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    Usa "determining factor" in una frase

    determining factor frasi di esempio

    determining factor

    1. Regardless of the position --- personal integrity was at the heart of the discussions and a determining factor on who would get ‘my uncle’s vote’

    2. The will as the determining factor in man's experience

    3. man’s salvation? Either God is the determining factor or the unsaved,

    4. or less required rate or return; any market surge or interest rate hike will be a determining factor in this “adaptive” cost of equity

    5. amount of capital, this smaller amount of stock will be the determining factor

    6. determining factor in this analysis because we are measuring growth

    7. studies have shown that pancreatic insuf iciency is a co-determining factor of malabsorption in these cases

    8. If only they knew that the determining factor is the nature of the male sperm and not the female ovum! If they were to blame anybody, they should blame their sons and not their daughters-in-law since both the Qur’aan and Science hold that it is the male fluid that is responsible for the sex of the child!

    9. Nations as well as individuals will eventually learn that force can always be met with equal if not superior force and for this reason can never be the determining factor of any situation

    10. The types of emotions that prevail in our minds are a major determining factor in whether we succeed at life itself

    11. This is why your own self-conceptions, the quality of your attitude toward developing situations, and your determination in achieving your goals are the determining factors in the implementation of your desires

    12. I repeat one more time: the determining factor in the inertial process of refocusings is the degree of qualitative identity of wave NUU-VVU-Configurations that form all the frequency dynamics of your Focus of Close Attention, because it is possible to refocus into any of Forms (whether it be NUU-VVU or NUULL-VVU) only if the VVU-Configurations of the majority of Fields-Consciousnesses (Formo-copies) that structure your Focus and the Focus of “a new” Form have quite active common ranges of vibrations, that is, when at least several conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies that structure your previous NUU-VVU-Configuration and the conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies of your next potential “personality” actively resonated with each other on some Levels of the individual ODS of the Self-Consciousness

    13. Time appears to be one of the determining factors in the equation

    14. illicit activities could very well be a determining factor of the financial crisis that is probably

    15. It’s most likely that this is conditioned by the dynamics of resopasons, where the main determining factor is not the Time Flow, but the qualitative identity of VVU-Configurations that structure the dynamics of a given different-qualitative skrruullerrt system

    16. This seemed to be the predominant and determining factor for this essentially intellectually and emotionally static and limited spiritual day-to-day existence

    17. It is in reality presenting another gospel, for them, race and "bloodline" is the determining factor

    18. The basis of reconizing a business opportunity is reconizing the key determining factor that needs to be based on what we are passionate about

    19. Although production of pork bellies is a major determining factor of market prices, other variables have a significant impact on prices

    20. The particular danger to the analyst is that, because of such delay, new determining factors may supervene before the market price adjusts itself to the value as he found it

    21. But however vital these considerations may prove at times, they are not ordinarily determining factors in analysis

    22. The price level itself is not the sole determining factor

    23. What is the difference between these two camps—between the successful trader and the losing trader? Believe it or not, the determining factor has nothing to do with education, nothing to do with innate intelligence, nothing to do with economic or business smarts

    24. The data is not the determining factor of success or failure, "You" are

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