformity matching with nature in duality
12. The dragon shape expresses all his events that happened in terms of deformity
13. Thus brutal inspiration by the dragon, takes its position in a hidden operation, seen in deformity
14. Mohammad is marked man in 6666 deformity
15. “Okay, what kind of bullshit therapy is this? What, supposedly, is my social deformity?” Urit looked towards the center of the room
16. Any illness, wound, scar, or deformity you might have had as a human is healed upon turning
17. deformity, I’m quite sure that I would have bought into the big lie
18. not the nakedness and deformity of sin, but His own
19. A drunkard, his bedraggled beard revealed his bedraggled physical deformity and physical venality and weaknesses
20. The result can be seen in how much Hitler in his last days resembled the level of mental illness and the physical deformity of Wilhelm ii who was still alive, and how closely his persona matched that of Wilhelm ii at the end of his life; not in the beginning
21. She refuses to have any more children after my twin’s deformity
22. Now, I said, you are on more substantial and almost unanswerable ground; for if the injustice which you were maintaining to be profitable had been admitted by you as by others to be vice and deformity, an answer might have been given to you on received principles; but now I perceive that you will call injustice honourable and strong, and to the unjust you will attribute all the qualities which were attributed by us before to the just, seeing that you do not hesitate to rank injustice with wisdom and virtue
23. But shall our superintendence go no further, and are the poets only to be required by us to express the image of the good in their works, on pain, if they do anything else, of expulsion from our State? Or is the same control to be extended to other artists, and are they also to be prohibited from exhibiting the opposite forms of vice and intemperance and meanness and indecency in sculpture and building and the other creative arts; and is he who cannot conform to this rule of ours to be prevented from practising his art in our State, lest the taste of our citizens be corrupted by him? We would not have our guardians grow up amid images of moral deformity, as in some noxious pasture, and there browse and feed upon many a baneful herb and flower day by day, little by little, until they silently gather a festering mass of corruption in their own soul
24. Then virtue is the health and beauty and well-being of the soul, and vice the disease and weakness and deformity of the same?
25. But just when I least expected it, I laid my hands on a wonder, a natural deformity I'd have to call it, something very seldom encountered
26. The sun had hid its warmth behind an impenetrable mass of vapor, and hundreds of human forms, which had blackened beneath the fierce heats of August, were stiffening in their deformity before the blasts of a premature November
27. The court-yard of this quarter is enclosed by enormous walls, over which the sun glances obliquely, when it deigns to penetrate into this gulf of moral and physical deformity
28. Would not the earth, quickened to an evil purpose by the sympathy of his eye, greet him with poisonous shrubs, of species hitherto unknown, that would start up under his fingers? Or might it suffice him, that every wholesome growth should be converted into something deleterious and malignant at his touch? Did the sun, which shone so brightly everywhere else, really fall upon him? Or was there, as it rather seemed, a circle of ominous shadow moving along with his deformity, whichever way he turned himself? And whither was he now going? Would he not suddenly sink into the earth, leaving a barren and blasted spot, where, in due course of time, would be seen deadly nightshade, dogwood, henbane, and whatever else of vegetable wickedness the climate could produce, all flourishing with hideous luxuriance? Or would he spread bat's wings and flee away, looking so much the uglier, the higher he rose towards heaven?
29. Evil besides (which I must still believe to be the lethal side of man) had left on that body an imprint of deformity and decay
30. He had now seen the full deformity of that creature that shared with him some of the phenomena of consciousness, and was
31. The man sat all twisted and huddled in his chair in a way which gave an indescribably impression of deformity; but the face which he turned towards us, though worn and swarthy, must at some time have been remarkable for its beauty
32. He was a small man, middle-aged and dark, with a stoop which was so marked that it suggested some deformity of the spine
33. One tiny deformity, so fixable, would lead to “ripples of misery,” as Mullaney puts it
34. No blemish or sickness or deformity could be seen in anything that grew upon the earth
35. I hoped and prayed that the print from this self-inflicted deformity would free my brother and indict Troy Wagner
36. He did not go as far as the Brahmin, but he seemed to have weighed this saying of Ecclesiastes: "Who knoweth whither the soul of the animal goeth?" Hideousness of aspect, deformity of instinct, troubled him not, and did not arouse his indignation
37. The deformity of triumph overspread that narrow brow
38. It accepts everything royally; it is not too particular about its Venus; its Callipyge is Hottentot; provided that it is made to laugh, it condones; ugliness cheers it, deformity provokes it to laughter, vice diverts it; be eccentric and you may be an eccentric; even hypocrisy, that supreme cynicism, does not disgust it; it is so literary that it does not hold its nose before Basile, and is no more scandalized by the prayer of Tartuffe than Horace was repelled by the "hiccup" of Priapus
39. The first was, that he now had a horror of that house, where he had beheld, so close at hand, and in its most repulsive and most ferocious development, a social deformity which is, perhaps, even more terrible than the wicked rich man, the wicked poor man
40. Yes, by the deformity of certain terms, we recognize the fact that it was chewed by Mandrin, and by the splendor of certain metonymies, we feel that Villon spoke it
41. It was abominable that actual facts could reach such deformity
42. His deformity, and the ingenious use he made of it, aroused both sympathy and admiration
43. “You see she is yet young; you observe she possesses the ordinary form of childhood; God has graciously given her the shape that He has given to all of us; no signal deformity points her out as a marked character
44. There is pain and obvious deformity, often with one end of the bone clearly felt under the skin
45. "These were the reflections of my hours of despondency and solitude; but when I contemplated the virtues of the cottagers, their amiable and benevolent dispositions, I persuaded myself that when they should become acquainted with my admiration of their virtues they would compassionate me and overlook my personal deformity
46. Half surprised by the novelty of these sensations, I allowed myself to be borne away by them, and forgetting my solitude and deformity, dared to be happy
47. Suddenly, as I gazed on him, an idea seized me that this little creature was unprejudiced and had lived too short a time to have imbibed a horror of deformity
48. They might even hate each other; the creature who already lived loathed his own deformity, and might he not conceive a greater abhorrence for it when it came before his eyes in the female form? She also might turn with disgust from him to the superior beauty of man; she might quit him, and he be again alone, exasperated by the fresh provocation of being deserted by one of his own species
49. But you are not to blame, Pavel Pavlovitch, you are a deformity, and all your ideas and actions and aspirations must of necessity be deformed
50. But deformity though he be, why in the world was my sanction, my blessing, as it were, necessary to his union with Miss Zachlebnikoff? Perhaps he sincerely hoped that there, with so much sweet innocence and charm around us, we should fall into each other's arms in some leafy spot, and weep out our differences on each other's shoulders?