Usa "diocese" in una frase
diocese frasi di esempio
1. bishop over the diocese
2. ‘A new diocese was created in Pamiers this year, did
3. are now outside the diocese and have no jurisdiction here
4. If the authority to which he is subject resides, not so much in the body corporate, of which he is a member, as in some other extraneous persons, in the bishop of the diocese, for example, in the governor of the province, or, perhaps, in some minister of state, it is not, indeed, in this case, very likely that he will be suffered to neglect his duty altogether
5. In the ancient constitution of the Christian church, the bishop of each diocese was elected by the joint votes of the clergy and of the people of the episcopal city
6. All the inferior ecclesiastical benefices comprehended within the diocese were collated by the bishop, who bestowed them upon such ecclesiastics as he thought proper
7. Through the greater part of Europe, the pope gradually drew to himself, first the collation of almost all bishoprics and abbacies, or of what were called consistorial benefices, and afterwards, by various machinations and pretences, of the greater part of inferior benefices comprehended within each diocese, little more being left to the bishop than what was barely necessary to give him a decent authority with his own clergy
8. In this situation of things, the sovereigns in the different states of Europe endeavoured to recover the influence which they had once had in the disposal of the great benefices of the church; by procuring to the deans and chapters of each diocese the restoration of their ancient right of electing the bishop ; and to the monks of each abbacy that of electing the abbot
9. The followers of Luther, together with what is called the church of England, preserved more or less of the episcopal government, established subordination among the clergy, gave the sovereign the disposal of all the bishoprics, and other consistorial benefices within his dominions, and thereby rendered him the real head of the church; and without depriving the bishop of the right of collating to the smaller benefices within his diocese, they, even to those benefices, not only admitted, but favoured the right of presentation, both in the sovereign and in all other lay patrons
10. After he was made a member of the Religious Education Commission, as interested as he was in soccer and as active as all his children were in that sport, Roger decided to dedicate more time to the Cursillo and to the religious education of the Diocese of Orange
11. In the fall of 1980, soon after the two boys settled in the Fernández home, subsidized by the Department of Social Services of Orange County, Josie became very concerned about the lack of religious materials in Spanish for the Hispanic community in the Diocese of Orange
12. The last Monday in November 1982, Roger had gone to take La Familia books to Marywood, center of the Orange diocese, while Josie went to a Cursillo meeting in Los Angeles
13. Roger and Josie went through a civil divorce, but they had their marriage annulled by the Catholic Church as well, for Roger had apparently proven to the Marriage Court of the Diocese of Orange that Josie was, as he put it, “psychologically incapable to perform the duties of married life…” and that “their marriage should be declared void, annulled
14. Being a member of the Cursillo Secretariat, Roger was approached by many in the Cursillo community to intercede before the Bishop of the Diocese
15. After much prayer and study, and with great sadness, Roger decided to fulfill the unpleas ant duty to report the priest and to demand his dismissal from his position as Spiritual Director of the Cursillo Movement in the Diocese
16. Catholic Organizations ---- Organizations managed / owned by a Catholic Religious Order or group from a Religious Order; or operated and/or owned by a Catholic Diocese; or use the term Catholic in their organization’s name; those that specifically use ‘Catholic’ in their literature as an indicator of ‘who they are’ or as a ‘marketing tool’ that is used purposely to reflect, even if not followed, Catholic principles --- need to actually operate under Catholic Doctrine!! If not, I believe they should be legally required to remove any ‘Catholic’ indication in their advertising / marketing or labeling
17. It was also found that he had taken a large sum of money from his diocese that was used to help in the upbringing of their son
18. I doubt that the diocese pays into social security so priests and nuns can’t file at sixty-five
19. ation and diocesan of Catholic Diocese of Shanghai, says Falun Dafa is a
20. They have a Jewish Rabbi from the Center Synagogue in New York, a Southern Baptist from New York, and the Bishop from the Catholic Diocese in New York
21. Francis de Sales was bishop of his diocese and had the jurisdiction to permit monastics to leave their cloister to minister to the sick and poor, but other bishops did not seem to grasp this revolutionary concept of monastic life
22. The door opened and the tall, thin shepherd of the diocese greeted Francis warmly
23. Sister Scholastica assured the Bishop’s secretary that he would be given the message and thanked him for the kindness of the diocese to the small community
