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    Usa "detainee" in una frase

    detainee frasi di esempio


    1. That made them formidable interrogators for they could follow the movements of the owner of a specific AK47 and thereby convince the detainee they had all the evidence needed to hang him

    2. believing that she was required professionally for a detainee

    3. Jeff proceeded to take a bag into the inner room and gave it to the detainee

    4. After many frustrations he was at last granted the interview and pleaded the cause of the unfortunate detainee

    5. There was considerable discussion when the detainee database was first established as to how many digits the detainee numbers should have

    6. What this meant for the Echo Team interrogators was that just about every detainee, both at Camp Echo and in the less strict portions of the base, at one time or another served in the IDF

    7. Other techniques included forcing a detainee to maintain what was referred to as a “stress Harvey Schwartz/The Reluctant Terrorist

    8. A favorite was to have a detainee squat on the floor while his wrists and ankles were chained to a ring bolted between his feet

    9. Several detainee deaths resulted, but the bodies were disposed of quietly and no punishments ensued

    10. President Quaid received a daily briefing on the results of detainee interrogations

    11. Only the full-haired, blonde CNN newscaster talked on about President Quaid vowing to “pull out all stops” in detainee interrogations

    12. He’d nudged a Styrofoam cup an inch or two forward, as if to get it exactly halfway between himself and his detainee, white upon the white table

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    detainee political detainee