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    Usa "depreciate" in una frase

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    1. You could've written off all $10,000 in one year instead of having to depreciate expenses

    2. or another, they must depreciate the citizens of the United States because of their high standard of living

    3. rope that is leather as it will not depreciate over time like other ropes would

    4. These purchases fall into only two categories, which you need to remember: purchases that accumulate value, and those that merely depreciate, no matter what you do

    5. # Full replacement value protection: This is a valuation program under which the value of your items will not depreciate in case of lost or damage, and you will be compensated for the full value of your belongings

    6. Buying things that you don’t need that always depreciate in value,

    7. It doesn’t happen by spending more than you earn, failing to save and build a capital base, or spending your saved money foolishly on worthless doodads that depreciate the moment you purchase them

    8. Thus, your fourteenth step to wealth is to forego the purchase of depreciable assets and focus all of your resources on acquiring income producing assets that typically appreciate in value, rather than depreciate

    9. When men have said all they can to depreciate the old paths of the Bible, and draw you away from Christ, � when they have piled up the ancient, stale objections of various readings, doubtful authorship, inconsistent statements, and supposed incredible miracles, they can still offer no substitute for the Scripture, or answer the question, "To whom shall we go?" There still remains the great, broad fact that the leading evidences of revelation have never been overthrown, that we are weak creatures in a sorrowful world, and need a helping hand, which Christ alone holds out, and which millions for eighteen centuries have found, and are finding, sufficient

    10. These things depreciate through time

    11. The material good to flow from them may not be so directly visible; but let not any practical mind, intent only upon material good, depreciate the value of wealth given for these or for kindred esthetic purposes as being useless as far as the mass of the people and their needs are concerned

    12. mentioned psychological theories that depreciate the fact of religion

    13. It will be the duty of the Government to build a sufficient number of houses to accommodate the families of all those in its employment, and as a consequence of this and because of the general disorganization and decay of what is now called "business", all other house property of all kinds will rapidly depreciate in value

    14. But how much? We can take the approach we used in calculating the reproduction cost of the assets, which was to treat R&D as a capital investment and depreciate that over five years

    15. You’ll be surprised how quickly most cars depreciate and how others (Toyotas and Hondas especially) retain their value

    16. 5 are below the line because emerging currencies tended to depreciate against the USD over this sample period

    17. yield advantage tell us that the market expects the dollar to depreciate against the yen or does it say that global investors require a higher near-term return for U

    18. deposits offer an interest rate 3% higher than that offered by Japanese deposits, the dollar–yen exchange rate must depreciate by 3% over the next year to make both deposits earn the same return (and their long–short position to break even)

    19. Over the past several decades, global bond managers have made excess returns purchasing unhedged high-yielding bonds of developed nations with negative forward spreads, reaping advantage when the underlying currency fails to depreciate as much as forecast by the forward spread

    20. What will be the consequence of such neglect? Sir, the country will be deluged with Treasury notes; these notes will depreciate, like the old continental money—the whole history of which every one, acquainted with the history of the Revolution, knows to be a history of public and private frauds

    21. In this statement no intention exists to depreciate the munificence of Mr

    1. As compared to 1947 the rupee has depreciated from its par value to less than 5 paise today

    2. Others, like that of Massachusetts Bay, advance, upon extraordinary emergencies, a paper money of this kind for defraying the public expense; and afterwards, when it suits the conveniency of the colony, redeem it at the depreciated value to which it gradually falls

    3. Taxes get paid after the inflated costs of capital are depreciated on an accelerated basis

    4. Then, inside the model, the wage driven part is depreciated to 75% its value going to the next box

    5. appreciate while loans are paid off in depreciated dollars

    6. be depreciated over a 36-month period

    7. But if the equipment has been fully depreciated

    8. Sparky’s training of the last view days came out, as Roric deftly flicked the man’s hand off my arm and dispassionately said, “When I have something of value that needs to be depreciated I’ll let you know

    9. " Instead of improving the soil, they persist in keeping up the pasture lands, however depreciated they may be in value, and the lazy borough, growing away from the plain, has naturally spread riverwards

    10. The world of sense is still depreciated and identified with opinion, though admitted to be a shadow of the true

    11. Vincy whether it were only the general election or the end of the world that was coming on, now that George the Fourth was dead, Parliament dissolved, Wellington and Peel generally depreciated and the new King apologetic, was a feeble type of the uncertainties in provincial opinion at that time

    12. " She did not feel that her husband's conduct was depreciated; but this notion of what justice had required in his relations with Will Ladislaw took strong hold on her mind

    13. As a speculative operation, the purchase of foreign obligations at low prices, such as prevailed in 1932, might prove well justified by the attendant possibilities of profit; but these tremendously depreciated quotations are in themselves a potent argument against later purchases of new foreign issues at a price close to 100% of face value, no matter how high the coupon rate may be set

    14. It may be that the profession of adviser on securities will find its most practicable field in the intermediate region, where the adviser will deal with problems arising from depreciated investments, and where he will propose advantageous exchanges and recommend bargain issues selling considerably below their intrinsic value

    15. Thus, with respect to buildings, the cost is depreciated, over 50 years; grounds, driveways, and walks, over 50 years; machinery over 14 years; furniture and fixtures, over 10 years; railroad sidings, over 50 years

