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    Usa "disappointing" in una frase

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    1. Once again, this is a very disappointing effort

    2. Perhaps his/her current wild lifestyles are disappointing, frustrating, or clearly concerning

    3. brushed the primordial broth with a thought, dismissing this disappointing, barren

    4. The result was rather disappointing: Everybody failed except Mary, who “saw” that the copper statuette of Oros had been moved away from its usual place

    5. Armed with her father’s old address book, and after many disappointing telephone calls to old friends and distant relations, Annie eventually tracked down an ancient great-aunt who owned a crumbling Victorian villa that had been converted into bedsits

    6. disappointing telephone calls to old friends and distant relations,

    7. "You're disappointing me, Stevie, you really are

    8. As usual, there was the standard, disappointing “thunk” as the blade was intercepted by the staff

    9. "We are confidential about our tenants," she said, disappointing him that she backed away because her points were nice

    10. No child meant no chance to be a disappointing father

    11. In 1984, while Roger was enduring the most disappointing and humbling dejection of his diversified existence, the opportunity presented itself for him to take on a challenge that would eventually revive and transform his life once again

    12. The 1996 NAEP results for science were disappointing, but highlighted the failures of curriculum and under trained teachers

    13. “Well, now, that’s disappointing,” said the witch

    14. With the disappointing looks on everyone’s faces, you think you’ve just cost them a million dollars

    15. When that happens, Tres almost finds it disappointing

    16. Guapo told him again that he was really grateful to have been rescued and patched up for nothing in the hospital, and felt bad at disappointing him, but he really was on his last legs by then

    17. Choosing to give up would not only be disappointing herself, but also all those followers who would be tracking with her

    18. They drove to Mount Coot-tha and tramped up the track, but there was only a disappointing trickle, made even more unsatisfactory by having to share it with about a thousand others

    19. He hated disappointing Richard

    20. Whenever something happened of a disappointing nature, and the wife

    21. 3 The second night of their sojourn at Gennesaret the Master again told the apostles the parable of the sower and added these words: "You see, my children, the appeal to human feelings is transitory and utterly disappointing; the exclusive appeal to the intellect of man is likewise empty and barren; it is only by making your appeal to the spirit which lives within the human mind that you can hope to achieve lasting success and accomplish those marvelous transformations of human character that are presently shown in the abundant yielding of the genuine fruits of the spirit in the daily lives of all who are thus delivered from the darkness of doubt by the birth of the spirit into the light of faith -- the kingdom of heaven

    22. They must be aware, however, that this over-optimism can lead to unrealistic financial ventures and disappointing losses

    23. But hardly would such hopes spring up in their hearts than the Master would dash them to pieces by some crushing word or disappointing deed

    24. And so have successive believing generations lived on earth entertaining the same inspiring but disappointing hope

    25. Like the pop songs she used to strain to hear to drink in all the allegedly important content, the experience is just as disappointing and baffling

    26. Nothing! That was disappointing

    27. fear that somewhere else will be disappointing? Why?

    28. �That is disappointing to hear you are not staying

    29. Not being able to get into Iraq was disappointing but maybe he could sneak in when the fighting was at a low

    30. The visit to the party headquarters proved disappointing,

    31. Angela gave her a disappointing grimace

    32. The thought of disappointing his master flooded him with pure hatred for himself

    33. His novella, The Quiet, appeared in the anthology Not in the Brochure: Stories of a Disappointing Apocalypse and his story The Last Time I Saw My Brother Nathan appeared in A Quick Bite of Flesh: An Anthology of Zombie Flash Fiction

    34. Competing in dual meets, she finished each in a disappointing second place

    35. It was truly disappointing and this meat substitute 111

    36. Ingrid’s deep sense of strategy and her ability to accept the bitter price of war had impressed him, while the horrified looks on many of his officers’ faces was disappointing him

    37. It was the only time in his life that he had openly complained about spending money; the trip had certainly been disappointing and not at all worth the expense

    38. A sudden funereal hush passed over the spectators when the slow-moving foursome materialized from the mist as if they were able to sense the disappointing results upon failing to see an additional rider

    39. Most things in life that you build up end up disappointing you; however, seeing Anna disrobe was totally worth it and then some

    40. It's like she never left," said the man, nervous about disappointing Sergei again

    41. � After another disappointing meal at the mess, Nancy was now back at the intelligence section, ready to bid goodby to Doctor Jones

    42. which was quite disappointing, despite all the celebrated publicity

    43. disappointing and disturbing, but he was so emotionally drained from

    44. thought how disappointing this had been, the interference from

    45. The stalemate was disappointing

    46. It would certainly be disappointing if this were to be pure folly

    47. I have been a stallion with beauties and disappointing with very ordinary girls

    48. The results of this ill-planned war have been disappointing, but why weren’t people

    49. This sounds exciting and it was, but while the church continued to grow it was ultimately disappointing to me as we never began to reach the unchurched community

    50. “That was rather disappointing,” Jay said

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    Sinonimi per "disappointing"

    disappointing dissatisfactory unsatisfying ineffective insufficient unexpected uninteresting inferior discouraging