Usa "detain" in una frase
detain frasi di esempio
1. The prohibition of exportation cannot detain a greater quantity of gold and silver in Spain and Portugal, than what they can afford to employ, than what the annual produce of their land and labour will allow them to employ, in coin, plate, gilding, and other ornaments of gold and silver
2. As the water, however, must always be deeper behind the dam-head than before it, so the quantity of gold and silver which these restraints detain in Spain and Portugal, must, in proportion to the annual produce of their land and labour, be greater than what is to be found in other countries
3. When they had acquired any booty, they were eager to return home, and his authority was seldom sufficient to detain them
4. He was the chosen one to fight against evil for the world and destroy or detain the ones that would cause suffering or stunt the natural growth of the races
5. The law allowed us to detain any prisoner almost indefinitely without the need of habeas corpus so we had time to work with them and gain whatever information was needed
6. fact that it was quite dark, and the party did not want to detain the wrong man
7. Once everyone had turned back to normal, they looked straight to Elena, but, instead of going toward her to detain her, they just looked
8. How could they detain such a powerful titan? There was no prison she could be put into that she could not break
9. By use of the plastic pistol, the owner managed to detain the burglars until the police arrived
10. definitive solution to the sanctions imposed by the SEPRONA, who could detain anyone
11. At this writing, I still do not have all the pertinent information, but under the circumstances, I ordered troops to detain him
12. Troops have been deployed to detain individuals involved as they are identified
13. The remaining Austrasian guard reached out a hand to detain Uybvahk, but he pulled loose and ran toward the forest, the guard halting to leave pursuit to the Earthmen
14. Where we'll decide which to detain and which to return to duty
15. Though these laws vary, store owners and their employees generally are allowed to detain an individual when they have probable cause to suspect shoplifting
16. When she could not him detain
17. Somehow, he could not imagine an airport security officer attempting to detain the great Komadze, the agent-extraordinary, the spymaster given an assignment by Joseph Stalin over twenty-five years ago -- an assignment still valid, still critically important today
18. The technician looked up from his urine specimens and held up his hand to detain him
19. The weather was too bad to use the helicopter so Demery had to both detain and protect Dewi Pugh as best he could under the circumstances
20. I wouldn’t have argued with him – maybe the Chinese will detain him permanently
21. Of course, there was no doubt now that he would have to protect Charles until he could make a positive identification or until the case was solved or discarded due to the departure of the suspects whom he could hardly detain indefinitely
22. “And because of that he can detain you indefinitely which can be forever and that would forgo the expense of a trial
23. Officer Kesterson and I were preparing to detain him for more questioning when his companion, a local woman, arrived and explained the reasons for his dress and behavior
24. “What? Who Sire? The Human? Ah’ll have security detain her
25. (Investigation Police), it had full powers to investigate, detain and arrest
26. where I was the General gave orders to detain the
27. However, given the chance, he would detain Tom and me for half an hour with
28. Also, another fact that must be acknowledged is that Muslims too have been victims of Islamist terrorism, not just in countries where they aren’t in majority, but even in countries where they are in majority, and this isn’t just a recent phenomenon in the light of recent occurrences in Pakistan[115], Afghanistan and Nigeria[116], but also earlier, much before Osama came to target the US regime, when he bombed Muslim civilians in Arab countries![117] More recently, American Muslims were targeted in Saudi Arabia[118] (of course, any Muslim living in and paying taxes to a government which such folks see as an "enemy of Islam" is a crime, unless you are there to bomb Time Square or those participating in a race in Boston!), and a study shows that Al Qaeda has killed eight times more Muslims than non-Muslims![119] Equally, in this context, it must be noted that security personnel often misuse their powers to kill or detain innocents, branding them as terrorists
29. Charlie went wild as he screamed the police had to detain him, but even they couldn’t hold him as he got away and tried to go against Isabella, “this is all your fault! It’s because of you!”
