Usa "discomfiture" in una frase
discomfiture frasi di esempio
1. Enjoying the momentary discomfiture of her reluctantly invited guest, Aunt
2. his confusion and discomfiture in his furs, backed out of the room without another
3. She looked up quickly, momentarily forgetting her discomfiture
4. Not only the discomfiture of having to wear that something, so far below her station
5. was against his fellow, and there was a very great discomfiture
6. Theodore stuck by me, however, much to Buzun’s discomfiture
7. When the unfortunate Chabi was sent there, all were removed back to Higuey and well compensated for their discomfiture, but warned of dire consequences should they ever return
8. The Primagnon apparently took no notice of the Senator’s discomfiture, but went on with his interview
9. Aristotle would exhibit discomfiture with much of what public speaking stands for today, as would Plato and Cicero who subscribed to the same views
10. And their discomfiture was all the more apparent when they returned to Jesus, saying: "Concerning the baptism of John, we cannot answer; we do not know
11. 3 When he had thus answered these young scribes and their Herodian accomplices, they withdrew from his presence, and the people, even the Sadducees, enjoyed their discomfiture
12. Millikin chuckled at the discomfiture of Byrd and patted his shoulder in encouragement
13. “And here is another,” said Forsyth, adding to the man’s discomfiture, “which shows your agent – sorry, second secretary in your commercial department - having just replaced the phial in his pocket
14. The retrospective tax, in particular, was seen to symbolize corporate India’s discomfiture with the UPA government
15. It would be so if its moral were that, in this world, true enthusiasm naturally leads to ridicule and discomfiture
16. Don Quixote, who was not used to dismount without having the stirrup held, fancying that Sancho had by this time come to hold it for him, threw himself off with a lurch and brought Rocinante's saddle after him, which was no doubt badly girthed, and saddle and he both came to the ground; not without discomfiture to him and abundant curses muttered between his teeth against the unlucky Sancho, who had his foot still in the shackles
17. Wopsle, with a majestic remembrance of old discomfiture, assented; but
18. This was such a great fall, that I said in discomfiture, "O, more than that
19. I could make nothing of this, except that it was meant that I should make nothing of it, and I went home again in complete discomfiture
20. While Albert was lashing the front of his carriage in the same manner that he had the newspapers which were the innocent agents of his discomfiture, as he was crossing the barrier he perceived Morrel, who was walking with a quick step and a bright eye
21. This point of union was Noirtier, and it was he who had just sent for Morrel, with the request that the latter would lose no time in coming to him—a command which Morrel obeyed to the letter, to the great discomfiture of Barrois
22. Though palpably a radically altered man he was still a commanding figure though carelessly garbed as usual with that look of settled purpose which went a long way with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their vast discomfiture that their idol had feet of clay after placing him upon a pedestal which she, however, was the first to perceive
23. But although it behoved me to sink down with the rest, I was but little hurt: on the contary, I had a good laugh in my sleeve at the time; and afterwards, many a merry tumbler of toddy with my brethren, when they had recovered from their discomfiture
24. A heavy sense of discomfiture crushed him: the loss of the silver, the death of Nostromo, which was really quite a blow to his sensibilities, because he had become attached to his Capataz as people get attached to their inferiors from love of ease and almost unconscious gratitude
25. discomfiture, for Rhett had caught her fairly
26. The French, exultant as always at the discomfiture of their former friends, and transposing into their own precise terms our mistier notions from across the Channel, foretold revolution and civil war
27. No one spoke, but there was a shift in the texture of the silence, a discomfiture that passed for assent
28. Other growth stocks have been even more vulnerable to adverse developments; in some cases not only has the price fallen back but the earnings as well, thus causing a double discomfiture to those who owned them
29. This past ability to earn in excess of interest requirements constitutes the margin of safety that is counted on to protect the investor against loss or discomfiture in the event of some future decline in net income
30. Other peasants, having heard of their comrades’ discomfiture, came to town bringing rye, oats, and hay, and beat down one another’s prices to below what they had been in former days
31. In a discomfiture of this sort, Artonge exclaims, "It was not a stag, but a sorcerer
32. Venturing one day to substitute deeds for words, he turned up his cuffs, seized a plasterer's board, and having loaded his trowel without mishap, with a complacent look toward the lathing overhead, made a bold gesture thitherward; and straightway, to his complete discomfiture, received the whole contents in his ruffled bosom
33. But on this occasion the thought that I was covered with fluff contributed to my discomfiture so that, in fact, I floundered a little and dropped into being over-
34. To her surprise and, later on, her extreme discomfiture (to anticipate things) he vanished for the whole morning and did not make his appearance at the literary matinée at all, so that no one met him till evening
35. But to his discomfiture he found none of them at home except Erkel and Lyamshin
36. “I loved you, Alexey Ivanovitch; all that year at T—— I loved you—you did not observe it,” continued Pavel Pavlovitch, his voice trembling with emotion, to the great discomfiture of his companion
37. I undertook to tranquillize him, and bring him down to terms of cordial confidence and friendship, but he repelled these attempts with trenchant disdain, and, to my great discomfiture, continued to show indications of a passion, silent, indeed, as yet, but momentarily threatening to break forth
38. Nor did he dream that in the silence that followed, as he sat comfortably certain of the discomfiture of the man who had flung at him the two-edged taunt of age and childlessness, his nephew was saying to himself that surely Elenore’s father must be a reasonable man, that there must be some rational basis on which he and John Carrington could meet as friends
39. Then there might have followed a bit of swordplay; indeed, the Lady Barbara hoped there would—the affianced lover should have fought to defend his rights, the other should have fought for the privileges bestowed by the lady, and all the time the lady would have stood wringing her hands, moaning perchance, and praying for the discomfiture of the one or the other
40. It becomes us all to be equally faithful to our country, whether her arms are victorious or not; it is in times of discomfiture that the patriot's resolution and virtues are most needed