    16. The same is true in respect of American Can which managed—inexplicably—to avoid all reference to its depreciation policy in its listing application dated February 26, 1926, although it did mention that the company had spent approximately $50,000,000 on extensions and improvement of properties since February 1907 and that “during this period properties have been depreciated by at least $20,000,000

    17. But it is only the lack of alertness and intelligence among the rank and file of shareholders that permits this immunity to extend to the entire realm of market quotations, including the permanent establishment of a depreciated and unsatisfactory price level

    18. A company that has a fully depreciated plant may be reporting higher earnings than a rival that has just completed a new factory, but if the rival has spent its money carefully, it is likely to have a more modern and more efficient operation

    19. Property, plant, equipment are to be carried at historical cost as depreciated

    20. Such assets under IFRS are carried at appraisal value unlike GAAP where income-producing real estate is carried at depreciated cost less impairments

    21. For example, if you are comparing the ROIC of two refineries (one that is older compared to a newer one), the depreciated cost of the old refinery will generate a higher ROIC than the one with the new refinery

    22. Common types of expenses that are capitalized and later depreciated include:

    23. Any asset that can be depreciated is potentially valued at something materially different than current market value

    24. Over time as that asset is depreciated, there can be major discrepancies between book value and true market value

    25. Accumulated depreciation can drop for several reasons: (1) the company sells something or otherwise unloads property that is depreciated; (2) the company changes the life of the asset; (3) the company changes the salvage value

    26. ” People described with relish, afterwards, how cleverly he had “taken down” all the witnesses for the prosecution, and as far as possible perplexed them and, what's more, had aspersed their reputation and so depreciated the value of their evidence

    27. The petitioners state, and the fact is of too general notoriety to be disputed, that although they confidently expected, at the time they were compelled from imperious necessity to accept the sum in gross in lieu of half-pay for life, that it would be paid to them in reality, and not by a fresh promise without any sufficient guarantee for its due performance, yet they were compelled to receive certificates, which, for want of any specific provision for the payment of them, or the interest accruing on them, were immediately depreciated to five for one, and, by degrees, to ten for one, in exchange for money

    28. They therefore pray that half-pay for life, to commence from the time of the reduction of the Army, may be granted to them, according to the solemn stipulations entered into with them by Congress, by the resolutions before referred to; deducting therefrom the five years' full pay received by them in depreciated paper, by way of commutation

    29. Where have you seen a National Bank, connected with the Government, which has not ultimately ruined the circulating medium of the nation? It is a notorious fact that money has depreciated seriously, from the unlimited circulation of paper, and if the Government should be compelled, by necessity, to use the funds of the bank, they must permit the increased circulation of its paper, although its money capital remains stationary

    30. Who, sir, can estimate the complicated mischiefs of a depreciated paper currency, without specie for its redemption? Should we be involved in war, or our property seized abroad, nothing can present universal bankruptcy—one wide-spread ruin will pervade the continent

    1. A type 3 can act worse than a type 1, it all depends on who does or doesn't get help or meds or whose personality elevates or depreciates the event with conflicting factors

    2. Most of us are quite familiar with bad debt, which depreciates, such as cars, furniture and loans for holidays

    3. Are you using your credit card to buy something that depreciates (like furniture and technology) or to buy something that you’re going to have to buy at some point anyway (like gas and food)? You should use your credit cards to buy things you’d normally buy anyway because you always have the money for those (which means you probably won’t be carrying a balance) and it helps you build up credit

    4. he will run a big risk if that class of security steeply depreciates

    5. the other hand it depreciates religion as a self-suffi cient source of such

    6. ' But we can hardly praise him when, in obedience to the authority of Homer, he depreciates diet, or approve of the inhuman spirit in which he would get rid of invalid and useless lives by leaving them to die

    7. But what further depreciates the whale as a civilized dish, is his exceeding richness

    8. How unwise, therefore, not only to substitute for the precious metals paper currency, whose value is confined to the United States, but to augment the quantity until it depreciates even among ourselves

    1. depreciating sense of humor of a man who could laugh at himself

    2. If the price action is above the 200 moving average the forex currency is appreciating and if the price action is below the 200 moving average it is depreciating

    3. lower than companies with similar risk will end up depreciating its stock price

    4. depreciating, earnings were inflated above their true productive value

    5. Your dollar bills are depreciating

    6. There is one form of saving that is good for you: getting the most you can out of a depreciating item

    7. Ringmaster turned his depreciating attention to them

    8. In this noble Verse, the Almighty wanted to blame those who oppose Him for depreciating this donation and this Godly Care

    9. depreciating smile at that

    10. loved and served spoken of in that depreciating manner

    11. The sense that Sir James was depreciating Will, and behaving rudely to him, roused her resolution and dignity: there was no touch of confusion in her manner

    12. The risks may be fully offset by the profit possibilities of the list; and indeed the investor may have no choice but to incur them—for otherwise he may run an even greater risk of holding only fixed claims payable in steadily depreciating dollars

    13. The fewer chances a fiscally stretched government has to inflate, or devalue its debt through a depreciating currency, the greater is its temptation to default

    14. There are several things to remember when purchasing a new PC, the first being that you’re purchasing a depreciating asset

    15. Crawford, after properly depreciating his own abilities, was quite at his service in any way that could be useful

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