30. 'But,' cried Papa, vainly trying to detain this determinedly retreating figure, 'about his character, his morals--we have not yet touched--'
31. At least in Atlanta they could contain them, detain them, and hopefully try to cure them if not learn from them
32. The tornado that whipped around them was designed to detain
33. It was an unpleasant prospect, but it was the only way to detain a powerful worker
34. Now, if you refuse to supply me with ID I have the power to handcuff you and detain you"
35. estorbar, to bother, be in theway, detain
36. It is the intention of the United States to detain you in this facility, or any other facility the United States so desires, for the duration of the present hostilities, however long they may last
37. Say but one affectionate word to me, and tell me there is nothing angry or estranged between us, and I will detain you no longer
38. It would not detain me, he had a coach in waiting
39. She went the very next day, and on the threshold, as he was trying to detain her, she replied—
40. Elinor did not offer to detain him; and they parted, with a very earnest assurance on her side of her unceasing good wishes for his happiness in every change of situation that might befall him; on his, with rather an attempt to return the same good will, than the power of expressing it
41. Still, works of art have a permanent element; they idealize and detain the passing thought, and are the intermediates between sense and ideas
42. "Nay," cried he, and retired, regardless of any prayers I could pour forth to detain him
43. otherwise I should certainly have endeavoured to detain him in town, and
44. "I shall detain you until this evening in the Palais de Justice
45. "This is neither the place nor the occasion to detain you with selfish wishes," he added; "but what heart loaded like mine would not wish to cast its burden? They say misery is the closest of all ties; our common suffering in your behalf left but little to be explained between your father and myself
46. "I will not detain you, monsieur," continued the countess; "I would not have our gratitude become indiscreet or importunate
47. "Do not detain those gentlemen here, count," she said; "they would prefer, I should think, to breathe in the garden rather than suffocate here, since they are not playing
48. Beauchamp had not been seen since the day he visited Albert, and those of whom the latter inquired always told him he was out on a journey which would detain him some days
49. "Truly," said Monte Cristo, "with your posthorses going at the rate of two leagues an hour, and that absurd law that one traveller shall not pass another without permission, so that an invalid or ill-tempered traveller may detain those who are well and active, it is impossible to move; I escape this annoyance by travelling with my own postilion and horses; do I not, Ali?"
50. What’s with this guy repeating everything I say? But I have no basis to detain him, and now that my heart has stopped racing, and the wind’s finding its way under my shirt and licking my sweat-covered face and neck—I’m reminded how freaking cold it is out here
1. She wound up saying she might be detained a little longer than she had hoped but things were moving along and Herndon swore he still needed her help
2. Soon thereafter, he was detained for his alleged involvement with an Ewe coup plot
3. “I wanted to get to talk with you sooner, but last minute preparations for the Spring Tournament business has detained me,” she opened sincerely once Belle joined her at the table
4. He had regular business to conduct that detained him in some of those offices and many of the ladies with private workspace delayed him for the skills of his hands, one fringe benefit of life at the Kassikan he still allowed himself to indulge in
5. So he currently detained
6. When upon our return journey of a mere few blocks to our rooms at the elegant Chelsea House, we were momentarily detained by four disconsolate fellows whose evening's entertainment I'm afraid was not furthered by our own contributions
7. detained any further with what he saw as a waste of his
8. detained a group of pilgrims, stripped them of their
9. He had also spent a great deal of time studying the Dead Tree’s interior, and had a good idea where the Prince would be detained
10. A career thief, he wasn’t one to waste time chasing fairytales – and yet, they wondered what could have detained him even this long
11. detained under legal warrant upon any criminal charge, we are not aware of any ground upon which they can properly be prevented from going on shore and disposing of themselves as they think, and we cannot advise her Majesty’s government to assume or exercise the power of keeping them under any kind of restraint
12. The sheriff detained Thomas from coming after you himself
13. In both Canada and Switzerland he was forced to cancel planned speeches for fear he could be detained or tried
14. 7 Now a certain man of the servants of Saul was there that day, detained before the Lord; and his name was Doeg, an Edomite, the
15. Several people have been detained, although subsequently detained as they ether had an alibi or the evidence against them was insufficient
16. The man then made sure he found out who was the one who hired them to do so and detained him to find out what was the reason he did such a thing
17. He was being detained by another patient
18. That very morning, Roger had read in the “South China Post” that the Chinese government had detained and jailed Julias Jia Zhiguo, Catholic Bishop of Zhengding, in the province of Hebei where the largest concentration of Catholics in China is found
19. “Something, must have detained him! The flood has, after all, affected more than just us here at the port facility
21. All eyes around me were suddenly staring intently as two men, robes billowing behind them, stormed forward leaving several more who had been detained at the entrance behind them
22. detained him! The flood has, after all, affected more than just us here at the port facility
23. detained at the entrance behind them
24. Vessels within national waters could be detained and held responsible for oil spills and failure to adhere to ship construction standards
25. Detained smugglers can be the beneficiaries of sympathetic ethnic juries
26. when they detained it? This is the true problem, and my answer is that often
27. As they were leaving, the Reverend Switzer detained her and led her back to his office for a minute
28. "Would you like Cross detained?"
