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    Usa "deprived" in una frase

    deprived frasi di esempio


    1. I have been deprived of the luxury of caring what my beloved thinks of me, and so I write

    2. They were almost hollow deprived of

    3. People don’t have a bit of land where they can grow things, they are stuck in damp, high rise flats in deprived areas with no hope of escape

    4. Nearly all customers were sleep deprived, overzealous students who'd never

    5. They would have deprived their self if they had kept

    6. Socially, educationally and in almost every way you care to think of, she was a deprived person

    7. Deprived of their focal point, her eyes dropped to the shingle by her feet, idly scanning the ground up rocks littering the shore

    8. Music and books are his bag, and this morning, deprived of instant television news, Shaun has no idea what Ken is talking about

    9. ” She hadn’t studied the learning deprived

    10. When, by the destruction of monasteries, the poor had been deprived of the charity of those

    11. Feeling deprived of your favorite

    12. then is it greater and more lasting? Because it has deprived

    13. precisely because they attack only bodies deprived of

    14. Heaven be deprived of qualities God has given to us,

    15. Secondly, Though a great number of people should, by thus restoring the freedom of trade, be thrown all at once out of their ordinary employment and common method of subsistence, it would by no means follow that they would thereby be deprived either of employment or subsistence

    16. inconveniency, they were not thereby deprived of all employment and subsistence

    17. I’ve deprived my child of his father

    18. Such sacrifices, though they might frequently be agreeable to the interest, are always mortifying to the pride of every nation; and, what is perhaps of still greater consequence, they are always contrary to the private interest of the governing part of it, who would thereby be deprived of the disposal of many places of trust and profit, of many opportunities of acquiring wealth and distinction, which the possession of the most turbulent, and, to the great body of the people, the most unprofitable province, seldom fails to afford

    19. and the Barclay students are deprived of a

    20. He is as much mutilated and deformed in his mind as another is in his body, who is either deprived of some of its most essential members, or has lost the use of them

    21. It had been part of his private little rebellion at God who had deprived him of parents

    22. I believe that was around the time that Italy, under Garibaldi and Mazzini, became a modern nation and deprived the Vatican of their Papal States

    23. Otherwise, in some way, life would become less bearable; he had already been deprived of one important thing

    24. The triggering device behind these uprisings has been, among other things, a growing perception of (native) French complacency, indifference and (perhaps) bigotry by a (weary) nation that has grown accustomed to its creature comforts; supported by emerging working classes who feel deprived of its social and political rights as well as uncertain of their own proper role in French society

    25. Unfortunately, the drizzling and, at times, heavy rain of the first day interfered with our determination as tourists and deprived us from appreciating the night life of that stunning city, such as enjoying the sunset in one of the bars in front of Sentosa Island, or observing the nocturnal animals in the only Night Safari in the world, or participating in many other entertaining and instructive opportunities which can be found in the late evening in that large attractive modern city where East happily meets West and where the old and the new harmoniously mingle in a dramatic contrast of style and substance

    26. Clinton’s bombing killed hundreds, and by some estimates deprived the country of much of its medical needs, killing thousands indirectly

    27. The deal was that the wife would get her rocks off by having her oxygen deprived as she was getting screwed

    28. Just let them stew, deprived of all sensory inputs

    29. The remains of the predator now severely lacerated by many smaller teeth, was covered and hovered over by myriad insects as they feasted on and disposed of the larger animal life that had been deprived of its essence

    30. It was discovered early on, that deprived of it, an animal lost all ability to coordinate the actions of its limbs even before the death that quickly followed

    31. It is dependent of the State, even with the label of deprived initiative, without having full dominion of its businesses

    32. b) We create dependency, by which people are deprived of the learning and good that comes from making mistakes

    33. We shall now look at instances where people were deprived of a proper burial and under what conditions it happened

    34. These policies produced a culturally deprived society that ultimately failed to sustain itself as a superpower

    35. labour is in vain without fear; 17 Because God has deprived her of wisdom, neither has He imparted to her understanding

    36. of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave; I am deprived of the residue of my years

    37. Since you deprived him of that and instead were instrumental in making short work of the plot, he was forced to honor you instead

    38. 6 If he prevail, he shall hardly receive the half, and he will count as if he had found it, if not, he has deprived him of his money, and

    39. 21 For grace is not given, him from the Lord, because he is deprived of all wisdom

    40. They have been deprived of love and attention

    41. The mountain lion had tried David out, and been killed, he had deprived a powerful

    42. 7 Therefore I, being deprived of my ancestors'

    43. obtruding himself, exclaiming, that he ought to be allowed and saying Be it that they were deprived of this honour, I ought not to be

    44. pavement, powerless, with limbs paralyzed; by a righteous judgment deprived of the faculty of speech

    45. cruelly deprived of their lives

    46. should be deprived of them, resisted as well as they could

    47. 6 "Why, O Adam, has he not kept his agreement with you, not even one day; but has deprived you of the glory that was on you, when you did yield to his command?

    48. Deprived of the fruits of their labor the industrious also began showing up late and worked less hard

    49. "The only problem with that type of reporting is that friends and relatives living away from the flooded areas are deprived of information about areas near Johnstown," said Bob

    50. Deprived of attention, it will slow down and reveal

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