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    Usa "directing" in una frase

    directing frasi di esempio


    1. The woman called Ava is directing you

    2. him before directing his colleagues to their respective seats

    3. "Well?" He said, directing himself to me

    4. prayer when it comes to directing the affairs of the church

    5. ’ She instructed, directing a straw between the swollen lips of the recumbent woman

    6. correct method of directing the thoughts towards positive

    7. The rest of the day goes in a whirl of activity – I am taken to a bird house where half a dozen birds are acclimatised to my tawstones and I am instructed in the mysteries of directing a bird

    8. ” James was directing his comments to Daniel

    9. directing them to the universe, but simply reciting positive

    10. enable yourself to love, you need to consider directing this energy

    11. directing all of them into the farmhouse

    12. directing them to chairs in the kitchen – “to keep you from cluttering

    13. One officer is directing late night traffic and moving people on

    14. It was Belle who, once the twins accepted the task, began directing their lessons on the new boat and arranged the course of exercises at home with George

    15. As for their parents, when their voices became weary of directing their daughters' defense, they simply watched and Harry redoubled his onslaught in leaps and spins which at times seemed to defy gravity in their height and duration

    16. The girls had made all their gifts, well nearly all, and insisted upon directing the holiday's main event

    17. “You'll have to start really slowly, directing their motion intentionally with your thought, then try to speed up and see how rapidly you can roll them and really keep up mentally

    18. Allcock was directing porters to the correct compartment to unload their things

    19. horse and directing its nose in the opposite direction to the

    20. he added, directing the instruction towards Jean

    21. my family,' he said, still directing his comments to

    22. directing his anger towards the Knight

    23. directing a scowl of disapproval towards the ground

    24. ‘Are you sure about that?’ said Ducroix, directing a

    25. directing his question to the Dean of the Guild

    26. women,’ – here he couldn’t help directing a look of

    27. that prophecy is always confirming rather than directing, and no Body of Christ

    28. Enid, the boys and our luggage, and I began directing

    29. A uniformed doorman sat behind the counter, directing girls in transparent flowing robes who hurried by with trays of steaming food

    30. spare the herd?’ asked Rene, directing a sidelong glance

    31. Ome was on the verge of directing the Elders and Chosen into defensive formations, maybe barricade themselves within the Hangar before the Dark Army found them, when suddenly a Chosen shouted out in warning

    32. plod on resolutely, however, all the while directing

    33. While I was directing toward the

    34. ” I was an expert at directing the elements

    35. be assured that the work they do directing traffic to your site is not in

    36. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security ; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain; and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention

    37. To dream that you are directing traffic implies that you have power and control over the path or destinations of others

    38. The soldiers were directing the exiles towards the registering point where Ashpenaz and his officials were ready to commence the massive task of cataloguing the exiled families

    39. He immediately put her mind at ease on the issue and said that Helez would be planning and directing the whole event

    40. ” In meditation, to be one-pointed means to have a mind that is capable of being aware of only the object of meditation, without directing attention to any other thoughts or emotions

    41. He figured Delvin was doing a capable enough job directing things in the meantime

    42. directing his words to Victor

    43. directing it to the Crystal City

    44. However, directing this vessel back to your home world undetected will be a challenge

    45. He purred with delight at the slightest touch, nestling his head in our hands, directing our strokes, lifting his chin, as if he were smiling

    46. And let"s not forget the calls he made, again from his White House office, directing Immigration and Naturalization officers across the country to relax their screening standards for immigrants who wished to become citizens

    47. the earlier telegram from the secretary directing a search for the Shenandoah, and that the Saranac and Suwanee were both in pursuit of the rebel ship on that date

    48. A middle-aged woman stood up next, directing her question at Millicent

    49. ” Manna answered, directing everyone’s gaze back to the serpent, the body had continued swaying and another head was replacing the first

    50. But he stayed resolutely with his men, and, too ill to stand, I have seen him wrapped in his cape and propped above the mud and water by ammunition boxes, directing operations night and day

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    Sinonimi per "directing"

    directing directional directive guiding