29. Those staff who did have an interest to the police at either Federal or State level were detained or shipped back to the mainland to temporary accommodation inside a secure compound set up by the Army where they were to be interrogated and where necessary charged
30. When actually you were not wondering that, but rather the cause of his detained flatulence and why he hasn’t sought medical help to alleviate his postponed gaseous byproduct outflow dysfunction
31. A family of cannibals is detained
32. Then I forcibly detained the aggressor a sufficient length of time to enable the weaker party to the dispute to make his escape, after which I withdrew from the affair
33. When the security detained him for wrongful assault, the media picked up the story to splash it on the front pages
34. What Menendez could not have surmised is that if the guards had detained Darryl Mason instead of shooting him then the leader of SCA2 would have had his answers
35. If I am able to prove that her fingerprints are on the knife that murdered Brossard then I will have no option but to have her detained for the next twenty years
36. This was technically true, although irrelevant insomuch as Mosley had not asked to see his solicitor at any point whilst being detained
37. With fabric streaming from a two-toot hole in the wing, a hole inflicted by the tree that certainly had moved at the last moment, he successfully landed and fell in to the arms of the waiting Service Police who detained him in lockup for twenty-seven days
38. He had to, but he wasn’t going to wait around here and explain everything to the police, being detained for hours and not getting any closer to either girl
39. “Pressure me? Sir, he had me detained and briefly tortured, just to show me what I would go through if I didn’t collaborate
40. I say that I was made to answer to him because, two years ago, I was briefly detained and tortured on orders from General Veck
41. While my father, who is of Polynesian blood, does live on a plantation in Oahu, my mother is presently detained in an internment camp in Manzanar, California
42. From his peripheral vision, the man was brought to his feet, cuffed, and detained before he nonchalantly handed over his ticket to the counter representative
43. I can now reveal to you that, in February of 2017, while I was temporarily detained by the Canadian authorities, I was accused of being a covert agent of the CIA, which I am not, as if that would have made me a dangerous threat to Canada
44. He had met her first in early 1941, when she was no more than a fifteen year-old German girl detained as a prisoner of war in the Tower of London, after being captured in France with other Germans during a commando raid led by Nancy Laplante
45. Martin detained them to retrieve anything they might have surfaced in his absence
46. ‘’Well, Madam President, the gist of it is that, after learning that Cooper had been kidnapped in Afghanistan, Laplante apparently took on her to leave Montreal and go to Quetta, Pakistan, where she expected Cooper to be detained
47. It seems that her hunch was spot on, as she apparently found in less than a day where Cooper was being detained inside Quetta
48. According to the testimony of Anderson Cooper himself when he was interviewed after arriving in Dubai, Nancy Laplante then infiltrated the Taliban compound where he was detained and killed by herself all the Taliban inside before breaking him free
49. emergency legislation and who are really being detained because of
50. A dozen Soviet pilots, including Captain Lydia Litvyak, were presently detained as prisoners of war in the United States and would be held there until a formal peace could be signed with the USSR
1. It should as readily occur, that the quantity of gold and silver is, in every country, limited by the use which there is for those metals ; that their use consists in circulating commodities, as coin, and in affording a species of household furniture, as plate; that the quantity of coin in every country is regulated by the value of the commodities which are to be circulated by it; increase that value, and immediately a part of it will be sent abroad to purchase, wherever it is to be had, the additional quantity of coin requisite for circulating them : that the quantity of plate is regulated by the number and wealth of those private families who choose to indulge themselves in that sort of magnificence; increase the number and wealth of such families, and a part of this increased wealth will most probably be employed in purchasing, wherever it is to be found, an additional quantity of plate ; that to attempt to increase the wealth of any country, either by introducing or by detaining in it an
