Usa "digitize" in una frase
digitize frasi di esempio
1. (LUMI) came public, and at the time I was very impressed with its business, which consisted of technology used to digitize images for the medical industry
1. We have only a digitized recording of this paper
2. Similarly, the influence of a digitized society might have more of an effect on the evolution and application of future love than what information about love can be found and experimented with by those same computer processes
3. We live in the 3rd generation since the onset of digitized hyper-anxiety and today's children are the 4th generation suffering with global annihilation stress disorder: post-industrial, post-technological, post-informational hyper-stimulation
4. Those who have no power over their boredom, who depend upon external, especially digitized, stimulation for their identity, have no individuality, for they can only become what they are in the presence of, in essence becoming the mirror I'mage of
5. Stored in tank farms of immortal digimation, our digitized lives stream by ubiquitous data-trollers fishing for suspicious, allegeable, prosecutable offenses against the Ruling Quo
6. The stress of digitized tech-ciety produces a culture of exhaustion from overwork, under-rest, hyper-stimulation, and food fatigue which produces a maladapted ciiborg, which wants to pretend it is a machine with upgradeable capacity and applications, while ignoring its biology of organic health interdependence
7. But this we know, all will be computerized, digitized, and, therefore, electrified
8. “Is it energy efficient to keep all of them?” Faith experienced a virtual, a metaphorical, an allegorized, digitized self-interest
9. It is acollection of about 3,000 digitized French texts from the 16th to the 20thcenturies, with a search facility (Stella) for literary,
10. The Hinckley Bermuda 40, being top of the line itself, carried a state of the art Magellan GPS and chartplotter, actually a high-powered computer display with digitized maps for the entire planet stored in postage stamp sized memory cartridges
11. Krull had digitized some of its internal stuff, and the hacker got inside without too much of a hassle
12. In fact, it was just a few years earlier, at the University of Chicago’s Center for Research in Security Prices, that daily stock prices since 1926 had been digitized, permitting calculation of the 9
13. QT’s digitized voice came through the speaker, and a second later I was buzzed in