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    Usa "disbar" in una frase

    disbar frasi di esempio




    1. Among those in the dark were Judge Melvyn Shelley, the Navajo County Superior Court Judge in Holbrook, an elderly Mormon, who saved my law license by speaking up for me to Dick Segal, the SBA President, a clueless (about general practice) bond partner at Brown & Bain, who wanted to disbar me for missing court appearances about which I knew nothing

    2. Already he had started proceedings to disbar Kahn, as well as to prosecute him in the courts

    1. She quit on the spot, but did not tell me why, leaving me to hold the bag, nearly getting disbarred

    2. Like a fool, I believed him, and paid a huge price both in terms of nearly being disbarred and becoming a pariah in whose face all prospective employers’ doors were slammed

    3. disbarred, the judge laughed at us; and Stikeman Elliott said there

    4. that is disbarred to you, then

    5. Then she thought, What a perfect match! Donovan Gray and his gang who either have possession of, or access to, a treasure trove of ill-gotten documents once owned by Krull Mining, and the Kofer Group, a gang of disbarred lawyers who no doubt would bend the law again if put in a bind

    6. But of course, if I had thought of it—if I’d even asked her to do such a thing—I could have been disbarred

    1. There was talk of disbarring him

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