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    Usa "differently" in una frase

    differently frasi di esempio


    1. What would you have done differently? ; Difficult to say because it

    2. Psychosomatic patients and frequent consulting persons are naturally to be treated differently

    3. As most couples are aware, men and women respond differently to stress

    4. Fermented products are treated differently then you might think by the plant kingdom

    5. They should be encouraged to think differently as long as it is not harmful or dangerous

    6. “What would you have done differently?” Vinnie challenged him

    7. practiced and believed differently than what God commanded!

    8. In too few years he would feel differently about her sitting on his lap

    9. MacKenzie understood the world differently now

    10. Have I achieved anything similar in the past? What can I do differently /better?

    11. Before sleep they both prayed separately and differently just for me to sleep through the night for now

    12. 'Not to this degree, this boy's brain is wired differently

    13. that you choose to feel differently

    14. Second, you will begin to relate to your thoughts, feelings, and fears differently

    15. Self-testing works a little differently than the other

    16. differently? Examine how point A leads to point B

    17. doing something differently should not stop you from making positive

    18. Bex thinks differently

    19. Then he pours out three small piles of differently coloured sand from plastic carrier bags

    20. Now, it could also have occurred differently

    21. The girls' external training proceeded a bit differently as had Harry's

    22. But maybe he was raised differently

    23. "It makes a body wonder what else you might be viewing differently, than everyone else

    24. Beth viewed things differently than she did, perhaps because it was her second marriage, or just because she’d had the opportunity to date as an adult

    25. Even though she had done things Desa considered many times more degrading than admitting a mistake, Valla thought differently, maybe it was because she had grown up too fast out in that pass? If Desa could avoid teasing and prodding, Valla was going to come around

    26. Every inch of her wanted him to hold her, to kiss her, to make love to her, but the tiny voice inside said differently

    27. The people dressed and spoke differently

    28. God speaks to me differently now than he did years ago

    29. The rise and fall in the profits of stock depend upon the same causes with the rise and fall in the wages of labour, the increasing or declining state of the wealth of the society ; but those causes affect the one and the other very differently

    30. Tetloan was the second closest to Emily in strength, though for him, his power had manifested itself differently than anything Brice had ever seen

    31. "If we'd been conscious of the data at the time," Alfred said, "we might have directed you, or rather your android, differently

    32. Every independent organism treats time differently

    33. I may have misgivings about Liam, but I should have handled it differently

    34. They processed their memories differently and relied heavily on senses rather than emotions

    35. If only I had been there, he thought, maybe things would have turned out differently, who knows? They were adult men and knew the dangers of being out in the desert alone at night

    36. She’ll ponder over it through the day and by tomorrow she’ll see things differently

    37. Carol the carer would be there and time went differently here

    38. Also, they will be priced differently because of that

    39. The screen appeared slightly differently to each person

    40. There were two areas of the tank that had differently textured material

    41. It may have been that way that once upon a time but I do things differently now,’ it paused, ‘despite, your lack of invite

    42. Compare the mercantile manners of Cadiz and Lisbon with those of Amsterdam, and you will be sensible how differently the conduct and character of merchants are affected by the high and by the low profits of stock

    43. Experts say that such information is actually hidden in our subconscious mind but whatever the case may be, this missing link will always cause ourselves to treat others differently

    44. $500 a month, and you will think differently about the opportunities that present

    45. With a change in consciousness, humans opted to play the game of life differently this time and that is the reason why the present times are special

    46. Chief astronomer Zorandi Entola knew differently

    47. As the interest of nations so differently circumstanced is very different, so is likewise the common character of the people

    48. What should we have done differently?”

    49. “What will we do when we have other children? Will they be different from Jesus? Will I treat this Baby any differently from our other children?” The questions were the same ones I had asked myself many times

    50. With this track record of absolute accuracy, how should we approach information that is provided in the Bible with regards to events that will only happen in the future or information about the Creation account? Should these be treated differently? Are we supposed to apply our own interpretation of information contained in the Bible for which we are unable to provide verifiable evidence? Especially when we know that for all cases in which we are able to collect data, the Bible’s accuracy is proven to be 100% true

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    Sinonimi per "differently"

    differently otherwise oppositely alternatively