2. I’ve not the slightest idea what’s detaining your Legate up in the capital, but rest assured that you’ll have additional manpower and intelligence at your disposal here soon enough
3. They not only lower very much the value of the precious metals in Spain and Portugal, but by detaining there a certain quantity of those metals which would otherwise flow over other countries, they keep up their value in those other countries somewhat above what it otherwise would be, and thereby give those countries a double advantage in their commerce with Spain and Portugal
4. He is set on detaining Lord Gordor next week
5. He also had another purpose in detaining Jesus at his house for several hours, and that was to allow time for legally calling together the court of the Sanhedrin
6. Yes, even the flying douche bag that is detaining me is part of my celebrated cerebral legacy
7. She started to get up to go over and help Neo’s latest victims, but was restrained from doing so, when Joel placed a detaining hand on her shoulder
8. Just a few weeks ago tough anti-rioting laws were passed through parliament, allowing police the right to use rubber bullets, and detaining rioters for up to 12 weeks for public safety
9. her father’s arm, detaining him on the porch
10. She began, however, seriously to turn her thoughts towards its accomplishment, and had already mentioned their wishes to their kind hostess, who resisted them with all the eloquence of her good-will, when a plan was suggested, which, though detaining them from home yet a few weeks longer, appeared to Elinor altogether much more eligible than any other
11. The mutual friend laid a detaining hand on his shoulder
12. Biddy nodded her head thoughtfully at the fire as she took up her work again, and said she would be very particular; and Joe, still detaining his knees, said, "Ay, ay, I'll be ekervally partickler, Pip;" and then they congratulated me again, and went on to express so much wonder at the notion of my being a gentleman that I didn't half like it
13. "If I had had the honor of seeing you for the third or fourth time, count, instead of only for the second," said Madame de Villefort; "if I had had the honor of being your friend, instead of only having the happiness of being under an obligation to you, I should insist on detaining you to dinner, and not allow myself to be daunted by a first refusal
14. But, sir, once more I beg pardon; perhaps you are an officer that I am detaining here
15. But, I had already considered that such a course, by detaining us there, or binding us to come back, might be fatal to Provis
16. At the foot of the stairs, the other two hired men were detaining at knife point three more nuns
17. And the baroness, detaining Vronsky, began telling him, with many jokes, about her last new plans of life, asking his advice
18. Jean Valjean laid his hand upon the detaining hand of Javert, and opened it as he would have opened the hand of a baby; then he said to Javert:—
19. The Senators and the Public Prosecutor did not smile nor triumph, but looked like people wearied, and who were thinking “We have often heard the like of you; it is all in vain,” and were only too glad when he stopped and ceased uselessly detaining them there
20. Are we sure the State banks can or will do this? I beg pardon of the Senate for detaining them on topics not new
21. He said that as he did not precisely agree in opinion with any gentleman who had spoken, he should take the liberty of detaining the committee a few moments while he offered to their attention some observations
22. When he made the original motion, yesterday, for detaining this person, Mr
23. The instructions given at this day, by the British Admiralty to a naval commander, on this subject, directs him, "when he meets with any foreign ship or vessel, to send a lieutenant to inquire whether there may be on board of her any seamen who are the subjects of His Majesty; and if there be, to demand them, provided it does not distress the ship; he is to demand their wages up to the day; but he is to do this without detaining the vessel longer than shall be necessary, or offering any violence to, or in any way ill-treating the master or his crew
24. I was so late in returning from the meetings at Oahe, though I hurried as fast as possible, that the river was frozen, detaining us nearly three weeks
1. against the father who detains the power, or the father turns against his
2. Laurence's business detains him near you so long, since he is so useful to you and Father