24. He was not completely sure why the Bishop was calling him but would find out later the next day when he went to the Chancery Office for a meeting with the shepherd of the Diocese of Scranton
25. “I realize that it’s not your fault, Brother, but for one of the smallest religious communities in this diocese, you folks get the most press
26. The tall and stately shepherd groaned, more than said, the following: “There is a house in the diocese, halfway between your monastery and these diocesan offices, in the Wilkes-Barre area, which people claim is a haunted house
27. It is vain to deny that in the actual working machinery and administration of our Church, in its arrangements, plans, schemes, and normal organization, the lay members have comparatively no place at all! Do the bishops meet in solemn conclave at Lambeth Palace to consider the state of our Zion? There is no place for the laity,- Does Convocation hold its annual debates? There is no representation of the laity,- Does the bishop of a diocese make his annual arrangements for the work of his See? Has he any difficult problem to solve about discipline or the best mode of dealing with some criminous clerk? He has no council of laymen,- Has a vacant living or incumbency to be filled up? The appointment is made without the slightest regard to the opinion of the parishioners
28. How few laymen know anything about Church work in their own diocese! How few care one jot for Convocation! How few could tell you, if their lives depended on it, who are the proctors of their diocese! How few understand the meaning of the great doctrinal controversies by which their Church is almost rent asunder! How few exhibit as much personal interest or anxiety about them, as a Roman spectator would have exhibited about the fight of a couple of gladiators in the arena of the Coliseum! How few could tell you anything more than this, "that there is some squabble among the parsons; and they don't pretend to understand it!"�This is a melancholy picture; but I fear it is a sadly correct one
29. It would: split the clergy of every diocese into two distinct bodies, neither of which would hold any communion with the other
30. He was more blunt in a circular to clergy in his diocese, saying he had yet to
31. As the most senior member of the bishop's administration, he was making a tour of parish churches in the Salisbury diocese
32. 'This licence is issued by the dean's office of the Salisbury diocese and bears the customary seal
33. 'If you do that, I shall consider it my doleful duty to give a full and detailed account of the conjugal bliss enjoyed by a canon, two nuns and half-a-dozen monks in this diocese, contrary to their vows of chastity
34. 'And I can assure you the bishop never grieves without reason, or else in such a large diocese he would always be doing it
35. The diocese would grieve for its Bishop
36. There was the book-seller her _Christian Year_ had come from, his windows full of more of them, endless supplies for endless dieted daughters, vegetarians in literature she called them to herself, forcibly vegetabled vegetarians; and there was the silversmith who provided the Bishop with the crosses after a good Florentine fifteenth-century pattern he presented to those of his confirmation candidates who were the daughters in the diocese of the great
37. For there was the constant irritation going on of the affairs of the diocese getting into a more hopeless disorder
38. The Bishop felt that if this went on much longer the work of the diocese would come to a standstill
39. In 1904, under the auspices of the Diocese of Milwaukee and administered by the sisters, the school was transformed into the Saint Coletta Institute for Backward Youth
40. In his absence the diocese was run by Archdeacon Lloyd, who collected the bishop’ s tithes and rents, baptized children and conducted
41. Every town in the diocese has the same problems
42. He knew the diocese well and handled most of the practical administration already
43. It was common knowledge that he had refused to be made titular bishop of the Occidental diocese till justice was done to a despoiled Church
44. This discovery wasn’t just a case of a few rogue priests: The compensation bill faced by the Catholic Church in Boston, Massachusetts was so huge it threatened to bankrupt the diocese
45. The diocese of D—— is a fatiguing one
46. the portraits represented, one the Abbe of Chaliot, bishop of Saint Claude; the other, the Abbe Tourteau, vicar-general of Agde, abbe of Grand-Champ, order of Citeaux, diocese of Chartres
47. Bishop of a mountain diocese, living so very close to nature, in rusticity and deprivation, it appeared that he imported among these eminent personages, ideas which altered the temperature of the assembly
48. The larger the diocese of the patron, the fatter the curacy for the favorite
49. His canons and grand-vicars were good old men, rather vulgar like himself, walled up like him in this diocese, without exit to a cardinalship, and who resembled their bishop, with this difference, that they were finished and he was completed
50. de Pins, Archbishop of Amasie, administered the diocese of Lyons