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    Usa "dial tone" in una frase

    dial tone frasi di esempio

    dial tone

    1. “Wait!” he shouted and heard a dial tone

    2. No dial tone

    3. Lunarey felt so anxious when she heard the dial tone change into Rosabell's voice

    4. A few dial tones later, his voice was heard on the other end

    5. boring? I was having a great time listening to dial tones and recorded messages

    6. I heard the dial tone

    7. Dominic heard nothing but a dial tone then

    8. Wisdom heard the dial tone but still stayed on the phone

    9. "Cool," was the final response then the dial tone was heard

    10. I pressed the speed dial and the dial tone only ringed once before I heard my sister’s voice

    11. “I’m on my way," Charles stated and pressed the switch hook for a new dial tone

    12. And on saying that the inspector was left holding his telephone with only the dial tone to be heard

    13. An empty dial tone returned his declaration of allegiance

    14. A few seconds later I heard a dial tone

    15. Just then the doorbell rang and Kathy excused herself to answer the door and Annie heard what probably were muffled gun shots and shortly after that a dial tone

    16. you for calling,” followed by a dial tone

    17. " The connection was severed abruptly, replaced by a dial tone

    18. was a dial tone

    19. Brad heard the dial tone

    20. What do you have to offer?” Amy only heard a dial tone at that point as she was hung up on

    21. coats and began speaking to them in a tender, cordial tone of voice

    22. Then a dial tone

    23. “The landline is down! There isn’t even a dial tone!”

    24. When you hear the second dial tone, dial Novak"s

    25. All he heard was the dial tone

    26. The call cut off, the dial tone buzzing in her ear before she dropped it

    27. But, surprisingly—when he placed the contraption to his ear—it still had a dial tone

    28. Not just a dial tone, but

    29. “That’s because I was calling you, only I never got a dial tone,” he said

    30. She waited to hear a dial tone as Sarah slammed the phone down

    31. She then hears a dial tone

    32. It also touched her, and she showed that it did, by the cordial tone in which she said

    33. Jo laughed at that as she had not done for many a long day, and patted the sofa invitingly, as she said in a cordial tone, "The old pillow is up garret, and we don't need it now

    34. He lifted the receiver and waited for a dial tone

    35. The dial tone rang and he was gone

    36. Well, what is Paris saying?” he asked, suddenly changing his former stern expression for a most cordial tone

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